1500字范文 > 制动电阻 braking resistor英语短句 例句大全

制动电阻 braking resistor英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-09 04:23:53


制动电阻 braking resistor英语短句 例句大全

制动电阻,braking resistor

1)braking resistor制动电阻

1.Development of temperature monitor bridge forbraking resistor;桥式制动电阻温度监控装置的研制

2.The calculation of torque, frequencg converter capacity andbraking resistors are worked out according to load torque diagram and speed curve in this paper.介绍了日本富士G7型变频器的应用,并根据负载的力矩图,速度图做了力矩、变频器容量和制动电阻的计算。

3.The calculation method of the regenerative braking energy are given as well as the design method of the groundbraking resistor.简要介绍了中低速磁悬浮列车的制动特性及再生制动能量的分配,给出了再生制动能量的计算方法及地面制动电阻的设计方法。


1.Determination of Regenerative Braking Resistance of AC-DC-AC Inverter交—直—交变频器再生制动电阻的确定

2.Switched Reluctance Motor Active Damping Control for Engine Idle Speed Oscillation发动机怠速脉动开关磁阻电机主动阻尼控制

3.Research on the Control of Switched Reluntance Starter/Generator;开关磁阻电机起动/发电控制技术研究

4.large motor start blocking control大容量电动机起动阻塞控制

5.Analysis and Reduction of Vibration in Switched Reluctance Motor;开关磁阻电动机振动分析及控制研究

6.Study on Switched Reluctance Motor Driving System;开关磁阻电动机驱动控制系统的研究

7.Research of Switched Reluctance Machine Controller for Hybrid Electric Vehicle;混合动力电动车用开关磁阻电机控制系统研究

8.Research on Switch Reluctance Motor Power Control Technology Based on DSPDSP控制开关磁阻电动机电力控制技术研究

9.Study on the Control Strategy for Switched Reluctance Motor Drive in Mid-Speed;中速开关磁阻电动机控制策略的研究

10.Digital Signal Processing Solutions for the Switched Reluctance Motor;基于DSP的开关磁阻电动机控制系统

11.The Design of 4kW Switched Reluctance Motor Control and Drive System4kW开关磁阻电机控制与驱动系统设计

12.Study on Switched Reluctance Motor Tractiving Shearer Control System开关磁阻电动机牵引采煤机控制系统

13.Study on Semi-Active Control of Automobile Suspension with Electro-Rheological Damping汽车悬架电流变阻尼半主动控制研究

14.A New Method of Motor Braking Based on Resistant Energy Loss and Double-Frequency基于电阻能耗制动和双频制动的新型电机制动方法

15.Optimal Energy Input on ER/MR Damper for Passive Control of Inclined Cable Vibration斜拉索振动被动控制中电/磁流变阻尼器的最优阻尼器能量输入

16.Fuzzy Control of SRM for Mining Locomotive Haulage煤矿电机车模糊控制开关磁阻电动机调速系统

17.Control of Electric Vehicle Based on Switched Reluctance Drive;基于开关磁阻电机的电动车控制器设计

18.Research on Switched Reluctance Motor Drive System and the Realized in Electric Vehicles;电动车用开关磁阻电机控制系统研究及实现


Brake resistance制动电阻

1.By analysing the energy consunmption of traction system on Guangzhou Metro Line 1 trains during the normal operation,it is indicated that the energy-saving effect of feedback brake is prominence and the power-wasting by brake resistance is limited.通过对广州地铁一号线列车在正常运营时牵引系统能量消耗的分析,表明:目前地铁列车再生反馈制动的节能效果明显,在运营行车密度足够大的情况下,通过制动电阻消耗的能量是很有限的。

3)braking resistance制动电阻

1.Analysis and measure forbraking resistance fault on type SS_3 locomotive;SS_3型机车制动电阻故障分析及防治措施

pares the some way for the choiceing ofbraking resistance of variable frequence control.对变频调速中制动电阻的选择方法作了比较,说明了以能量观点的方法选取变频调速器 的制动电阻,概念清析,使用方便,此法为制动电阻选择提出了一种设计新思路。

3.This paper discussed the regenerative braking way by connecting abraking resistance on the direct current side of the inverter in motor stopping,and introduced the determination of regenerativebraking resistance of AC-DC-AC inverter.探讨了交—直—交变频器在传动电机制动时,通过在直流侧外接制动电阻以解决再生能量的方法,并介绍了一种确定制动电阻的方法。

4)brake resistor制动电阻

1.Due to the electrocaloric shock caused by strong transient electric current,the inner resistance sheets in thebrake resistors of Shanghai metro cars often deform seriously under the effect of thermomechanical coupling.由于瞬间负载大电流产生电热冲击,使得地铁使用的制动电阻器内部电阻片在热力耦合作用下过度变形。

2.To better grasp the temperature changes during the practical operation of braking resistors, and to check whether the design requirement is satisfied, a simulation test equipment for operation ofbrake resistor is designed specifically.为了能更好地掌握制动电阻在实际运行中的温度变化情况,检验制动电阻是否满足设计要求,专门设计了制动电阻运行工况模拟试验设备,阐述了该设备的工作原理、基本结构和其主要电路。

5)resistance brake电阻制动

1.Based on the cause analyse of wheel wear,a method usingresistance brake is put forward to reduce the wheel wear,which may prelong the usage circle and reduce maintenace cost of vehicles.在对机车车辆轮对踏面的磨损原因进行分析的基础上,提出启用机车电阻制动的方法来降低轮对踏面磨损速率,以延长机车车辆中修周期,提高机车车辆运用率,降低机车车辆修理费用。

2.Aresistance brake control system for diesel locomotives is introduced realized via Intel 8098.介绍了一种用8098单片机实现的内燃机车电阻制动控制系统,对系统硬件、软件结构及工作原理进行了说明。

6)resistance braking电阻制动

1.In the primary period, onlyresistance braking and mechanical braking are adopted by metro vehicles.地铁列车发展初期,列车制动时仅选用车载电阻制动加机械制动,但是这样造成了环境温度的升高,不利于能源的充分利用,不能达到较好的节能效果。

2.This paper analyzes the main circuit ofresistance braking and the controling way, discusses the principle ofresistance braking and interprets the application ofresistance braking to electric driving machinery of subway.阐述了电阻制动在地铁牵引电机中的应用情况。

3.By analyzing the energy consumption of the traction and braking system of trains running on Shanghai Metro Line 2,the relationship between regeneration braking andresistance braking is investigated.通过对上海轨道交通二号线列车在正常运行时牵引和制动系统参数及能量消耗的测试分析,研究了再生制动与电阻制动间的作用关系;尽管采用再生制动方式,但是列车通过制动电阻消耗的能量仍然较大,因此对地铁列车制动能量进行回收很有必要。


