1500字范文 > 育种群体 breeding population英语短句 例句大全

育种群体 breeding population英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-20 22:00:44


育种群体 breeding population英语短句 例句大全

育种群体,breeding population

1)breeding population育种群体


1.Molecular Characterization of Elite Genotypes within A First Generation Breeding Population of Pinus massoniana Using ISSR马尾松1代育种群体遗传多样性的ISSR分析

2.Parent effects and estimation of genetic parameters for three Japanese flounder breeding populations三个牙鲆育种群体亲本效应及遗传参数估计

3.Mass Sports" and "Social Sports" -Two Different Popular Forms of Sports;“群众体育”与“社会体育”——体育普及的两种不同形态

4.Heterosis Group and Heterotic Patterns of CIMMYT Maize Germplasm Populations;CIMMYT玉米种质群体的杂优类群与育种潜力研究

5.Endodeme is a deme composed of predominantly closely inbreeding but dioecious individuals.同系同群种是由近亲繁育占优势,但雌雄异株的个体组成的同群种。

6.Establishment and Optimization of the Technical System for Population-based Selection in Open Nucleus Breeding System of Qinchuan Beef Cattle;秦川肉牛群选群育开放核心群育种体系的建立及技术体系优化研究

7.Influence of different planting density on growth and development of canopy dynamics in castor蓖麻不同种植密度对群体生育动态的影响

8.Study on Individual-based Model of Anchovy Population Dynamics in the Huanghai Sea and Bohai Sea;基于个体发育的黄渤海鳀鱼种群动态模型研究

9.Major Traits Breeding Potentiality Analysis of Five Synthesized Corn Populations;5个玉米人工合成群体主要性状育种潜势分析

10.Breeding Potential Comparison of Nine Synthetic Maize Populations9个不同玉米人工合成群体育种潜势的比较

11.Ontogeny of Radopholus similis Population from Import Anthurium andraeanum进口红掌上香蕉穿孔线虫种群的个体发育

12.Effects of Different Transplanting Densities on the Population Development and Grain Yield of Double Cropping Super Rice种植密度对双季超级稻群体发育和产量的影响

13.Genetic Diversity and Breeding Strategy of Cerasus Campanulata Maxim.福建山樱花群体遗传多样性、繁育技术体系和育种策略研究

14.Analysis of Genetic Structure Differentiation of Released Soybean Cultivar Population and Specificity of Subpopulations in China中国大豆育成品种群体遗传结构分化和亚群特异性分析

15.From now on, the sports activities having been solely conducted by the govern-ment will tend towards being conducted by people gradually. The sports club is a kind of successful example, too.今后,由单纯的政府办体育,逐步走向民间群众办体育,体育俱乐部也是一种成功的范例。

16.A grey recurrent population improvement of wheat was suggested by combining the grey breeding method with the wheat dwarf male-sterile technology.将灰色育种方法与矮败群体改良方法相结合,提出了小麦灰色轮回群体改良方法。

17.On Reforms in Physical Education in Colleges and Universities from the Angle of Mass Sports从群众体育视角谈高校体育教育改革

18.Reforming Physical Education in Teachers Colleges and Promoting the Development of Mass Physical Training;改革高师体育教育,促进群众体育发展


colony breeding群体育种

1.Ricecolony breeding is use the rice which is sensitive to light temperature and karyon is no-breeding as genetic carrier,in virtue of it`s zoology no-breeding,building up mul-parent`s hybridized colony which is self-pollination.水稻群体育种是以光温敏核不育水稻为遗传载体,借助它的生态不育特性,建立多亲本天然授粉的杂交群体。

3)super mass breeding大群体育种

1.But through researching its characteristics of often cross-pollinated and utilizing the method ofsuper mass breeding there is a little hope of getting new varieties of super strong gluten wheat但是,利用了它这种常异交特性及大群体育种方法,为选育超强筋小麦新品种带来了希望。

4)big group breeding大群体育种法

5)effective breadign population有效育种群体

6)population breeding种群育种


