1500字范文 > 中小学教师 primary and secondary school teachers英语短句 例句大全

中小学教师 primary and secondary school teachers英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-14 19:22:27


中小学教师 primary and secondary school teachers英语短句 例句大全

中小学教师,primary and secondary school teachers

1)primary and secondary school teachers中小学教师

1.The present situation and countermeasures of educational technology training forprimary and secondary school teachers in the west mountainous regions;西部山区中小学教师教育技术培训的现状与对策

2.A Countermeasures Research on Job Burnout of Primary and Secondary School Teachers under the Background of New Curriculum Reform;新课程改革背景下的中小学教师职业倦怠对策研究

3.With the development of information technology in education,information technology training forprimary and secondary school teachers has become the major component of continuing education.随着教育信息化的推进,中小学教师信息技术培训已经成为教师继续教育的主要内容之一。


1.Further Education for Teachers in Primary and Secondary Schools and Reform in Education in Teacher training Universities;中小学教师继续教育与高师教育改革

2.Schoolteachers get long holidays.中小学教师有长假.

3.Talk about What the Teachers of Middle and Primary Schools Continued Educating Teaching Yuans of Method;论中小学教师继续教育的教学元方法

4.The Significance of Upgrading Educational Philosophy Attainments of Teachers in Primary and Secondary Schools;重视中小学教师教育哲学素养的提升

5.Research on the Current Situation of Non - diploma Further Education among Teachers in Middle Schools and Primary Schools;对中小学教师非学历教育现状的思考

6.A Study on the Influential Factors of Teaching Styles of Primary and Secondary School Teachers;中小学教师教学风格的影响因素研究

7.Study of Teachers Diagnostic Ability of Teaching Problems in Elementary & Secondary Schools;中小学教师教学问题诊断能力的研究

8.Thoughts on the Teaching Evaluation Reform in the Primary and Middle School;关于中小学教师教学评价改革的思考

9.Research -based Learning and Educat ional Research Work of Teachers in the Primary and Middle Schools;研究性学习与中小学教师的教育研究

10.On the Changes of Non-qualification Continuing Education of Teachers in Primary and Secondary School论中小学教师非学历继续教育的变革

11.A Study on Constructing a Structured Relation Model of Middle School Teachers" Teaching Competencies中小学教师教学胜任特征模型的检验

12.Teacher Professionalization and Our Country s Basic School Teacher Education Reform;教师专业化与我国中小学教师教育改革

13.There are also able people -- good teachers -- in primary and secondary schools.中小学教师中也有人才,好的教师就是人才。

14.On Fostering the Morality of Middle and Primary School Teachers in Further Education;也谈中小学教师继续教育中的师德培养

15.On the Advantages of Normal Universities in the Continuing Education for Middle and Primary School Teachers;论高师在中小学教师继续教育中的优势

16.The Reflective Teaching and the Facilitation of Teaching Expertise for Primary and Middle School Teachers中小学教师教学反思对教学能力的促进

17.Research of Teacher Educational Platform of Middle and Primary Schools Based on Network;基于网络的中小学教师教育平台研究

18.Primary school teachers are demanding parity with those in secondary schools.小学教师要求与中学教师同酬.


Primary and middle school teachers中小学教师

1.Research on Components and Training Models of Information Competence for Primary and Middle School Teachers;中小学教师的信息能力结构及其培养模式研究

2.423 primary and middle school teachers were measured by Teacher Efficacy Scale(TES) and SWB questionnaires.采用教学效能感量表和总体幸福感量表对423名中小学教师进行问卷调查,目的是探讨中小学教师的教学效能感与主观幸福感的关系。

3.The conditions of countryside primary and middle school teachers directly influence the level of the development of our country s elementary education.农村中小学教师队伍的状况直接关系到我国基础教育的发展水平,要发展农村教育,办好农村学校,必须为教师的发展提供良好的环境支持。

3)primary and middle school teacher中小学教师

1.An Investigation and Analysis of Gansu Primary and Middle School Teachers’Application of Modern Educational Technology;甘肃省中小学教师现代教育技术应用现状调查与分析

2.In this article, the present conditions of and the problems in the educational scientific researchprimary and middle school teachers’ in western mountain areas are discussed.对西部山区中小学教师教育科研现状及存在的问题进行研究,提出改变这种现状和解决这些问题的措施:增强教育科研意识,抓好教研骨干队伍建设,成立专门的科研管理机构,加强对教师科研素质的培训等。

3.The present study exploredprimary and middle school teachers′ definition of bullying and assessment of the severity of three types of bullying by using both questionnaires and interviews.运用问卷法和访谈法对中小学教师对欺负的界定及对三种欺负类型严重性认知的特点进行了研究。

