1500字范文 > 六年级英语对话复习材料_小学六年级英语教案


时间:2020-05-17 11:23:39



english dialogue reviews


a: hi, tom. who’s the boy over there?

b: he’s my friend, jim.

a: is he a new student?

b: yes, he is. come here, jim. this is mike.

c: how do you do, mike.

a: how do you do? how old are you?

c: i’m eleven.

a: me, too. oh, it’s time for school (it’s time to go to school.).

c: can i go with you?

a: sure. let’s go.


t: who’s on duty today?

s1: i am.

t: is everyone here? (are you all here?)

s1: no, jim is not.

t: where’s he?

s1: he’s in the teachers’ office.

t: go and get him, please.

s1: ok/ all right.

s2: may i come in, miss gao?

t: come in, please. now look at the blackboard. read the numbers from ten to twenty.

ss: all right/yes.

t: jim, it’s your turn to read. read these words.

s2: all right.


a: can i help you?

b: yes, please.

a: what do you want?

b: i want a dress for my daughter.

a: how about this red one?

b: it’s very nice. how much is it?

a: it’s fifty yuan.

b: i take it. here you are.

a: thank you. goodbye.


a: excuse me, how can i get to the post office? (where is the post office?)

b: sorry, i don’t know. go and ask him.

a: do you know the way to the post office?

c: it’s over there, beside/near the bank of china. this way, please.

a: thank you very much.

c: you’re welcome/ it’s my pleasure/ that’s all right.


a: what’s the time, ann?

b: it’s four o’clock. it’s time to go to the park.

a: let’s go.

b: look at these flowers. how beautiful! i like red flowers.

a: me, too. let’s get some.

b: please don’t.

a: i’m sorry.


a: welcome to my home, ann. sit down and have some apples, please.

b: thanks. how’s your mother?

a: she’s very fine.

b: what’s her job?

a: she’s a doctor. look, she has many photos.

b: she looks young and beautiful.

a: thank you.

b: whose photos are they? are they yours?

a: yes, they’re mine.

b: you’re very lovely.

a: thank you very much.


ss: happy birthday, lily and lucy! these are for you.

lily & lucy: thank you.

lily: which is for me, this one or that one?

ss: the red one.

lily: let’s open it. there’s a toy boat in it. i’ll put it on the desk. i like this present.

lucy: come on! let’s have the cake.

ss: all right.


t: this is our new friend, alice.

ss: nice to meet you, alice.

a: nice to meet you!

s1: where are you from?

a: i’m from america. but i can speak english and chinese.

s2: that’s great! what class are you in?

a: i’m in class one, grade six.

s2: we’re in the same grade, but in different classes.

a: i’m sorry.
