1500字范文 > 成都市郊 Suburb of Chengdu city英语短句 例句大全

成都市郊 Suburb of Chengdu city英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-23 18:25:59


成都市郊 Suburb of Chengdu city英语短句 例句大全

成都市郊,Suburb of Chengdu city

1)Suburb of Chengdu city成都市郊


1.Study on the Suburban Universities Impetus to the Suburban s Development--A Case Study of Chengdu Suburban;高校郊区化对郊区城市化的推动作用——基于成都市郊区的调查分析

2.Soil Fauna Diversity of the Rape(Brassica napus) Land in the Suburb of Chengdu City成都市郊油菜地土壤动物群落多样性

3.Research on the Context and the Theme of the Tourism Development in Longquangyi(Suburb Chengdu);龙泉驿(成都市郊)旅游开发的文脉和主题研究

4.Epidemiological Investigation of Dental Caries among the People in Rural Area of Chengdu成都市郊县农村人群龋病流行病学调查

5.Research on Field Planning in Chengdu s Suburbs and Constructing City-countryside Harmonious Society;成都市郊农田景观开发与构建城乡和谐社会研究

parison of soil fauna community characters of three different land utilizations in the suburbs of Chengdu City成都市郊区三种土地利用方式的土壤动物群落特征比较

7.A Study to Employment of the Rural Labor Force in the Suburb of Chengdu;成都市近郊农村劳动力就业问题研究

8.Study on the Suburban Universities Impetus to the Suburban Development--A Case Study of Chengdu Suburbia;高校郊区化背景下的成都城市化进程

9.Trial Excavation on the Longshan Period Site at Jinsha Village in the Western Suburb of Chengdu City;成都市西郊金沙村龙山时代遗址试掘

10.Study on Mercury Security in Aquatic Products on the Outskirt of Chengdu成都市城郊水产品中汞的安全性研究

11.Reflect: Suburb Urbanization of Chengdu under Fast Promotion;反思:成都市快速推进的郊区城市化发展

12.Research on Influencing Factors about Rural Tourism Development of Chengdu Suburb Destinations;成都市城郊乡村旅游地发展的影响因素分析

13.The Research about Industry Development Programming and Performance of Chengdu s Suburb Towns;成都市近郊乡镇产业发展规划及实施推进研究

14.SWOT Analysis and Strategic Study on Development of Outskirts Tourism in Chengdu;成都市城郊旅游发展的SWOT分析及战略研究

15.Urbanization and Rural Tourism Development in Suburbs: A Case Study of Heming Village in Qionglai City;城市化与城市近郊乡村旅游开发研究——以成都邛崃市鹤鸣村为例

16.Research on Arable Land Protection and Sustainable Usage in Suburb of Metropolis--Take Pixian in Chengdu as An Example;大城市郊区耕地保护与可持续利用探讨——以成都市郫县为例

17.The Enlightenment of Overseas Urban Agriculture on Beijing Suburb Urban Agriculture;海外都市农业对京郊都市农业的启示

18.An Empirical Study of Family-related Goals of "Nongjiale" Operators in the Periphery of Shanghai, Wuhan and Chengdu;上海、武汉、成都城市近郊农家乐家庭相关目标实证研究


Chengdu suburb成都市郊区

1.Chengdu suburb was taken as the studied area, the information of landscape pattern was obtained by the methods of auto-classification and the visual interpretation after the correction and enhancement of remote sensing images, and then the landscape pattern indexes of studied area were analyzed after the selection of the analytical indexes.将遥感影像经过纠正和增强后,采用自动分类和目视判读结合的方法获取了成都市郊区的景观类型分布信息;通过选择分析指标,对研究区景观格局指数进行了分析。

2.27 soil samples located by GPS (Global Position System) were collected at 0-20cm depth by the approaches of grid and stratum sampling in Chengdu Suburb.本研究利用格网抽样技术和重点抽样相结合的混合随机抽样技术结合全球定位系统(GPS)采集了成都市郊区27个样点的耕作层土样,用常规方法对其芽孢杆菌进行分离、计数和鉴定。