4)teachers in primary and middle schools中小学教师

1.Perspective of sluggish mentality in curriculum reform ofteachers in primary and middle schools;中小学教师新课程改革倦怠心理透视

2.With the enhancement of the new-round elementary course reform in China, the teaching reflection fromteachers in primary and middle schools has gradually become an inevitable way for them to improve themselves and become more specialized in teaching.随着新一轮基础教育课程改革的深入推进,中小学教师教学反思日益成为教师自我提高与教师专业化发展的必由之路。


1.A Study onTeachers Occupational Stress and Burnout;中小学教师的工作压力现状及其与职业倦怠的关系

2.Teachers Occupational Stress Coping Strategies and their Personality Characteristics;中小学教师的职业压力应对策略与其人格特征的关系研究

3.Impact of Primary and Secondary SchoolTeachers’Perceived Organizational Support on Their Happiness and Job Burnout;组织支持感对中小学教师幸福感与工作倦怠的影响

6)primary and secondary teachers中小学教师

1.COPE Dispositional Inventory Scale:Re-visioning for Primary and Secondary Teachers应对方式问卷(COPE)在中小学教师样本中的修订

2.Teachers \"management will directly affect the school\" overall educational quality and the survival of the school,andprimary and secondary teachers\" management will have a bearing on the quality of basic education.教师管理的成败将直接影响到学校的整体办学质量和学校的存亡,而中小学教师管理将关系到我国基础教育的质量。




西城区百万庄小学始建于1964年。学校现有17个教学班,540多名学生;有一个“团结、进取、求实、创新”的领导班子;有一支“师德好、业务精、重学习、讲科研”的高素质教师队伍。该校教职工55人,教 师大专以上学历占教师总数58%,中学高级教师2人,小学高级教师34人,区级骨干教师11人,区级学科带头人5名。多年来,学校在区教育局的领导下,以全面贯彻国家的教育方针为宗旨,不断深化教育改革,全面实施素质教育,提高教学质量,使学生全面和谐地发展,形成了良好的校风、教风、学风,教育质量高,曾多次受到区表彰奖励,受到家长好评,赢得了较高的社会声誉。教育科研是推动教育发展的动力,为此,学校确定了本校教科研的整体思路为“一先、二合、三发展”,即“以科研为先导,以活动促发展”的理论为依托,以合作学习为龙头,以小班化教育为重点,以10个学科为领域,以点带面,全面参与,以育人为本,全面实施素质教育,注重创新精神与实践能力的培养,使学生全面发展,学有特长。全校立校级课题43项,国家级及市、区及课题5项,基本做到人人有课题,人人参加课题实验研究。教科研促进了教师水平的提高,教育教学质量也有了较大变化。“合作学习”、“小班化教育”、“10个学科实施素质教育综合实验”等课题组,在区召开的多次现场会上介绍经验,并有多名青年教师做研究课。这些均受到与会专家、教授、领导、教师好评,其中《北京教研》、《教育科学研究》、《现代教育报》、《西教通讯》等都对此作了报道。通过科研,该校出现了一批市、区、校级中青年骨干教师。全校有25名中、青年教师成了课题研究的骨干成员,并参加了区教研组或备课组。在市区“评优”活动中,该校由8人获区评优课一等奖,9人获二、三等奖,2人获区“金秋杯”评优课一等奖。在北京市青年教师基本功大赛活动中,该校有3人代表西城区参加,其中2人3项获市单项比赛一、二等奖。近几年全校干部教师撰写论文60多篇,获区以上优秀论文14篇,有6篇在市、区刊物上发表,4篇科研总结在本区介绍经验。教科研的发展,是学校发生了巨大变化,办学水平、教学质量不断提高。1999年该校被评为西城区“师德建设先进集体”,2001年被评为西城区“科研先进集体”,北京市“科研先进校”,2002年被评为“小班化教育”课题研究骨干示范校。学校十分重视学生科技教育,学生每年在科技月比赛活动中多人次、多项目获全国、北京市、西城区各种奖项。如2000年由47人次获一等奖,77人次获二等奖,34人次获三等奖,共有158人次获奖。为此,该校每年都有许多同学因学有特长被传统项目学校提前录取。在北京市“迎春杯”、“华罗庚杯”比赛中该校也有多人获奖。1996年在新加坡小学数学奥林匹克(北京赛区)比赛中,该校获团体比赛第二名。2000年、2002年获北京市、西城区科技英语创意大赛团体一等奖。合唱队在1998年、2000年、2002年获区一等奖、2002年获北京市三等奖。在电子测项比赛中多次获团体一、二、三等奖。学校被评为“培养特长生”先进校,并在1998年被西城区首批命名为“科技示范校”。
