1500字范文 > 刑事科学技术专业 the major of criminal science and technology英语短句 例句大全

刑事科学技术专业 the major of criminal science and technology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-09 14:01:30


刑事科学技术专业 the major of criminal science and technology英语短句 例句大全

刑事科学技术专业,the major of criminal science and technology

1)the major of criminal science and technology刑事科学技术专业


1.Design of the Teaching Practice Flow of the Criminal Science and Technology Major in Public Security Colleges and Universities;公安院校刑事科学技术专业实践教学流程设计

2.The Research on the Model of "Combining Fight and Training" for Criminal Scientific Technique Major--Concurrently Talk about the Construction and Reform of Our Criminal Scientific Technique Major;刑事科学技术专业“战训合一”模式研究——兼谈我院刑事科学技术专业建设与改革

3.Investigations and Analyses cn Mental Health Status of Sophomore Majoring in Criminal Technique in the Police College;公安院校本科二年级刑事技术专业大学生心理健康调查分析

4.Thinking on Exploring Experimental Teaching in Major of Criminal Technology;刑事技术专业开展探索性实验教学的思考

5.Investigation the course installing of criminal technical specialized subject and it s teaching content;刑事技术专业课程设置及教学内容调查研究

6.Thoughts on Teaching Reform in Major of Criminal Technology in Our College;关于我院刑事技术专业教学改革的思考

prehensive Practice Training of Criminal Technology Majors in Police Colleges公安院校刑事技术专业学生综合实训探讨

8.The applications of microfluidic chip to forensic science;微流控芯片技术在刑事科学中的应用

9.On the Influence of the Development of Science and Technology on the Criminal Evidence;科学技术发展对刑事证据的影响初探

10.A Primary Research on Experimental Teaching Work of Poison Analysesfor Criminal Technology Major in Public Safety Colleges;公安高等院校刑事技术专业毒物分析实验教学初探

11.On Subject System Construction of "Criminal Science and Technology"in Forest Public Security;论森林公安“刑事科学技术”学科体系建设

12.Criminal technique major is an important component of police higher education.刑事技术专业是公安高等教育的重要组成部分。

13.Again On The Analysis & Improvement Of The Practice Of Identification Science And Technology Concerning Criminal Matters;刑事科学技术鉴定实践的反思与法律完善

14.Strengthen the Study on Criminal Technology Theories Perfect the Construction of Subject System;加强刑事技术理论研究 完善学科体系建设

15.On the Integrated Simulation of Criminal Science and Technology Training关于刑事科学技术综合模拟实训的研究

16.Probe into the Teaching Plan of Professional Training in the Information Technology Education Speciality;专科信息技术教育专业教学计划探析

17.Discussion on Educational Technology Specialty Runs by Engineering College;工科院校办教育技术学本科专业浅见

pulsory for electrical science &technology major and microelectronics major.电子科学与技术专业、微电子学专业必修课。


criminal science and technology刑事科学技术

1.This article mainly discusses the goal of constructing acriminal science and technology laboratory,the apparatus equipment of it,the construction of experimental teachers team,and the reform and practice of experi.刑事科学技术实验室是培养适应公安一线需要的高素质的现代刑事技术应用型人才的平台,实验条件的好坏、实验教学及实验管理水平的高低直接关系到人才培养质量。

2.As to the current situation of thecriminal science and technology team of police organs in our province,the paper analyzes the outstanding problems and the causes of them and tries to discuss the further development ideas forcriminal science and technology team from the classified management of civil servants and the construction of professional technological team.本文从我省公安机关刑事科学技术队伍的现状出发,分析了我省公安机关刑事科学技术队伍存在的突出问题和原因,并试图从公务员分类管理、专业技术队伍机制建设等方面探讨我省刑事科学技术队伍今后的发展思路。

3.In the new situation, plans of developing the professional talents ofcriminal science and technology should be designed on the basis of cultivating students knowledge, capabilities and qualities.新形势下,公安刑事科学技术专业人才培养方案应以构建学生科学的知识、能力、素质结构为基础,不断优化整合教学内容和课程设置,着力培养学生的实践动手能力和创新精神。

3)criminal scientific technology刑事科学技术

1.Document inspection is an important part ofcriminal scientific technology.文件检验是刑事科学技术的一个重要组成部分,针对目前我省公安机关文检工作中存在的问题,探讨一些解决的方法,旨在引起各有关部门和专业人员的重视,以使文件检验工作能更好地发挥其应有的作用。

2.This paper unifies the features of thecriminal scientific technology lessons,analyses the significance and the main process,aims at knowing about the main theories of the teaching design,also improving the course towa.文章综合刑事科学技术课的特点,对教学设计的内涵、主要过程进行了分析,旨在使读者了解当前教学设计的主流理论,促进刑事科学技术课教学设计逐步走向成熟。

4)sci-tech professional society科学技术专业学会

5)the construction and reform of criminal scientific techniqued iscipline刑事科学技术学科建设与改革

6)computer science and technology specialty计算机科学与技术专业

1.Reformation on Teaching Contents and Curriculum System in Computer Science and Technology Specialty;计算机科学与技术专业教学内容和课程体系改革


刑事科学技术专业刑事科学技术专业 业务培养目标:业务培养目标:本专业培养具备痕迹检验、文件鉴定.微量物证分析公安图像技术等方面知识和能力,能在公安、司法等部门从事刑事技术鉴定工作的高级专门人才。业务培养要求:本专业学生主要学习刑事科学技术方面的基本理论和基础知识,接受技术鉴定方面的基本训练,具有痕迹检验、文件鉴定、微量物征分析、公安图像技术等方面的基本能力。毕业生应获得以下几方面的知识和能力:l.熟悉技术鉴定的方针、政策和法规;2.掌握刑事科学技术学科的基本理论、基本知识;3.掌握痕迹、文件、微量物证的检验方法和公安图像技术;4.具有技术鉴定的基本能力;5.了解刑事科学技术的理论前沿和发展动态;6.掌握查缉、擒敌、射击、驾驶等警察技能。主干课程:主干学科:公安技术、物理、化学、电子信息科学。主要课程:刑事科学技术概论、心理学、逻辑学、刑事证据学、现场勘察、刑审侦察学、光学仪器检验与分析。主要实践性教学环节:包括实验、训练、见习、实习等,一般安排实验和训练50周(约100学时)、见习10周、实习12周。修业年限:四年授予学位:工学学士相近专业:刑事科学技术 消防工程 安全防范工程 交通管理工程 核生化消防
