1500字范文 > 网上物流市场 Online Logistics Market英语短句 例句大全

网上物流市场 Online Logistics Market英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-01 08:56:43


网上物流市场 Online Logistics Market英语短句 例句大全

网上物流市场,Online Logistics Market

1)Online Logistics Market网上物流市场

1.This paper is one branch of the project named "Research on NingboOnline Logistics Market",and it is the main part of the research on the operating mechanism of the online logistics market.本文是宁波网上物流市场创新研究项目之子课题——网上物流市场运行机制研究的重要组成部分。

2)Online shopping market网上购物市场


parison Study of Online Shopping Market between China and Korea;中韩两国网上购物市场状况比较研究

2.Research Methodology of Online Shopping Market Survey and Analysis网络购物市场统计调查与分析的方法研究

3.Online shopping will closely resemble walking through store aisles and departments.网上购物则可能会与真正在商场穿行选购相差无几。

4.I like go shopping in the supermarket .我喜欢到超级市场购物。

5.Buying on line is different from buying in the store.但上网购物和在商店购物是不同的。

6.Have you ever done shopping online?你在网上购过物吗?

7.I"m not used to doing shopping online.我不习惯于网上购物。

8.Shopping online is really easy and fast.网上购物确实快捷方便。

work Shopping Realized by the ColdFusion Technology;用ColdFusion技术实现网上购物

10.Just as its name implies, online shopping is to conduct the shopping activities online.顾名思义,"网上购物"就是购物活动在网上进行。

11.Developing Chinese Tourism Shopping Market Must Emphasize Marketing Research And Study;加强市场调研,开发我国旅游购物市场

12.A Study on the Influence Factors of Consumer Online Shopping in China基于我国市场环境下消费者网络购物影响因素分析

13.Also, Tai Koo Shing has many amenities such as a grand shopping mall. wonderful playground, residents club, four standard tennis courts and a few supermarkets.而且屋村设施齐备:有大型购物商场.儿童游乐场.住客会所.四个标准网球场,超级市场等.

14.Also, Ta-guan Garden has many amenities such as a grand shopping mall, wonderful playground, residents club, four standard tennis courts and few supermarkets.而且大观园设施齐全:有大型购物商场、童游乐场、客会所、个标准网球场、级市场等。

15.We can also buy stamps at the "Shopping Mall".「购物坊」更提供网上购买邮票的服务。

16.The more frequent the times of shopping on line, the less accompanied risks of online shopping.网上购物次数越多,认为网络购物伴随风险越小。

17.Cybersellers have to develop an environment of trust.网上销售人员要让顾客信任网上购物。

18.Analysis on elements affecting willingness for Internet purchase-empirical evidence from 13 cities in Jiangsu Province;网上购物意愿的影响因素分析——基于江苏省13市的经验证据


Online shopping market网上购物市场

3)online market网上市场

4)logistics market物流市场

1.Analyzing Logistics market of Guilin Ginkgo桂林市白果物流市场问题探析

2.Highway overload is very harmful to the damage oflogistics market and enterprise s development.超载对物流市场和企业发展造成了极大的危害,“治超”将引发物流企业和个人经营方式的变化。

3.Based on the deep investigation in port area which is both centralized industry zone and logistics hub,the paper collects detailed data,carries out thorough analysis and precise market forecast to the structure and capacity of dangerous chemicals containerlogistics market.以在具有区域性产业集聚和物流辐射作用的某港区开展深入而专业的调查为基础,对集装箱危险化学品物流市场构成和容量问题进行了详尽的数据采集、周密的专业分析和严谨的市场预测,完成了具有开创意义的探索。

5)online technology market网上技术市场

1.This paper discusses the development and the current situation ofonline technology markets.介绍网上技术市场的发展历史和现状,特别是浙江网上技术市场江北区分市场的基本构架和信息交流功能、市场创新特色、市场电子商务模式、市场组织管理、市场成效分析等,并针对浙江网上技术市场江北区分市场存在的问题,提出解决措施和建议。

2.This paper takes the China Zhejiang Online Technology Market as an example to discuss the development pattern ofonline technology market in the perspective of orientation and impetus,and investigates its operation management system in three aspects,i.网上技术市场正逐步发展成为技术交易的主要形式。

6)spatial network markets网上空间市场


证券发行市场(一级市场、初级市场) 证券发行市场(一级市场、初级市场)——证券发行市场又称一级市场或初级市场,是发行人以筹集资金为目的,按照一定的法律规定和发行程序,向投资者出售新证券所形成的市场。证券发行市场作为一个抽象的市场,其买卖成交活动并不局限于一个固定的场所。
