1500字范文 > 平等教育权利 the equal right to education英语短句 例句大全

平等教育权利 the equal right to education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-21 08:20:59


平等教育权利 the equal right to education英语短句 例句大全

平等教育权利,the equal right to education

1)the equal right to education平等教育权利


1.Education of the Floating Population s Children on the Basis of Equal Education Rights;平等教育权利视野下的城市流动人口子女教育

2.Education Fair:the Dynamic Force of Carry out the Equality of Nationality Education Right;教育公平:实现民族教育权利平等的基础

3.From Equality of Right to Equality of Opportunity: the Slot of Educational Equity in New China;从权利平等到机会均等——新中国教育公平的轨迹

4.-- Women enjoy equal rights with men with respect to culture and education.--妇女享有与男子平等的文化教育权利。

5.Women enjoy equal rights with men with respect to culture and education.——妇女享有与男子平等的文化教育权利。

6.On Eliminating the Difference in Education--Educational Equality’s Request;消除教育中的差异——教育权利平等实现的要求

7.Adopting Powerful Measures to Promote the Rights and Equal Opportunity of Education in Children with Disabilities--The Sixth Comment on Equity in Disabled Children Education;采取有力措施,促进残疾儿童教育权利平等和机会公平——六论残疾儿童教育公平

8.Freedom,Equality and Human Rights:An Interpretation of the Attributes of the Right to Education自由、平等、人权:受教育权属性解读

9.The Status Quo and Its Causes of the Realization of Equal Education Right Through Entrance-Examination;从高考移民看我国平等受教育权利实现的现状及原因分析

10.Analyses and Countermeasures of the Problems in Protecting the Equal Right to Education of the Children Living with the Rural Migrant Workers in Cities保障进城务工人员随迁子女平等受教育权利的问题分析与对策

11.Studies on the Constitutional Protection of the Right of Educational Equality of Rural Students;农村学生教育平等权的宪法保障研究

12.On How to Safeguard the Right of Receiving Education of Peasant Laborers Children;论如何保障农民工子女平等受教育权

13.On the Same Status of Law of Private School and Public School;论民办教育中“平等权”的保障机制

14.Legal Guarantee of the Equal Educational Right of Farmer Workers Children;农民工子女平等受教育权之法律保障

15.Jurisprudential Analysis On The Equality Of Right To Education Of Farmers Children;农民工子女平等受教育权之法理分析

16.The Review on the Realization of Equality of Right to Receive Education for Chinese Citizens;对我国公民受教育权平等实现的审视

17.On Equal Rights of Schooling for College Students from Minority Nationalities;论民族大学生教育平等权的具体表现

18.In order to construct the harmonious society we should develop education firstly, and try our best to assure people of equitable rights to be educated.构建和谐社会,必须优先发展教育,最大限度地保障公民享有平等受教育的权利。


the equal right to receive education平等受教育权利

3)Educational Rights Equality教育权利平等

4)equal schooling right平等教育权

5)equality of opportunity in receiving education教育权平等

6)the right of educational equality教育平等权

1.Scholars have recognized thatthe right of educational equality is one of the important parts of constitutional rights.宪法学界对受教育权的研究已经相当丰富,并认识到教育平等权是其中的一个重要内容,但是以农村学生为主体的教育平等权研究并不多见。


