1500字范文 > 肺肾阴亏 Deficiency of Yin of both Lung and Kidney英语短句 例句大全

肺肾阴亏 Deficiency of Yin of both Lung and Kidney英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-07 06:00:16


肺肾阴亏 Deficiency of Yin of both Lung and Kidney英语短句 例句大全

肺肾阴亏,Deficiency of Yin of both Lung and Kidney

1)Deficiency of Yin of both Lung and Kidney肺肾阴亏

2)deficiency of yin in the liver and kidney肝肾阴亏

1.By studing etiology,pathomechanism,pathological change and clinical symptoms of ischemic apoplexy,it is pointed out that the fundamental pathomechanism of the disease isdeficiency of yin in the liver and kidney.从病因、发病机制、病理变化和临床症状等方面论述肝肾阴亏是缺血性脑卒中的基本病机,认为肝肾阴亏成于脑卒中之先,是脑卒中发病的基础,既病之后贯穿于脑卒中的整个病理过程。

3)kidney Yin deficiency type肾阴亏虚

1.[Objective]To observe the clinical effect on peri-climacteric syndrome ofkidney Yin deficiency type treated with Qinggu Powder.[目的]观察清骨散治疗围绝经期综合征肾阴亏虚型的临床疗效。


1.Clinical study on pulse condition of kidney qi deficiency and kidney yin def iciency syndrome肾气不足证与肾阴亏虚证的中医脉象信息临床观察研究

2.The Addition and Subtraction of Guishen Wan to the Treatment of Perimenopausal Syndrome (Liver Kidney-yin Deficiency, Blood Loss Less Refined Card) Clinical Study归肾丸加减治疗围绝经期综合征(肝肾阴虚、精亏血少证)的临床研究

3.The Clinical Research on the Chinese Medical Manifestation of "Deficiency of Kidney-essence" of the Vascular Dementia;血管性痴呆肾精亏虚证体征临床研究

4.The Clinical Study on the Treatment for "AA" (The Type of the Loss of the Kidney Essence and the Deficiency of Blood) with "Bu Shenyangxue" Decoction;补肾养血胶囊治疗斑秃(肾亏血虚型)的临床研究

5.Characteristics of TCM Syndrome in Kidney-YIN Deficiency of IgA NephropathyIgA肾病肾阴虚证患者的证候特征分析

6.Establishment of cDNA Substractive Library from Kidney-yin Deficiency Patients with IgA NephropathyIgA肾病肾阴虚证cDNA文库的构建

7.The Comparative Study on Gene Expression of Kidney-YIN Deficiency and Kidney-YANG Deficiency肾阴虚证和肾阳虚证基因表达谱的比较研究

8.Clinical Research on SuanzaorenTang Treating Insomnia with Ganyinkuixu加味酸枣仁汤治疗肝阴亏虚型失眠的临床研究

9.Clinical Study on Treatment of Fracture Healing with Gubao Pellet;骨宝丸促进骨折愈合(肝肾亏虚型)的临床研究

10.3. To some extent there exist differences in Kidney Yang- and Yin-deficiency,blood stasis upon Kidney-deficiency and deficiency of Kidney-energy,contrasted between the two groups of Colombian and Chinese aged.3两组样本在肾刚虚、肾阴虚,肾虚血瘀、肾气虚证型上有差异,其余证型无差异。

11.Rusults: The syndrome could be divided into3 types: Ganweibuhe, Weiyinkuixu and Piweixuhan.结果:胃炎(脘痛)床证候可分为三类:肝胃不和、阴亏虚、胃虚寒。

12.These people are manifesting red face constitution of Liver/ Kidney Yin vacuity.表现为面色发红,肝肾阴虚的体质特征。

13.Women with a weak constitution should take medicines with the effect of replenishing vital essence, tonifying kidney-yin and nourishing the Bone marrow.女子体虚,宜眼补肾滋阴,填精益髓之药。

14.Study on the Micro Syndrome Differentiation of Deficiency of Both Qi and Yin Syndrome in Patients with IgA Nephropathy;IgA肾病气阴两虚证的微观辨证研究

15.Construction of cDNA Subtractive Library of Kidney Yin Deficiency Syndrome of Diabetic Mellitus;糖尿病肾阴虚证cDNA消减文库的构建

16.The Clinical Study on Treating IgA Nephropathy with Yishenzhixue Tang;益肾汤治疗IgA肾病气阴两虚型的临床观察

17.To Construct DNA Subtractive Library of Kidney Yin Deficiency Syndrome of Lupus Nephropathy;狼疮性肾炎肾阴虚证DNA消减文库的构建

18.Clinical Investigation of ManShenKangin Treating Chronic Glomerulonephritis;慢肾康治疗慢性肾炎气阴两虚型的临床研究


deficiency of yin in the liver and kidney肝肾阴亏

1.By studing etiology,pathomechanism,pathological change and clinical symptoms of ischemic apoplexy,it is pointed out that the fundamental pathomechanism of the disease isdeficiency of yin in the liver and kidney.从病因、发病机制、病理变化和临床症状等方面论述肝肾阴亏是缺血性脑卒中的基本病机,认为肝肾阴亏成于脑卒中之先,是脑卒中发病的基础,既病之后贯穿于脑卒中的整个病理过程。

3)kidney Yin deficiency type肾阴亏虚

1.[Objective]To observe the clinical effect on peri-climacteric syndrome ofkidney Yin deficiency type treated with Qinggu Powder.[目的]观察清骨散治疗围绝经期综合征肾阴亏虚型的临床疗效。

4)YIN-deficiency of the lung and kidney肺肾阴虚

5)Asthenia of Kidney-Yin and deficiency of Qi肾阴亏虚兼气虚

6)syndrome of yin deficiency of lung and kidney肺肾阴虚证


肺肾阴亏fei-shen yinkui肺肾阴亏Deficiency of Yin of both Lung and Kidney肺肾两脏阴津亏损,临床以腰膝酸软,潮热盗□,咳嗽痰血等为主要表现的证。又称肺肾阴虚证。常见于咳嗽、哮喘、失音、虚劳、消渴,以及西医的慢性支气管炎、肺结核、肺癌、慢性咽喉炎、糖尿病等疾病。肺与肾为金水相生的母子关系,生理上两者阴液相互滋生,病理上又彼此影响,因而肺肾阴亏证的致病原因较为复杂。有因年老体弱,素体肺肾之阴亏虚,或温热病后期,邪热灼伤肺肾阴液,而成肺肾阴液不足者;也有先见肺阴虚,日久累及肾阴,或肾阴先亏,病久复见肺阴亏虚者。由肺及肾者,多为燥邪伤肺,或邪热恋肺,或烟熏灼肺,或久咳久喘,肺阴受损,肺金不能生肾水,日久母病及子,而成肺肾阴亏证;由肾及肺者,多为禀赋不足,素体肾亏,或房劳不节,耗伤肾阴,或久病虚劳,真阴先亏,子病累母,而致肺肾阴液俱不足。肺肾阴亏的临床表现主要有三方面:①肺阴虚的表现,如干咳少痰,或痰中带血,声音嘶哑;②阴虚内热、虚火上炎的一般表现,如形体消瘦,口燥咽干,五心烦热,骨蒸潮热,颧红盗□,舌红少苔,脉细数等;③肾阴虚的表现,如腰膝酸软,男子遗精,女子月经不调。肺肾阴亏证的治疗以滋养肺肾之阴为基本治法,根据其出现于不同疾病中,可随证选用月华丸、生脉散合七味都气丸、百合固金汤、麦味地黄汤等。(陆云飞)
