1500字范文 > 棉苗 cotton seedling英语短句 例句大全

棉苗 cotton seedling英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-01 22:45:16


棉苗 cotton seedling英语短句 例句大全

棉苗,cotton seedling

1)cotton seedling棉苗

1.Effect of shading during cotton wheat double cropping symbiotic period on development of thecotton seedling;棉麦两熟共生期遮荫对棉苗生长发育的影响

2.Regulation of calcium on ion distribution in NaCl treatedcotton seedlings and relation between such regulation and H + ATPase activities in plasma membrane and tonoplast and H + pyrophosphatase activity in tonoplasts isolated from the young cotton roots were studied.不同器官离子含量和根系横切面X 射线微区分析结果表明 ,NaCl胁迫下外源钙明显减少棉花幼苗对Na+ 的吸收及其向茎杆、叶片的运输 ,增加对K+ 和Ca2 + 的吸收及其向茎杆、叶片的运输 ,增强棉苗体内的盐分区域化分配 ,提高根冠比和干物质积累 ,根系电解质渗漏率下降。

3.The regulation of SA to hybrid cotton and commoncotton seedling cold tolerance.本试验于-,以杂交抗虫棉豫杂35及其亲本和常规抗虫棉中棉所41为供试品种,基质培养棉苗,用0、0。


1.Studies on Seedling Quality and Growing Effect of Different Raising Seedling Manners in Cotton;育苗方式对棉苗素质及其生育的影响

2.Characteristics of Growth and Development of Cotton with Different Seedling Ages Raised in Small Nutritional Pot微钵育苗不同苗龄移栽的棉苗生长发育特点

3.Effect of Different Floating Methods on Seedling Quality and Standing Seedling Rate of Cotton不同漂浮方式育苗对棉苗素质及成苗的影响

4.Effects on Soluble Sugar Content of Cotton Seedling Treated with Different Chemicals不同药剂处理棉子对棉苗可溶性糖含量的影响

5.Effect of Cotton Root Exudates on Cotton Seedling Growth and Physiological Activity棉花根系分泌物对棉苗生长及生理活性的影响

6.Studies on Adaptation Mechanism of Cotton Seedling Root to Floating Culture in Nutrient Water-bed营养液漂浮育苗棉苗根系生长适应机理的研究

7.Study on the Cause of Cotton Seedlings Death in Xinjiang and Corresponding Control Measures;新疆棉苗大量死亡原因及其防治研究

8.The Salt Tolerance Classification of Transgenic Insect Resistant Cotton Varieties and the Study on Soaking Seed with Glycinebetaine on the Salt Tolerance of Cotton Seedlings;转基因抗虫棉耐盐性筛选与甜菜碱浸种提高棉苗耐盐性的研究

9.Study on New Soil Modulator of Cotton Bed and Its Effect on Physiological Characteristics of Cotton Seedling;棉花新型床土调制剂的研制及其对棉苗生理特性的影响

10.Study the Effects of Herbicide, Water and Fertilizer Impact Factors on the Transplanting Survival of Cotton Floating除草剂和肥水因子对漂浮育苗棉苗移栽成活的影响

11.They chopped the cotton and hoed the corn.他们间棉花苗,锄玉米地。

12.canopy characteristics of narrow row cotton窄行棉花苗冠被覆特性

13.Effect of Decomposed Liquids of Cotton Stalk on Cotton Seeds Germination and Seedling Growth棉秆腐解液对棉花种子萌发及幼苗生长的影响

14.The US Department of Agriculture"s weekly report of plant health revealed a second consecutive decline.据美国农业部苗情周报显示,(棉)花苗情连续下降。

15.Preliminary Study on the Effect of the Technique of Seedling Soilless-raising and Root-naked Transplanting of Cotton;棉花无土育苗及裸苗移栽技术效果初步研究

16.Characteristics of the Root Growth at Recovery Growth Stage in Cotton Soilless Raising Seedling and Naked-root Transplant基质育苗移栽棉花返苗期根系生长特性研究

17.Occurrence and Control of Cotton Seedling Disease on in Shandong Province山东省棉花苗病发生与防治

18.Experiment of Different Seedling Cultivation Methods of Ezamian No.10 F_1鄂杂棉10号F_1不同育苗方式栽培试验


cotton seeding棉苗

1.Avoid disease happened method incotton seeding stage;棉花苗期病害历来是棉花生产上的一个重要障碍,严重影响到棉花的高产丰产;采用种子精选,适期制钵播种,床土消毒,双膜覆盖,适时揭膜通风和护苗等综合配套管理措施,可有效地避免棉苗期病害发生。

3)Cotton seedling disease棉花苗病

4)seedling quality棉苗素质

5)cotton seedling棉花幼苗

1.Effects of Mepiquat Chloride on lateral roots initiation ofcotton seedling and its mechanism;甲哌鎓对棉花幼苗侧根发生的诱导效应和机理研究

2.The results showed,mixed solution of H2O2 AND Ce(NO3)3·6 H2O have remarkably effects on the microtherm tolerance ofcotton seedling.6 H2O(硝酸铈)浸种对棉花幼苗抗低温效应的影响。

6)cotton seedling cotyledon棉苗子叶

1.Research on regularity of phosphorus permeated exterir by verticillium wilt derivecotton seedling cotyledon histology;黄萎病菌毒素诱导棉苗子叶组织磷素外渗规律初探


棉酚 ,醋酸棉酚药物名称:醋酸棉酚英文名:Gossypol别名: 锦棉片;棉酚 ,醋酸棉酚外文名:Gossypol 适应症: 具有抑制精子发生和活动的作用。可作为一种有效的男用避孕药。 1.用作口服男用避孕药,还可作外用杀精子剂; 2.用于治疗妇科疾病,包括月经过多或失调、子宫肌瘤、子宫内膜异位症等。 用量用法: 用作男用避孕药:每日口服1次20mg。连服2个月,然后每周1次40mg或1次20mg,每周2次, 连服4周。 注意事项: 1.主要有低血钾、肌无力、嗜睡和性欲减退,长期应用可能引起睾丸功能不可逆性损害。 2.服药前,有精索静脉曲张的病人在服用棉酚后特别容易发生生精上皮长期或永久性损害,故需要恢复生精功能的服药者忌用。 3.心、肝功能不全和血钾偏低者慎用。 规格: 片剂:每片20mg。 类别:避孕药
