1500字范文 > 高二英语unit 11 Scientific achievement 教案_高二英语教案

高二英语unit 11 Scientific achievement 教案_高二英语教案

时间:2024-05-24 09:59:55


高二英语unit 11 Scientific achievement 教案_高二英语教案

高二英语unit 11 scientific achievement 教案

i. teaching goal

1. talk about science and scientific achievement.

2. practise expressing intentions and wishes.

3. learn about word formation (1).

4. write a persuasion essay.

ii. teaching time: four periods

the first period

teaching aims:

1. learn and master the following.

(1)new words

engineering, solar, significant, mankind, constitution

(2) everyday english s

if i got the money,i would……

my plan is to……

i hope that……

i want/wish/hope/intend/plan to……

i"d like to……"

i"m thinking of……

2. train the students" listening and speaking abilities.

3. talk about science and scientific achieve¬ment, urging the students to further under¬stand the significance of science and scien¬tific achievement and encouraging them to work hard at their lessons.

teaching important points;

1. finish the task of listening to train the students" listening ability.

2. practise expressing intentions and wishes to train the students" speaking ability.

teaching difficult points;

1. how to help the students talk in english about science and scientific achievement freely.

2. how to help the students finish the tasks of listening and speaking smoothly.

teaching methods;

1. listening and speaking to train the students" ability to use english.

2. individual, pair or group work to make every student take an active part in class.

teaching aids:

1. the multimedia

2. the blackboard

teaching procedures;

step i greetings and lead-in

greet the ss. then teacher turns on the multimedia. first, show the students a recorded programme in which the students can see the hard life people lived in the past. then show them a programme in which people live a happy and modern life. after that, teacher asks some ss up to describe what they saw in the programmes. last, write the following on the boackboard.

(bb: unit 11 scientific achievement)

first, let"s learn some new words. please look at the screen. (teacher shows the screen and deals with them with the whole class.)

engineering/ / n.工程,工程学,设计,建造

solar /  /adj.太阳的,日光的

significant // adj.意义重大的,重要的;有意义的

mankind// n.人类

neil armstrong/  /尼尔 •阿姆斯特朗(美国宇航员)