3)Outlying Suburbs of Chengdu City成都市外围郊区

4)urban rural fringe都市郊区

5)urban outskirts都市近郊

1.Through the researches on the present situation of community-involved tourism, this paper chooseurban outskirts as investigate object and take Bishan county of Chongqing outskirts for example to analyze the characteristic ofurban outskirts community-involved tourism by use of PRS model.文章通过对社区参与旅游的发展历程和社区参与乡村旅游研究现状的探究,选取都市近郊乡村为研究对象,以重庆市近郊乡村的璧山县为例,运用PRS模型分析都市近郊乡村旅游社区参与的特点,在此基础上提出该类区域社区参与乡村旅游发展的策略。

6)suburbs of Chengdu City成都近郊

1.This paper expounds the concept of agriculture-ecology tourism, present situation of the development of agriculture-ecology tourism in thesuburbs of Chengdu City and some problems affecting its sustainable development, and puts forward some countermeasures.阐述了农业生态旅游业的概念以及成都近郊农业生态旅游业的发展状况及其特点 ,综合分析了影响成都近郊农业生态旅游可持续发展的一系列问题 ,并针对这些问题提出了可持续发展对策。


成都成都ChengduChengdu成都(chengdu)中国西南地区战略要地,四川省省会。位于四川省中部、四川盆地西北部。辖锦江、青羊、金牛、武侯、成华、龙泉骚、青白江7区,金堂、双流、温江、卑卜县、新都、崇庆、大邑、邓味、蒲江、新津10县。面积9 762平方千米,人口816.11万,其中市区面积1 382平方千米,人口293.35万(1993)。成都因汉代为全国织锦中心,故有“锦城”美称。五代后蜀主孟袒命人遍植芙蓉于城垣,又得“蓉城”佳号。战国时为蜀国首府。周慎靓王五年(公元前316)秦灭蜀,置成都县。周赦王四年(前311),秦筑成都城,此后即为历代中央王朝统治四川和西南的军、政中心。王莽末年公孙述建“大成国”。三国蜀汉、五代前蜀、后蜀以及北宋李顺、明末张献忠等农民起义军先后在此建都。两汉至隋朝为益州、蜀郡治。唐改蜀郡为成都府。开元七年(719)置剑南节度使,领益、彭等25州。唐玄宗避安史之乱,驻躁成都,时称“南京”。唐代后期,为防御南诏,大规模扩建城池,成都以砖砌城壁取代土筑城墙。宋为成都府路、成都府治。元改成都府路为成都路,为四川行中书省省治。明改路为府。明末清初,城区被战乱破环,康熙、乾隆年间重修城池,为四川省、成都府治。1928年设市,为四川省省会。成都地处山地向盆地过渡地带,地势由西北向东南倾斜。西北部属龙门、邓峡两山的南段东缘,由高山向低山、丘陵、平原递缓,海拔800米以上;东南部为成都平原主体,海拔750米以下,龙泉山屏障于东,长丘山拱卫于南。全境有分属西南部崛江、东北部沱江两大水系的河流40多条,其中青白江、毗河沟通两大水系,平原更有都江堰水利工程形成的纵横灌渠,河网密度大,通航河道少。府河、南河(锦江)穿流交汇于城区,为城区内水障。境内大部地区属中亚热带湿润季风气候,湿度大,风速小,云雾多,日照少。年平均气温16℃,1月平均气温5.7℃,7月平均气温24.7℃。无霜期280天左右。雾日近60天,阴天250天左右。雨热同期,冬春少雨,夏多暴雨,秋多绵雨,年平均降水量967毫米。物产富饶,素有“天府”之称。盛产水稻、小麦、油菜籽、蔬菜等农作物,以生猪为主的养畜业发达,为全国重要的商品粮、油菜籽、生猪生产基地。钙芒硝、蛇纹石等非金属矿储量丰富,居全国之冠。全市拥有机械、电子、冶金、化工、食品、建材、轻纺为主的14个工业门类,是西南地区第二大综合性工业基地。陆、空交通发达,成都一重庆、宝鸡一成都、成都一昆明3条铁路千线交会于此。
