1500字范文 > 仲裁裁决 Arbitral Award英语短句 例句大全

仲裁裁决 Arbitral Award英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-02 13:36:06


仲裁裁决 Arbitral Award英语短句 例句大全

仲裁裁决,Arbitral Award

1)Arbitral Award仲裁裁决

1.Challenging, Recognition and Enforcement ofArbitral Award——Modification of Arbitration Law in China;论仲裁裁决的撤销与不予执行——兼谈中国《仲裁法》的修改

2.The law has many differences from the Arbitration Law of China regarding autonomy of will of the parties, self-determination jurisdiction of the arbitration tribunal, interpretation of the word "written form", attachment in arbitration and cancellation of an arbitral award.20 0 2年修订的韩国《仲裁法》强调国际化和自由化 ,大量参考和运用了外国先进立法和国际公约的规定 ,在当事人意思自治、仲裁庭的自裁管辖权、仲裁协议的“书面”形式的解释、仲裁中的财产保全制度及申请撤销仲裁裁决制度方面与中国《仲裁法》有很大的不同 ,其中的某些制度很值得我国仲裁立法借鉴。


1.arbitration award仲裁裁决, 公断书

2.Have you studied the arbitration award ?您研究过仲裁裁决了吗?

3.notice of compliance with the award愿执行仲裁裁决的通知

4.d for which no reasons are given不说明理由的仲裁裁决

5.enforceable award有执行力的仲裁裁决

6.Not enforcing a verdict reached through arbitration,不予执行仲裁裁决,

7.Non-enforcement of Arbitral Award不予执行的仲裁裁决

8.reciprocal enforcement of arbitration awards相互承认和执行仲裁裁决;相互执行仲裁裁决

9.The award must determine all the differences referred to arbitration.仲裁裁决必须解决提交仲裁的一切争议。

10.On Arbitration Law to The Acknowledgement And Implementation of Chinese Adjudication Arbitrament;浅论《仲裁法》对本国仲裁裁决的承认与执行

11.On Re-arbitration in Procedure of Cancellation of Arbitration Award;仲裁裁决撤销程序中的重新仲裁问题探讨

12.On Arbitrator’s Power to Make Punitive Arbitral Awards论仲裁庭(员)作出惩罚性仲裁裁决的权力

13.When the arbitration tribunal cannot attain a majority opinion, the arbitral award shall be decided in accordance with the presiding arbitrator"s opinion.仲裁庭不能形成多数意见时,仲裁裁决依首席仲裁员的意见作出。

14.entry of judg(e)ment on an award承认仲裁裁决的法院判决

15.stay enforcement停止执行(判决或仲裁裁决)

16.The decision of the arbitrator shall be final and binding on the Parties hereto.仲裁裁决为最终裁决,对协议双方均有约束力。

17.The arbitration award shall be final and binding on both parties.仲裁裁决应是终局裁决,对双方均有约束力。

18.The parties shall implement the arbitration award.对于仲裁裁决,当事人应当履行。


arbitration award仲裁裁决

1.On the Approaches and the Adaptation of the Relief against the Arbitration Award;论不服仲裁裁决应有之救济途径及其适用

2.It has been widely recognized thatarbitration award should have the effect of res judicata both in civil law countries and common law countries,and many international arbitration tribunals have also adopted this theory.无论在英美法系国家还是在大陆法系国家,仲裁裁决的既判力都得到了承认。

3.Difference also arises in the acknowledgement and execution ofarbitration award.由于政治、历史的原因,目前想要建立统一的法律制度是不可能的,表现在仲裁裁决和法院判决的承认与执行中也是一样。

3)arbitral awards仲裁裁决

1.With the coming of Beijing Olympic Games,the recognition and enforcement of Olympic Gamesarbitral awards in China will be an issue that should be settled.随着北京奥运会的临近,会出现奥运会特别仲裁裁决在中国的承认与执行问题。

2.The arbitration law and recognition and enforcement ofarbitral awards are internationalized and unified by the enforcement of "Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards" (hereinafter referred to as "New York Convention") and other international .《承认与执行外国仲裁裁决公约》(下称“《纽约公约》”)的施行以及国际社会以其为基础而缔结的其他公约、各国以《联合国国际贸易法委员会(国际商事仲裁示范法)》为蓝本而修订或制定的仲裁法,使仲裁法律和仲裁裁决的承认与执行走向了国际化和统一化。

3.Such judicial review is involved in the determination of the validity of arbitration agreement, appointment of arbitrators, interim measures andarbitral awards.法院对仲裁的司法审查体现在仲裁协议效力的认定、仲裁员的指定、临时保全措施以及仲裁裁决中。

4)arbitration awards仲裁裁决

1.Judicial Supervise over International Arbitration Awards;论国际商事仲裁裁决的司法监督

2.The article discusses the present legal situation on the mutual recognition and enforcement of China inter-regionalarbitration awards,analyzes the development of the arbitration system of Macao and the main issues on the mutual recognition and enforcementarbitration awards between the mainland and Macao SAR.本文探讨了中国区际仲裁裁决相互承认与执行的法律现状,分析了澳门仲裁制度的发展和解决内地与澳门相互承认与执行仲裁裁决的最佳途径,深入研究了内地与澳门相互承认与执行仲裁裁决必须解决的若干问题,为内地与澳门达成“相互承认与执行仲裁裁决的安排”提出了合理化建议。

3.Recognition and enforcement of international commercialarbitration awards is paidmuch attention by all the countries today when international commercial arbitration hasbecome the main means to solve international business disputes.《承认与执行外国仲裁裁决公约》(下称“《纽约公约》”)的施行以及国际社会以其为基础而缔结的其他公约、各国以《联合国国际贸易法委员会(国际商事仲裁示范法)》为蓝本而修订或制定的仲裁法,使仲裁法律和仲裁裁决的承认与执行走向了国际化和统一化。

5)arbitration verdict仲裁裁决

1.Due to the wrong positioning of procedural nature and its subsequent unreasonable procedural setting,the cancellation procedure ofarbitration verdict in China falls into the absence of legislation and judicial disorder.由于程序性质的定位错误及其导致的程序设置的非理性,中国仲裁裁决撤销程序出现立法缺失和司法混乱的局面,难以实现程序正义的立法理想,无法有效保障程序主体的合法权益,因此必须在对程序科学定位的基础上进行合理构建,以期实现程序设立的目的。

6)CAS arbitration awardsCAS仲裁裁决

1.The successful enforcement ofCAS arbitration awards has not found safeguard from China domestic law.CAS仲裁裁决在中国的顺利执行目前还得不到中国相关法律的保障。


