1500字范文 > 科技园区 Science and technology park英语短句 例句大全

科技园区 Science and technology park英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-20 23:50:00


科技园区 Science and technology park英语短句 例句大全

科技园区,Science and technology park

1)Science and technology park科技园区

1.Theoretical and practical investigation on the construction and development of agricultural science and technology park at national level in Zhangzhou;漳州国家级农业科技园区建设与发展的理论与实践探讨

2.Study on the Construction and the Evaluation Index System of Modern Agricultural Science and Technology Park;现代农业科技园区建设及其评价指标体系研究

3.Against the background of knowledge economy,this essay discussed the new thoughts,new model and new tendency in the development of science and technology parks under the impact of business,social and urban development.本文讨论了在知识经济时代 ,面对商务、社会以及城市发展的冲击 ,科技园区发展中出现的许多新思想、新模式和新趋


1.(10) Zhongguancun Science and Technology Park Zone(十)中关村科技园区

2.Discussion on regional economy development and strategy of vitalizing regions by science and education;区域经济、科技园区与科教兴区战略


4.Integrating S&T Resources in High Institutions and Developing S&T Parks of the University;整合高校科技资源 发展大学科技园区

5.Technological innovation capacity evaluation summarize of Science Park;科技园区区域技术创新能力评价综述

6.Zhongguancun High-Tech Park maintained rapid growth.中关村“一区五园”科技园区继续高速发展。


8.Research on the Demonstration-promotion Ability of Agricultural S&T Parks for Region Economy;区域农业科技园区示范带动能力研究

9.A Comparison between Hefei New High-tech Area and the Tech-Garden of Zhong guan Village;合肥高新区与中关村科技园区之比较

10.Technology Support System Construction of the Agricultural Science and Technology Park (ASTP);农业科技园区技术支撑体系建设研究

11.Theoretic Analysis of Technology Park and Studies on the Development of Technology Parks in Fujian;科技园区的理论分析与福建省科技园区发展的探讨

12.On Deng Xiao-ping s Scientific and Technological Thought and the Development of Hi-tech Zones in China;邓小平科技思想与我国高科技园区发展

13.On Correlation between Enterprises and Park of Agricultural Science and Technology;农业科技企业与农业科技园区互动发展研究

14.A Study on the Technological Innovation and Development of Culture Creative Industries in the Hi-tech Park;科技创新与科技园区文化创意产业发展研究

15.The illumination with High-tech Manufacturing Industry of Hsinchu Science Park;新竹科技园区高科技制造业的发展启示

16.Technological innovation and technology park cultural development of creative industries科技创新与科技园区文化创意产业发展

17.Studies on the Functions, Exploiting Models & Operating Mechanism of Agricultural Science & Technology Park;农业科技园区:功能定位、建园模式与运行机制

18.The Comparative Analysis of Developing Pattern of Hsinchu Science-based Industrial Park and Zhongguancun Science Park;新竹科学工业园区与中关村科技园区发展模式的比较分析


science park科技园区

1.A Study of the Internationalized Science Park Platform Management Solutions:New Interpretations of Zhongguancun;国际化科技园区平台管理对策研究:一个“中关村”新解

2.On theoretical and realistic basis and tendency of universityscience park;大学科技园区理论与现实基础及发展趋势

3.Japanese government set up Tsukuba Science City aiming to solve the over-centralization of Tokyo and to have ascience parkce.筑波研究学园城市通过聚集效应提高了科技研究开发能力,同时也存在着一些问题和不足,其经验教训对中国科技园区和首都北京的规划与建设具有重要的借鉴意义。

3)science and technological parks科技园区

1.Study on the Correlation between Influence Factors of Technical Innovation Ability in Science and Technological Parks and Performance;科技园区技术创新能力的影响因素与绩效的关系研究

2.Therefore,the devotion of R&D funds and R&D personnel,system construction ofscience and technological parks,government s preferential poli.在归纳总结国内外有关技术创新能力影响因素和技术创新绩效方面的研究成果的基础上,对科技园区技术创新能力影响因素与绩效的关系进行实证研究。

3.Technological innovation capability ofscience and technological parks in the west of china is a decisive factor of regional economic growth and competition,whose power is an important measure of weighing regional technological innovation strength.科技园区技术创新能力是区域经济增长和竞争的决定性因素,其强弱是衡量一个区域技术创新实力的重要尺度。

4)Scientific and technological park region科技园区

1.Intelligent Evaluation of Innovative Ability for State Scientific and Technological Park Region;中国科技园区域创新能力的智能评价

2.After a great amount of investigations of foreign and domestic scientific and technological park regions the paper presents a concept of regional ability to innovate.创新是科技园区的灵魂 ,科技园区的本质特征体现在区域创新能力上。

5)tech park科技园区

1.Research on the Correlation Between First-class University and Tech Park;一流大学与科技园区的相关性

2.It is a necessary choice for the industrial clusters andtech park to inter-act with each other.产业集群与科技园区互动是高新技术产业发展的必然选择。

6)High-tech parks高科技园区

1.This paper mainly discusses the design ways of informal communication space in high-tech parks.主要探讨高科技园区非正式交流空间的景观设计方法。

2.Corporate aggregation can help form a big and sustainable competitive advantage,so strategy about aggregation is sure to be an effective model for the develoment of high-tech parks,despite some barriers concerning policy system and mechanism arising in the process of aggregation.企业集群会形成强劲、持续的竞争优势,集群化战略是高科技园区发展的一种有效模式。

3.The high-tech parks is efficient for offering various enterprises opportunities,motivates the technological innovation and promotes the industrial aggregation.高科技园区的效率在于它为各类企业提供了机会,鼓励技术创新,促进了产业集聚,而要达到这个目标,关键在于园区结合不同产业发展阶段的特点,提供完善的服务体系。


公主岭市国家农业科技园区 公主岭市国家农业科技园区吉林公主岭国家农业科技园区于2001年9月3日经国家科技部批准建立,是全国首批确定的21个国家农业科技园区(试点)之一。2001年12月27日,吉林省人民政府批复将园区纳入省级开发区管理序列,享有省级经济管理权限。2002年9月5日,省政府专门成立了以常务副省长王儒林为组长、省直部门和四平市政府等24个成员单位参加的园区建设领导小组,负责园区建设的领导、组织和协调工作。 园区位于松辽平原腹地的吉林省公主岭市,核心区面积20.07平方公里,人口4.5万人,机关事业单位35个,国有和民营企业345家。这里粮食资源丰富,交通通讯便捷,科技基础雄厚,是东北粮食主产区农业发展和科技创新的典型代表。

图片列表门票价格交通提示相临景点二郎山庄 伊通火山群国家级自然保护区介绍 满族民俗馆 二龙湖古城遗址 山门水库风景区 叶赫风景区 四平战役纪念馆 偏脸城 叶赫那拉城 转山湖水库 公主岭市国家农业科技园区 伽蓝寺
