1500字范文 > 楼梯扶手弯头 stair handrail elbow英语短句 例句大全

楼梯扶手弯头 stair handrail elbow英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-16 11:59:30


楼梯扶手弯头 stair handrail elbow英语短句 例句大全

楼梯扶手弯头,stair handrail elbow

1)stair handrail elbow楼梯扶手弯头

1.This paper discussed the status of domestic and international process technology and equipment of woodenstair handrail elbow,and put forward the developing direction on process technology of woodenstair handrail elbow will toward to numerical control,scale,flexibility.在论述目前国内外木制楼梯扶手弯头加工技术与设备发展现状的基础上,提出了木制楼梯扶手弯头加工技术应朝着数控化、规模化、柔性化的方向发展。

2.The reverse figuration side ofstair handrail elbows is a process base for subsequent processing.木制楼梯扶手弯头反面成型面是木制楼梯扶手弯头后序加工的工艺基准。


1.The Industrialization Prospect and Benefit Forecast of Wooden Stair Handrail Elbow NC Process in Our Country;我国木制楼梯扶手弯头数控加工的工业化前景与效益预测

2.Curve Mathematical Model and Simulation of Wooden Staircase Handrail Elbow End Section木制楼梯扶手弯头端截面曲线的数学模型与仿真

3.The Specific CNC Machine Tool Overall Design of Wooden Staircase Handrail Bend木制楼梯扶手弯头专用数控加工机床的总体设计

4.Applacation of NC technique and equipment in processing wood staircase handrail bend数控技术与设备在木制楼梯扶手弯头生产中的应用

5.Then take the escalator up to the second floor.然后乘手扶电梯上二楼。

6.A post that supports a handrail at the bottom or at the landing of a staircase.楼梯柱在楼梯底部支撑扶手的地方

7.This sentence can be paraphrased as though very simple and crude, the stairway unexpectedly had a handrail that seemed not well matched with the crudeness of it.(一段楼梯已经磨损,溜滑的木质楼梯直通楼上,楼梯居然还装有扶手。)

8.One of the vertical supports of a handrail on a staircase.楼梯栏杆小柱楼梯扶手的垂直支撑之一

9.Single-flight staircase. Handrails and stair break can be shown or hidden.单段楼梯。可显示或隐藏扶手和楼梯坡折。

10.Meaning: At the bottom he slid unsteadily and fell directly on a strong and fat gentleman who was going to climb up the stairs.在楼梯尽头,他从扶手上跌下来,与一个正要上楼梯的矮胖的绅士撞了个满怀。

11.The boys amused themselves by sliding down the banister.男孩们从楼梯扶手滑下以取乐。

12.Resizable handrail for staircases. Place against wall.可调整长短的楼梯扶手。靠墙放置。

13.Boys like to slide down Banisters男孩子喜欢顺着楼梯的扶手往下滑。

14.children sliding down the banister沿楼梯扶手往下滑的孩子们.

15.Clutch stair armrest, move carefully step by step.抓紧楼梯扶手,一步步谨慎地移动。

16.She grasped hold of the banister to support herself.她抓住楼梯扶手以支撑住自己的身体。

17."Traditional wooden staircases are constructed with stringers, Beams inclined to the angle of the staircase. Stringers are supported by newel posts, which also support the handrail, forming a Balustrade. "踏阶设在依楼梯角度倾斜的楼梯侧板之间,楼梯侧板支在立柱上,立柱也支承楼梯扶手和栏杆。

18."Vacuum upholstered furniture, curtains, banister, lampshades and books with brush attachment. Clean bugs out of light fixtures."将吸尘器安上刷子头,清扫皮面或布面家具、窗帘、楼梯扶手、灯罩和书籍。清除灯具里的虫子。


staircase handrail bend楼梯扶手弯头

1.Applacation of NC technique and equipment in processing woodstaircase handrail bend数控技术与设备在木制楼梯扶手弯头生产中的应用

2.The simulation results show that the mathematical models have good precision,versatility and practicality,and lay the theoretical foundation for thestaircase handrail bend processing system\"s development.木制楼梯扶手弯头是一种空间复杂曲面加工的木制典型工件。

3)Wooden staircase handrail bend木制楼梯扶手弯头

4)Balustrade; hand rail楼梯扶手


6)right hand stairway右扶手楼梯


