1500字范文 > 【住宅】Matrix Design 矩阵纵横 | 成都复地御香山别墅

【住宅】Matrix Design 矩阵纵横 | 成都复地御香山别墅

时间:2018-10-24 22:32:19


【住宅】Matrix Design 矩阵纵横 | 成都复地御香山别墅



►Pervious to light in the large space, makes indoor lightenhancement; emphasizes the integrity of the space and the unity of style.Advocate natural and concise and rational rules, uniform proportion, novelform, reasonable material collocation, convergent way clean, easy maintenance.The whole structure is compact, space with orderly, from all walks of life ofthe enclosure body elements of the actual situation to the obvious, with theactual situation of swap space image, to obtain the partial and the whole spaceharmonious. Emphasizing on the integrity and noble makes the space elegant. Allkinds of antique and naturalness strong material used in space, such as animalmodel, a white hole stone, squama hole stone, leather, archaize brick, and soon. The use of these materials is to build a natural atmosphere.

矩阵纵横 | 成都复地御香山别墅


矩阵纵横 | 成都复地御香山别墅


主创设计 | 王冠、刘建辉、刘瑶

项目性质 | 样板房

设计面积 | 337㎡

硬装造价 | 3500元/平方

软装造价 | 3500 元/平方

主要材料 | 白洞石、水洗白木饰面、龙鳞洞石、皮革、墙纸、地毯、实木地板、仿古砖

设计时间 | 3月

完成时间 | 8月

供稿 / 深圳市矩阵室内装饰设计有限公司

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