1500字范文 > 证候分布规律 the syndrome distribution regularity英语短句 例句大全

证候分布规律 the syndrome distribution regularity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-21 11:23:39


证候分布规律 the syndrome distribution regularity英语短句 例句大全

证候分布规律,the syndrome distribution regularity

1)the syndrome distribution regularity证候分布规律

1.Objective: To summarize the clinical symptoms ,objective signs and medical histories and to explore the TCM pathogenic factors and pathogenesis andthe syndrome distribution regularity of Endometriosis(EMT).目的:总结子宫内膜异位症(简称内异症)患者的临床症状、体征及病史资料,探讨其发病的病因病机和证候分布规律。


1.The Chinese Medical Syndrome of State of Evil Domination Distributing Rule and Analysis in Chronic Renal Failure慢性肾衰竭中医邪实证证候分布规律

2.The Study on the Distributive Regulation of TCM Symptom-sign in Lupus Nephritis Patients;狼疮性肾炎中医证候分布规律的研究

3.The Research of Distributed Regularity of Traditional Chinese Medical Syndrome in Motor Neuron Disease;运动神经元病的中医证候分布规律研究

4.The Study on Regulation of TCM Sympton-sign in Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease;胃食管反流病中医证候分布规律的初步研究

5.The Study of Distribute Regulation of TCM Symptom-sign in Chronic Renal Failure Patients;慢性肾功能衰竭中医证候分布规律调查性研究

6.Distribution of TCM Syndrome in Perioperation of Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting;冠脉搭桥手术围术期中医证候分布规律

7.Discussion on the Regulation of Distribution According to Traditional Chinese Symptomatology for Suffering of HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) Infection of Uterine Cervix;宫颈HPV感染者中医证候分布规律的探讨

8.Disposition Rule of Syndrome Differentiation in Traditional Chinese Medicine in Chronic Pelvic Inflammatory Disease in Guangzhou Area;广州地区慢性盆腔炎中医证候分布规律研究

9.The Study on Syndromes of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Patients after Gynecologic Abdominal Surgery;妇科腹部手术后中医证候分布规律的研究

10.Disposition Rule of Syndrome Differentiation in Traditional Chinese Medicine in Pelcic Inflammatory Disease of Chronically Repeatedly Attacked盆腔炎反复发作中医证候分布规律的研究

11.Study on Distribution Rules of Clinical Symptom of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Hyperprolactinemia高催乳素血症的中医临床证候分布规律的研究

12.Study of distribution law of TCM syndromes on first-diagnosis of lung cancer肺癌初诊患者的中医证候分布规律研究

13.Research on Distributional Rule of Types of Syndromes and Quantitative Diagnosis on the Common Types of Syndromes in Crowds of Psychological Stress;心理应激人群中医证候分布规律及常见证型计量诊断的初步研究

14.Study on TCM Syndrome Patterns and Distribution of Postmenopausal Osteoporosis in South Sichuan/绝经后女性骨质疏松症中医证型及证候分布规律的研究

15.Study on Related Factors of Pathogen and Distribution Regularity of TCM Syndromes in Different Stages of Eczema;湿疹发病相关因素和不同分期中医证候分布规律的研究

16.Clinical Epidemiological Investigation and Research of Syndrome Distribution Law in Chinese Medicine of 2060 Cases of Primary Liver Carcinoma2060例原发性肝癌中医证候分布规律的临床流行病学调查研究

17.The Study on the Regularity of Symptoms and Signs of TCM in Chronic Renal Failure and the Mechanism of the Therapy of Repleninshing Qi Promoting Blood Circulation and Eliminating Poisonous Pathogenic Factors;慢性肾衰竭证候分布规律及益气活血蠲毒法机制探讨

18.TO Approach the Distinct Phenotype of Distribution Regularity of the Symptom of the Traditional Chinese Medicine of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome;多囊卵巢综合征不同表型的中医证候分布规律的探讨


Syndrome principle证候规律

3)Syndrome distribution证候分布

1.This article is mainly about the Pathogeny,pathogenesis,syndrome distribution,and treatment disciplines of rheumatoid arthritis.对类风湿关节炎(RA)的病因病机、证候分布、治疗思路方面的研究进展进行了综述。

4)Evolution law of syndrome证候演变规律

1.Evolution law of syndromes in VMC were studied by using Data Mining methods ,such as frequency counts, clustering analysis, cross-tab analysis, transition probability matrix and constituent ratio.采用频数统计及聚类分析、交叉列联分析、构成比、转移概率矩阵等数据挖掘方法,利用SAS统计软件,对病毒性心肌炎的证候进行系统研究,探讨该病的病因、病机特点,总结其证候特征,分析该病在发展过程中的证候演变规律。

5)changes of syndromes证候变化规律

6)Syndrome discipline of Chinese medicine中医证候规律


矛盾规律(见对立统一规律)矛盾规律(见对立统一规律)law of contradictionmQOCun gu】j口、矛盾规律(lawof eon‘radietion)统一规律。见叶主
