1500字范文 > 六朝贵族制 aristocracy in Six Dynasties英语短句 例句大全

六朝贵族制 aristocracy in Six Dynasties英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-06 01:26:41


六朝贵族制 aristocracy in Six Dynasties英语短句 例句大全

六朝贵族制,aristocracy in Six Dynasties

1)aristocracy in Six Dynasties六朝贵族制

2)aristocracy in the Southern Dynasties南朝贵族制

3)scholar officials of the Six Dynasties六朝士族

1.They mostly came from families of the oldscholar officials of the Six Dynasties.唐代江南籍的宰相基本为六朝士族出身 ,表明江南地区在唐朝高层政权中的影响和作用主要是通过六朝士族 ,并非唐朝新兴的家族。

4)aristocratic system贵族制度

1.Thearistocratic system of Korea has special character different from the Central Plains,which owns the status and power independent of the King.高句丽贵族制度具有与中原不同的特点,即其贵族具有独立于国王的地位和权力,贵族权不依附于王权而独立存在。


1.The Victim of Noble System--An Analysis on Lu Xian s Nature;贵族制度的牺牲品——吕西安性格分析

2.System Construction Promotes Governing School with Law;以制度建设促进依法治校——以贵州民族学院为例

3.Aristocratic Political Characteristics of The Hereditary Election System (HES) in Liao Dynasty and Its Effect;辽朝世选制度的贵族政治特色及其影响

4.British Aristocracy as Reflected in English Vocabulary;英语的贵族语汇与不列颠的贵族体制

5.Under the old political system wealth and power centralized in the hands of a few noble families.在旧政治制度下财富和权力都集中在少数贵族家族手中。

6.In a month the ancient and decayed system of the aristocratic order had collapsed.一个月以后,古老、腐朽的贵族统治制度彻底瓦解了。

7.The analysis of the irregular system factors of administrative environment in minority Areas--Case in Guizhou Province;少数民族地区行政环境中的非正规制度因素分析——以贵州省为例

8.Loss of "Liberty" and Source of Equality--Tocqueville s Views on Nobility and Reign in Old Regime;“自由”的丧失和平等的起源——托克维尔论旧制度时代的贵族和王权

9.The vicissitude of farmland system in Guizhou Minority Nationality Areas and its historical significance since the China founding;建国以来贵州少数民族地区农村土地制度变迁及其历史意义

10.The Change of the Miaos" Marriage Institution in Past 60 Years:An Example of Hangba Village,Shibing,Guizhou苗族婚姻制度变迁六十年——以贵州省施秉县夯巴寨为例

11.An aristocrat would like to see noblemen in control of the government.主张贵族政治者愿意看到贵族控制政府。

12.Europe still had its old class system. It was the home of the landed aristorcracy, of palaces and royal faimlies.欧洲仍然保有其古老的阶级制度。欧洲是有产贵族阶层的故土,宫殿和皇族的所在地。

13.Great Britain: from"Aristocratic Democratic System" to"Grade Monarchy System;从"贵族民主制"到"等级君主制"的英国

14.With multifunctional sticks in hand, the silver-haired noBles can show their outstanding manners.手持多功能拐杖,令银发贵族风度非凡。

15.ARISTOCRAT TALENTED WOMAN, DEMEANOR OF FAMOUS FIGURE: Zhang Ailing’s Grand and Mysterious Style;贵族才女 名士风度——张爱玲的庄玄意趣

16.Strengthening Ethnic Legal System of Guizhou, Advancing Economic Development of Ethnic Areas;加强贵州民族法制建设 促进民族地区经济发展

17.The Comments on the British Aristocracy by Thinkers in the Early Period of Modern Times;近代前期思想家对英国贵族制的评论

18.The members of the nobility, especially the French nobility.贵族贵族的成员,尤指法国贵族的成员


aristocracy in the Southern Dynasties南朝贵族制

3)scholar officials of the Six Dynasties六朝士族

1.They mostly came from families of the oldscholar officials of the Six Dynasties.唐代江南籍的宰相基本为六朝士族出身 ,表明江南地区在唐朝高层政权中的影响和作用主要是通过六朝士族 ,并非唐朝新兴的家族。

4)aristocratic system贵族制度

1.Thearistocratic system of Korea has special character different from the Central Plains,which owns the status and power independent of the King.高句丽贵族制度具有与中原不同的特点,即其贵族具有独立于国王的地位和权力,贵族权不依附于王权而独立存在。

5)noble system贵族政制

1.The Greek states,being founded after the Homer period,carried out the "noble system" from the beginning,from which only small number of inherited noblemen were made rulers.荷马时代之后所形成的希腊各邦,初时盛行的是“贵族政制”,在这种政制下,掌握政权的只是范围极其狭窄的世袭贵族阶层,他们本身并不能构成为公民集体,因而尚不能被称为城邦。


1.The Transition from Kingship toAristocracy in Ancient Greece;贵族制取代君主制与古希腊民主制的形成


