1500字范文 > 直流制动电阻 DC-braking resistor英语短句 例句大全

直流制动电阻 DC-braking resistor英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-21 08:46:33


直流制动电阻 DC-braking resistor英语短句 例句大全

直流制动电阻,DC-braking resistor

1)DC-braking resistor直流制动电阻

2)Direct current resistance直流电阻

1.The method of shortening the time for direct current resistance testing of transformer low-voltage side缩短变压器低压侧直流电阻测试时间的方法

2.This paper introduces a digital and intelligent active direct current resistor box,which calibrates various direct current resistance measurement devices substituting conventional standard resistor box.介绍了一种取代传统标准电阻箱的数字化智能有源直流标准电阻器,它由标准电阻与有源电路箱组成,用于对各种类型的直流电阻测量仪进行校验。

3.The principle and process of dynamic testing the direct current resistance in transfor mer coil by "three points method" is introduced.提出了“三点法”动态测量大型电力变压器绕组直流电阻的原理和方法,即利用电阻、电感在直流电源作用下的充电过渡过程,用计算机技术调节充电过程的时间常数,并对充电动态曲线进行等间隔采样,只要选择三点以上信息,通过计算机解出3个联立方程,即可求得变压器绕组的直流电阻值。


1.D.C.resistive volt ratio boxesGB/T3928-1983直流电阻分压箱

2.Study of constant-current source for measuring DCR of large electric power equipment电力设备直流电阻测量用恒流源研究

3.The Study of Transformer s DC Resistance Rapid Measurement Method;电力变压器直流电阻快速测量的研究

4.For inductively coupled circuits, you must also consider the winding resistance of the inductor.对于电感耦合电路,必须考虑电感的直流电阻。

5.Analysis of the Availability of DC Resistance Measurement for AC Electric Machine交流电机绕组直流电阻测试的有效性探讨

6.Direct Current Resistance Test of Winding Based on LabVIEW基于LabVIEW的绕组直流电阻测量

7.Discussion on advantage of resistance spot welding using servo gun and MFDC伺服焊枪中频直流电阻点焊优势探讨

8.Transformer Coil DC Resistance Test and its Result Analysis变压器线圈直流电阻测量及结果分析

9.Development of Rapid Inductive Coils of the Directcurrent Resistances Measurement感性绕组直流电阻快速测试仪的研制

10.Assessment of the Uncertainty of the Measurement of Conductor DC Resistance导体直流电阻测量不确定度评定研究

11.At low frequencies, the DC resistance of a given conductor is essentially the same as its AC resistance.在低频情况下,给定的导体的直流电阻实际上与其交流电阻一样。

12.constant resistance dc potentiometer恒定电阻直流电位计

13.d.c. bridge for measuring resistance测量电阻用的直流电桥

14.Study of Armature Equivalent Resistance in Brushless DC Motor无刷直流电动机电枢等效电阻的研究

15.Research on Resistance Strain Gage Direct Current Bridge Measure Circuit;电阻应变片直流电桥测量电路的研究

16.In a constant resistance D. C circuit the current will vary directly proportional to the voltage.在电阻不变的直流电路中,电流和电压成正比。

17.The earth provides a low resistance conducting path for direct cur-rent.大地提供了低电阻直流导电通道。



Direct current resistance直流电阻

1.The method of shortening the time for direct current resistance testing of transformer low-voltage side缩短变压器低压侧直流电阻测试时间的方法

2.This paper introduces a digital and intelligent active direct current resistor box,which calibrates various direct current resistance measurement devices substituting conventional standard resistor box.介绍了一种取代传统标准电阻箱的数字化智能有源直流标准电阻器,它由标准电阻与有源电路箱组成,用于对各种类型的直流电阻测量仪进行校验。

3.The principle and process of dynamic testing the direct current resistance in transfor mer coil by "three points method" is introduced.提出了“三点法”动态测量大型电力变压器绕组直流电阻的原理和方法,即利用电阻、电感在直流电源作用下的充电过渡过程,用计算机技术调节充电过程的时间常数,并对充电动态曲线进行等间隔采样,只要选择三点以上信息,通过计算机解出3个联立方程,即可求得变压器绕组的直流电阻值。

3)DC resistance直流电阻

1.DC resistance measurement for low voltage side windingof large-scale transformer;大型电力变压器低压侧绕组直流电阻测试新方法

2.Diagnostic method for the over-standard unbalance rate ofDC resistance of the windingat 110kV side in the 1 # Power transformer in Shatang Substation;沙塘川 1~# 主变 110kV 侧绕组直流电阻超标的诊断与处理

3.Development of the portable instrument for measuringDC resistance of main transformer windings;便携式牵引变压器直流电阻测试仪的研制

4)true resistance实电阻,直流电阻

5)DC reluctance motor直流磁阻式电动机

6)DC switched reluctance motor直流开关式磁阻电动机


直流直流Direct current直流(direet。urrent) ,仅按一个方向流过电路或设备的电流称为直流。与交流电压相比,直流电压的极性是不变的。直流电流相当于电荷沿着闭合的电路以不变的方向流动或位移。直流电流和电压的幅值可以恒定,也可以随时间变化。蓄电池和旋转发电机产生幅值恒定的额定直流电压,整流器产生幅值随时间而变的直流电压。整流器把交流电压变换为脉动的直流电压。通常电站不是广泛地将直流电输配给一般用户,相反,在需要直流电(d。)能的场所,是把商业上合用的交流电(ac)能整流为直流电能。 「罗布(D.D.Robb)撰]
