1500字范文 > 核裁军 nuclear disarmament英语短句 例句大全

核裁军 nuclear disarmament英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-10 04:51:58


核裁军 nuclear disarmament英语短句 例句大全

核裁军,nuclear disarmament

1)nuclear disarmament核裁军

1.Information barrier innuclear disarmament:methods and techniques;核裁军中的信息屏障:技术与方法

2.With the need of disassembly and destruction of nuclear weapons and pits in thenuclear disarmament,the U.由于核裁军中核武器与核弹芯拆卸和销毁核查的需要,美俄等国研究发展了区分判别核武器类型的模板测量技术,该技术有希望成为未来核裁军主要的核查技术之一。

3.This evolvement is obviously found in the nuclear field of Russia and influenced thenuclear disarmament policies of Russia.俄罗斯的安全战略经历了继承、调整到逐步成熟的演变,这一演变过程也明显地反映在俄罗斯的核领域,深刻地影响了俄罗斯的核裁军政策。


1.Cessation of the nuclear-arms race and nuclear disarmament停止军备竞赛和核裁军

2.nuclear weapons核武器/nucleardisarmament核裁军,裁减核武器

3.One World Family Forum on Nuclear Disarmament [USA]世界大同核裁军论坛

4.step up the campaign for nuclear disarmament加强争取核裁军的运动.

5.Nuclear disarmament and conventional disarmament have all along been the two priority tasks in the sphere of disarmament.核裁军与常规裁军一直是裁军领域的两项优先任务。

6.Executive Committee of PAND International艺人核裁军国际执行委员会

7.South Pacific Forum for Peace and Nuclear Disarmament南太平洋和平与核裁军论坛

8.I don"t go along with her views on nuclear disarmament.我不同意她在核裁军问题上的看法.

9.the Peace Movement,ie the movement campaigning for nuclear disarmament和平运动,即争取核裁军的运动.

10.She took a firm stand on nuclear disarmament.她在核裁军的问题上态度很坚决.

11.Bay Area Asians for Nuclear Disarmament湾区亚裔支持核裁军组织

12.Russia s Security Strategy & Its Nuclear Disarmament Policies;俄罗斯安全战略的演变与核裁军政策

13.the major nuclear powers should implement existing nuclear disarmament treaties as scheduled and further substantially reduce their nuclear weapon stockpiles;主要核大国如期实施现有核裁军条约并进一步大幅度削减核军备;

14.Obama"s Proposal for "Nuclear-free World" and Its Impact on International Nuclear Disarmament奥巴马“无核世界”倡议对国际核裁军的影响

15."On the contrary, nuclear-weapon states should faithfully fulfill their nuclear disarmament obligations so as to promote, with concrete action, an early realization of complete nuclear disarmament."恰恰相反,核国家应该忠实履行核裁军的义务,以实际行动推动全面彻底核裁军的早日实现。

16.Nonetheless, mankind should remain coolly cognizant that the path to international While some progress has been made in nuclear disarmament, the major nuclear但是,人们要清醒地看到,国际军控与裁军的任务还十分艰巨和复杂,核裁军虽取得了

17.Progress in nuclear disarmament cannot be achieved without a global strategic equilibrium and stability.核裁军的进展,离不开全球的战略平衡和稳定。

18.I don"t necessarily go along with all you say about politics/with your view on nuclear disarmament.我没有必要同意你的政论/你有关核裁军的观点。


Nuclear Disarmament verification核裁军核查

3)Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament核裁军运动

4)European Nuclear Disarmament Convention欧洲核裁军会议


1.Hoover Administration s Germany Policy onDisarmament;胡佛政府在裁军问题上的对德政策

2.Australia and the Regime of the Arms Control,Disarmament and the Nuclear Non-proliferation;澳大利亚与军备控制、裁军和核不扩散机制

3.Study on China s Devotion to the World Arms Control andDisarmament;中国对世界军备控制与裁军的贡献研究

6)arms control and disarmament军控与裁军

1.China and developing countries have maintained active cooperation in internationalarms control and disarmament since 1950s, contributing to international peace and stability, and to the realization of respective national security interests.自20世纪下半叶以来,中国与其他发展中国家在军控与裁军领域进行了积极的合作,为国际和平与稳定以及自身国家安全利益的实现做出了重要贡献。


