1500字范文 > 职校学生 vocational school students英语短句 例句大全

职校学生 vocational school students英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-14 20:24:05


职校学生 vocational school students英语短句 例句大全

职校学生,vocational school students

1)vocational school students职校学生

1.Vocational school students in layers of screening examinations to enter vocational school learning,in their community,school,family pressure,often show lack of confidence,psychologists Gardner s Theory of Multiple Intelligences can helpvocational school students solve this problem.职校学生在层层考试的筛选下进入职校学习,他们在社会、学校、家庭的压力下,常常表现出自信心的不足,心理学家加德纳的多元智能理论可以帮助职校学生解决这一问题。

2)vocational school students职业学校学生


1.Study of Career-Designing of the Students in Professional Schools of Petroleum;石油职业学校学生职业生涯设计研究

2.The Students Professional Ethics Education Researching of Secondary Technical School;中等职业学校学生职业道德教育研究

3.A Research on the Learning Disabilities of Secondary Vocational School Students中等职业学校学生学业不良问题研究

4.An Investigation into Mathematical Emotion Education in Secondary Vocational School s Students;中等职业学校学生数学情感教育探析

5.Develop the Study Interest to Study English Happily职业学校学生英语学习兴趣培养策略

6.Study on the Career Design Taught in Middle Vocation School;中等职业学校学生职业生涯设计状况研究

7.Secondary Vocational School Students Career Planning Education Research中等职业学校学生职业生涯规划教育研究

8.The Research of Career Planning Guidance of Rural Secondary Vocational School Students农村中等职业学校学生职业生涯规划指导研究

9.Research on the All-the-way Employment Guidance of Middle-sized Vocational School;中等职业学校学生全程就业指导研究

10.Study on the Problem of the Secondary Vocational School Students Employment in Tibet;西藏中等职业学校学生就业问题研究

11.Shenyang Cantonal Vocational School s Students Choose Career Psychology Research;沈阳市区职业学校学生择业心理研究

12.The Mental Development of Vocational School Students and the Mental Education of Vocational School;职校生心理发展与职业学校心理教育

13.The Study on "School Adaptation" of Freshmen in Secondary Vocational School;中等职业学校新生“学校不适应症”探讨

14.Exploration of Students Basic Vocational Abilities in the Higher Vocational Colleges;高等职业院校学生基本职业能力探讨

15.Higher Training College Student Occupational Ethics Education Analysis;高等职业院校学生职业道德教育研析

16.Elementary Discussion on Cultivating Vocational Interest of Higher Vocational College Students;高等职业院校学生职业兴趣培养初探

17.Research on Work Possible Selves of Students in Higher Vocational Colleges高等职业院校学生职业可能自我研究

18.Study on the guidance work of vocational career for studentsin highervocational college;高职院校学生职业生涯辅导工作探索


vocational school students职业学校学生

3)Occupational school students职业技校学生

4)vocational school students职业院校学生

1.Analysis on depression and its influence factors amongvocational school students;职业院校学生抑郁症状及影响因素分析

2.Results shows that SCL-90 has good reliability and validity in group ofvocational school students.结果表明,SCL—90在职业院校学生这一群体中具有良好的信度与效度。

5)Higher vocational college students高职院校学生

1.Higher vocational college students are students with their own characte.高职院校学生是一个具有特殊性的群体。

2.Therefore,the network has become an important part of life in higher vocational college students and has a profound impact on their values and the behavior patterns.网络正在影响着人们生活的各个方面,正在潜移默化地影响着当代的高职院校学生。

6)vocational college students高职院校学生

1.Investigations and Research on Status and Activities of Clubs for Vocational College Students;高职院校学生群体俱乐部活动状况的调查与研究

2.This paper discusses two ways on how to promotevocational college students mental endurance,of which one stems from their mentality against setbacks and the other relies on colleges proper role in creating a sound psychological environment.提高高职院校学生挫折的承受力,一方面要引导大学生提高心理健康水平,采取正确措施应对挫折;另一方面高职院校应从教育工作者的角度出发,努力为广大学生营造良好的心理健康教育环境,提高学生自我保健意识。


《三毛学生意》滑稽戏作品。作者范哈哈。1956年由上海大众滑稽剧团演出。剧本单行本于1957年出版,收入《中国地方戏曲集成·上海市卷》(1958)。全剧共 6幕。描写民国时期,农村少年三毛流浪到上海学生意,第一次碰到一伙流氓,指使他学扒窃、"告地状";三毛拆穿他们的骗局,因而被殴打、驱逐。第二次被理发师收留,帮着老板娘做繁重的家务,因物价飞涨,货币贬值,学徒生活也难以为继。第三次到算命馆当童仆,算命瞎子妄图霸占年轻女仆小英,三毛帮助小英摆脱魔掌,双双逃离上海。剧作吸取滑稽戏前身──独脚戏段子《剃头》、《瞎子店》的某些情节,运用夸张手法,鞭挞了流氓、伪警察、地痞之流人物,揭露了半封建半殖民地社会的一些病态;也嘲讽了小市民身上的某些弱点。剧作还运用诙谐、幽默的笔触,真实地反映了三毛、小英这些被剥削、被压迫者的遭遇,对他们寄予深厚的同情。演出采用不同方言点染人物的地方色彩,增强了全剧的生活气息。1958年,《三毛学生意》摄制成滑稽戏影片。
