1500字范文 > 专业特色 specialty characteristics英语短句 例句大全

专业特色 specialty characteristics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-10 08:08:37


专业特色 specialty characteristics英语短句 例句大全

专业特色,specialty characteristics

1)specialty characteristics专业特色

1.Carrying forward Humanity Spirit Presenting Specialty Characteristics——Introduction to the Development Survey of National Specialty Characteristics of Ideological and Political Education in Jilin Normal University;弘扬人文精神 凸显专业特色——吉林师范大学思想政治教育专业国家级特色专业建设点发展概览

2.This article discusses the following three aspects: to stimulate students learning autonomy and to cultivate their originality in the teaching reform of "Microcomputer Theory";to reform teaching contents and teaching methods and to embodyspecialty characteristics;to cultivate students practical ability in innovative base.从培养高素质应用人才的角度出发,讨论了在微机原理及应用课程的教学改革中,激发学生学习的主动性,培养创新意识与创新能力;改革教学内容与教学方法,体现专业特色;在创新基地培养学生实践动手能力等3方面的内容。

3.This paper dissertates the positive roles that conducting specialty construction appraisal plays in establishing discipline andspecialty characteristics and in specifying the objectives of specialty construction.论述了开展专业建设评估在树立学科、专业特色 ,明确专业建设的目标与方向中的积极作用。


1.Specialty · Secialty Objective· Specialty Feature and Specialty Construction;专业·专业目标·专业特色与专业建设

2.Further the Reform in Speciality Teaching and Learning to Promote the Uniqueness of the Specialities;深化专业教学改革 努力办出专业特色

3.The Curriculum Characteristics and Developing Orientation of Prospecting Techniques & Engineering of our College;我校勘查技术与工程专业特色及专业发展方向

4.Creative Development of First-rate Art DesignSpecialty with Advanced Ideas;观念超前 科技领先加强专业建设 办出专业特色

5.To Establish the Teaching Mode of "Capacity Aim Type" and to Stress the Features of College and Speciality建立“能力目标型”教学模式突出专科特色和专业特色

6.The specialized characteristic of this factory is to produce all kinds of paint.这家厂的专业特色是生产各种涂料。

7.The design of this kind of clothes is rich in specialized characteristics.这种服装设计富有专业特色。

8.The products with specialized characteristics make people satisfied.具备专业特色的产品令人喜欢。

9.Adhere to the "Zero Distance" Idea,Do a Professional Characteristics;坚持“零距离”理念,办出专业特色

10.Speciality Courses in Business English;商务英语专业特色课程的建立与研究

11.Standing Out Characteristics of Specialty & Deepening the Reform of Teaching of Higher Vocational Colleges;突出专业特色深化高职院校教学改革

12.Construction of National Characteristic Specialty for Automation Specialty;自动化专业国家级特色专业建设之路

13.Optimize Discipline and Specialty Structure and Set up Brand Name Specialties;优化学科专业结构 创建品牌特色专业

14.On the Construction of Feature Courses for Higher Adult Education;抓特色专业建设 创成人高教特色

15.Studies on the Agricultural Colleges Non-professional School Characteristics;高等农业院校非农专业办学特色研究

16.A Probe into School Management Features of the Industrial Design Major in Engineering Universities and Colleges;工科院校工业设计专业办学特色探讨

17.Surveying Specialty Structure Adjustment and Strategies of a University with Industrial Features行业特色高校的专业结构调整及对策

18.A Discussion on the Combination of Featured Practical Education and Subject Specialty Education特色专业人才培养与学科专业教学融合探讨



1.This paper analyzes the characteristics of professional institutions building characteristics,characteristics cultivate professional personnel on the design and decoration of the new requirements under the "quality-oriented characteristics win"teaching philosophy,"norms"and "Innovation"as its theme,decorating the proposed design Specialty Construction of new ideas,for the study.本文分析了特色院校建设特色专业、培养特色人才对装潢设计专业的新要求,根据"以质量为本、特色取胜"的教学理念,以"规范"和"创新"为主题,提出了装潢设计专业特色建设的新思路,以供探讨。

2.Photoshop is a software course that most designspecialty open it.对于产品造型设计专业,为了突出专业特色,课程的重点放在了产品的准确造型以及表面的仿真效果上,指导学生把三维的产品效果逼真地通过平面绘制展现在二维空间内。

3)specialty feature专业特色

1.The specialty,specialty objective andspecialty feature are the basis of the theorise of speciality construction.专业建设是高校人才培养的核心工作,专业、专业目标和专业特色是专业建设的基本理论,对它们的本意及其关系的理解正确与否,直接关系到专业建设的质量。

4)major characteristics专业特色

1.Considerations on strengthening practice ofmajor characteristics among college students of Chinese medicine;中医药大学生加强专业特色实践活动的思考

5)specialized characteristic专业特色

6)specialty characteristic专业特色

1.Our school makes giving priority tospecialty characteristics in quality course construction the objective for Pathology course for students majoring in advanced nursing.在精品课程建设中突出专业特色是我院高职高专护理专业学生学习《病理学》课程定位的目标。




