1500字范文 > 《对日和平条约》 Peace Treaty with Japan英语短句 例句大全

《对日和平条约》 Peace Treaty with Japan英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-14 10:20:55


《对日和平条约》 Peace Treaty with Japan英语短句 例句大全

《对日和平条约》,"Peace Treaty with Japan"

1)"Peace Treaty with Japan"《对日和平条约》

1.So they endeavoured to prepare"Peace Treaty with Japan".在最初处理冲绳的问题上,日本政府一直担心冲绳会从日本分离出去,所以努力准备《对日和平条约》(又称《旧金山和约》)的签订,希望这些努力能起到一定的效果。

2)the Peace Treaty between Japan and Russia日苏和平条约

3)Japanese Peace Treaty对日和约

1.TheJapanese Peace Treaty and the Korean Truce Negotiations;对日和约与朝鲜停战谈判


1.San Francisco Treaty of Peace with Japan《旧金山对日和约》

2.On Relationship between San Francisco Treaty of Peace with Japan and the Post-WWⅡ Cross-Staits Relations论《旧金山对日和约》与战后台海关系

3.Signing and Influence of "Treaty of Peace with Japan";《旧金山对日和约》的签定及其影响

4.The Signing and Effect of the “San Francisco Peace Treaty with Japan”;《旧金山对日和约》的签订及其影响

5.A Restudy of the San Francisco Treaty of Peace with Japan--On the Decision of the Treaty on the Xisha Islands and the Nansha Islands and Its Consequences《旧金山对日和约》再研究——关于其对西沙群岛、南沙群岛的处理及后果

6.A Contrastive Study of Stylistic Features in China Daily and New York Times《中国日报》和《纽约时报》文体特征对比研究

7.The peace treaty was signed yesterday .和平条约于昨日签订。

8.On the Engulfing of Korea and Colonization of Taiwan of China by Japan after the Signature of Maguan Treaty;《马关条约》后日本对朝鲜的殖民吞并和对中国台湾的殖民统治

9.This paper analyses the traits of Japanese enterprise culture as well as its function in supporting and controlling Japanese enterprises and its economy development.分析了日本企业文化的特点及其对日本企业和日本经济发展的支撑与制约作用。

10.The period of Occupation of Japan officially ended when a peace treaty signed at San Francisco.根据旧金山和平条约,盟军对日本的占领正式结束。

11.For the Norsemen Friday was regarded as the luckiest day of the week, the day of dating and wedding.对挪威人来说,星期五是一周中最吉利的日子,是情人约会和结婚的日子。

12.The Joint Declaration Between the Government of the People"s Republic of China and the Government of Japan and the Treaty of Peace and Friendship Between China and Japan are the foundation for the development of Sino-Japanese relations .发展中日关系的基础是《中日联合声明》和《中日和平友好条约》。

13.Manage your schedule, keep track of appointments and tasks管理您的日程安排,跟踪约会和任务

14.An appointment that has no start or end date-and-time.·每天记录:没有起始和终止日期的约会。

15.Joshua made war a long time with all those kings.约书亚和这诸王争战了许多年日。

16.Treaty of Basic Relations of Japan and Republic of Korea日本和大韩民国基本关系条约

17.Rome, Paris, London, New York, New Zealand, Australia and Japan.罗马、巴黎、伦敦、纽约、新西兰、澳洲和日本。

18.Joshua waged war against all these kings for a long time.18约书亚和这诸王争战了许多年日。


the Peace Treaty between Japan and Russia日苏和平条约

3)Japanese Peace Treaty对日和约

1.TheJapanese Peace Treaty and the Korean Truce Negotiations;对日和约与朝鲜停战谈判

4)Sino-Japanese Treaty of Peace and Friendship中日和平友好条约

1.In 1972 and in 1978,China and Japan respectively signed the“Sino-Japanese Joint Statement”and“Sino-Japanese Treaty of Peace and Friendship”, these established the basic principles and direction for the Sino-Japanese relations in a healthy and stable development, they are the most fundamental political document.中日两国分别于1972年和1978年签署的《中日联合声明》和《中日和平友好条约》为中日关系健康、稳定地发展确立了基本的原则与方向,始终是指导两国关系发展的最基本的政治文件。

5)San Francisco Treaty of Peace with Japan旧金山对日和约

1.San Francisco Treaty of Peace with Japan was one of the important steps by the US to construct the line of defense along the coast of the west-Pacific Ocean and to carry out the strategy of Cold War.其中《旧金山对日和约》便是美国力图构建西太平洋防线、实施遏制战略的重要步骤之一。

6)the Treaty of Peace and Friendship《和平与友好条约》

1.Historical Background forthe Treaty of Peace and Friendship between Nepal and India;试析尼印《和平与友好条约》签订的历史背景


