1500字范文 > 房地产周期 real estate cycle英语短句 例句大全

房地产周期 real estate cycle英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-12 06:38:22


房地产周期 real estate cycle英语短句 例句大全

房地产周期,real estate cycle

1)real estate cycle房地产周期

1.Real estate cycles were analyzed using time sequence analysis and artifical neural network model to help market participants identifyreal estate cycle scientifically and make reasonable decisions.房地产市场的发展存在明显的周期特性,对房地产周期进行识别有助于政府及其他市场参与者进行科学决策。

2.In the light of the reality of real estate industry in China,this paper analyzes the causes ofreal estate cycles,based on investment,policy,market behavior psychology.结合我国房地产业发展实际,从投资、政策、市场行为心理三个方面论述了房地产周期波动的成因,探讨了对房地产周期波动进行预警和调控的理论依据。

3.In the light of the reality of real estate industry in China, this paper analyzes the causes ofreal estate cycles, based on investment, policy, market behavior psychology and levels of urban informationization.结合我国房地产业发展实际,从投资、政策、市场行为心理和城市信息化水平等4个方面论述了房地产周期波动的成因,探讨了对房地产周期波动进行预警和调控的理论依据。


1.The Comparative Research of Real Estate Cycle in Shanghai and Guangzhou;上海与广州房地产周期波动比较研究

2.The Research on the Relationship between the Real Estate Cycle and the Financial Stability;我国房地产周期与金融稳定关系研究

3.Real Estate Cycle Diagnose Based on ELman Neural Network;基于Elman网络的房地产周期识别

4.Research into Early Warning Index System in Hefei Real Estate on the Basis of Periodic Fluctuation Theory;基于房地产周期波动理论的合肥市房地产预警指标体系的研究

5.The Early Real Estate Warning System Based on the Theory of Real Estate Periodic Fluctuations;基于房地产周期波动理论的房地产预警系统研究

6.An empirical study of the development features of the Zhejiang real estate industry from 1991 to based on the cycle theory of real estate industry;1991—浙江房地产业发展特征——基于房地产周期理论的实证研究

7.Study about Chinese Real Estate Cycle and the Mutual Effects with Macro Economy;中国房地产周期及与宏观经济间互动关系研究

8.Research on the Relation between Real Estate Cycle and Macro-economy;房地产周期与宏观经济间互动关系的研究

9.Housing Cycle and Predictability of US Economic Recession;美国房地产周期与经济衰退的可预测性研究

10.Cluster analysis of real estate cycle;系统聚类方法在房地产周期分析中的应用

11.A Study on Chinese Real Estate Periodic Fluctuation Based on Rough Set Theory基于粗糙集理论的我国房地产周期波动研究

12.The Research of Relationship between Fluctuation Cycle of Real Estate and Subprime Mortgage Crisis房地产周期波动与次贷危机的关系研究

13.Theories and Analyze of Real Estate Periodic Fluctuation in Chongqing重庆市房地产周期波动理论与实证研究

14.The Price of Commercial Houses and the Periodic Development of China s Industry of Real Estate;商品房价格与我国房地产业周期发展

15.Study on Cost Management of Real Estate Project Life Cycle;房地产项目全寿命周期成本管理研究

16.The Study on Our Country Real Estate Cycle Fluctuation and Counter Policies;我国房地产经济周期波动及对策研究

17.Green Development Based on Life Cycle Assessment;基于生命周期评价的绿色房地产开发

18.Real estate economy circle and China real estate Industry macro control policy房地产经济周期与我国房地产宏观调控政策审视


cycle of real estate industry房地产周期

1.This article focuses on the topics ofcycle of real estate industry.论文以我国房地产周期波动为主线对房地产周期的客观存在性、房地产周期波动的形成机制、房地产周期波动的内、外生因素及关系、房地产周期波动的非对称性以及波动趋势进行了实证研究。

2.To analyze thecycle of real estate industry , not only has a creative significance in theory , but also can guide the development of real estate industry in practice .分析房地产周期波动,不但具有理论上的开拓意义,而且也有助于在实践中指导房地产业的健康发展。

3)the Real Estate Cycle房地产经济周期

4)regional real estate cycle区域房地产周期

5)Basic period of the real estate industry房地产基准周期

6)real estate cycle房地产景气周期


《中国人民解放军房地产管理条例》《中国人民解放军房地产管理条例》Regulations Regarding Administration of Real Estate of the Chinese People"s Liberation ArmyZhongguo Renmin Iiefongiun Fang-diChQn GuQnli TIQ0li《中国人民解放军房地产管理条例》(Reg“lations Re召ardingAdministrationofRealEsrare of rhe Chinese People’5 LiberationAn叭y)1990年4月20日中华人民共和国中央军事委员会常务会议通过,同日中央军事委员会主席签署命令发布。自发布之日起施行。分总则,调整与审批,管理,开发经营,奖惩,附则。共6章36条。主要内容有:①确认军队房地产调整与审批的权限。军队房地产是国防设施的重要组成部分,权属统归于中央军委、总部;根据作战、战备、训练、生活和生产的需要,中央军委、总部有权调整军队任何单位的房地产。军队房地产调整,实行分级审批,严格履行手续。用于军事设施的房地产,其权属不得改变,如改变需经国务院、中央军委批准。军队房地产的调整和处理,应当按照国家和军队的规定,办理房产产权和土地地籍登记、变更、移交手续。涉及地方单位的应当办理公证手续。②规定军队房地产的住用管理。军队营产实行责任管理,采用行政与经济手段相结合的办法,把管理责任落实到单位和个人。军队各种营房必须按用途正确使用,未经营房部门批准,不得改变用途或者随意拆改。军用土地有计划地实行定额管理,依据军队建设项目用地定额指标核定需求量,进行用地规划,审批用地计划。 .③规定军队 .房地产的开发经营 .管理。军队房地产 .在保证战备和部队 .密的前提下,可以.对至余居地户依法 石进行开发经营活 .动;军队房地产开 .发经营业务,必须 .归口管理;军事禁 .区内的房地产严禁.经营。军队房地产 .开发经营必须严格 履行报批手续,办理登记注册,按规定征收房地产使用费.④规定军队房地产管理的奖惩办法。对干军队房地产管理成绩突出的单位和个人,按照《中国人民解放军纪律条令》的有关规定,给予精神和物质奖励;对于违反本条例的行为,可根据情节轻重给予有关人员行政处分或经济处罚;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。(王宝玉)
