1500字范文 > 高一英语上册单元专题复习教案_高一英语教案


时间:2020-07-30 21:04:16






your first term is sure to be manic (躁狂的),but there’s no need to panic. read the following suggestions on how to make your first months unforgetable.

wake up

you’ve just finished spending the long summer holiday and now is the time to wake up and ready to work hard.

eat properly

eat fruit and vegetables every day, eat breakfast and avoid (避免) fatty, salty food; they all lead to a happier and healthier you.

check stock

make sure you’ve got everything you need, such as textbooks, pens, pencils, paper and anything else that’s specific to your lessons.

question everything

don’t be in a “why am i here?” way, but try to get your head around anything you’ve not sure of. for example, if you don’t understand something that has come up in a textbook, ask your teachers.

write stuff

early on it’s worth making even more notes than you might usually, just to make sure you don’t miss anything that you will need later. as you progress you’ll get a better idea of how many notes you need to make.

compare notes

once you have made those notes, why not discuss them with your classmates? it’s a good way to get to know them better and make sure you haven’t missed anything in the process.

get involved (参与)

when you sign up for all those clubs, don’t forget to go along to them! this is a chance to meet new people and learn new things.


let friends and relatives know how you’re getting on, while it’s also good to hear from the people you love. however, don’t go home on your first weekend if you live at the school; settle in your new surroundings first.

1. the underlined word “panic” in paragragh 1 can be replaced by “_____”

a. be enthusiastic b. be disappointed c. be amazing d.be afraid and anxious

2. what’s the writer’s purpose of giving suggestions to the new students?

a. to make them eat properly.

b. to make them make as many notes as possible.

c. to make their first term memorable and colorful.

d. to tell them to campare notes with their classmates.

3. what does the underlined word “it” in paragraph 7 refer to?

a. to get to know your lessons better. b. to discuss your notes with your classmates.

c. to make sure you have’t missed anything in the process. d. to make your notes.

4. which of the following can be filled in the blank of paragragh 9?

a. phone home. b. eat out. c. go home. d. make friends.
