1500字范文 > 文学意义 Literary Significance英语短句 例句大全

文学意义 Literary Significance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-17 04:35:48


文学意义 Literary Significance英语短句 例句大全

文学意义,Literary Significance

1)Literary Significance文学意义

1.Literary Significance of Southern Dynasties Historic Records Compilation;南朝史籍编纂的文学意义

2.The prose by Wang Chong-lü is studied from the prospective of literary history and analyzed and illustrated from four aspects-ideological content,cultural value,literary significance and feature of the main body,only to find the special contributions of his prose to history and aesthetics.将王充闾的散文创作置于文学历史的发展过程之中,从思想含量、文化价值、文学意义、主体特征四个方面,展开梳理、归纳和阐释,就中凸现其历史与美学的特殊贡献。

3.As an intermediary discipline between linguistics and literary criticism, literary stylistics has already drawn attention in various fields for its objective analysis of linguistic forms and the exploration of literary significance of literary works.本论文旨在从文学文体学的角度对小说《爱玛》的两个中译本进行批评研究,从而揭示小说翻译中语言形式与文学意义的内在联系。


1.Research into the Title of "Four Literary Friends" and its Places Arrangement, and Literary Significance Involved in the Process;“文章四友”名称、名次考辨及其文学意义

2.The Style Exquisite diction in Chinese Ancient Historic Worksand its significance in Chinese Literary History;中国古代史著文饰之风及其文学意义

3.The meaning of literature:Jacques Derrida literature of destructuralism;文学的意义——德里达的解构主义文学观

4.Review of Historical Meaning of Scar Literature and Introspection Literature再论伤痕文学、反思文学的文学史意义

5.On Significance of Cultural Relativism for Literary Criticism;试析文化相对主义对文学批评的意义

6.The meaning or significance of a literary or artistic work.含义文学或艺品作品中的含义或意义

7.Culturological Significance of Feminism Literature;文化生态的重构——女性主义文学的文化学意义

8.On the Literary Theoretical Significance of the Stylistic Theory in Carving Dragon with Mind;《文心雕龙》文体论的文学理论意义

9.Restudy on the Problem of "Literary Self-consciousness" in the Category of Literary History;文学史意义上的“文学自觉”再探讨

10.Rational Thought on the Significance of the History of Literature in the New Period Literature;理性沉思:论新时期文学的文学史意义

11.On the Stylistic Significance and Critical Sense of Liu Xie s “Style Distinctions”;刘勰“辨体”的文体论意蕴及批评学意义

12.The Intention-Expressing Feature of Beijing-School Novels and its Contributions to the Contemporary Literature;京派小说的写意特征及其文学史意义

13.The Expression of Blood Image and its Aesthetic Meaning in Ancient Chinese Literature;古代文学中的“血”意象表达及审美意义

14.Analyzing the Literature and Culture Meaning of Dream-descriptions in Yuanzaju;论元杂剧梦境描写的文学及文化意义

15.The Main Idea of Rectifying Interpret Classic by LIU Xie and Its Literary Theory Significance;《文心雕龙·正纬》题旨及文学理论意义

16.The Generic Significance of the Book of Poetry in the View of Cultural Anthropology;文化人类学视野中《诗经》之文类意义

17.Su Manshu:His Self-Account in His Works and Role in the Transition of Chinese Literature;苏曼殊文本的自叙性及文学转型意义

18.Serial Anthology of Classical Prose and Its Significance to Literary History;《古文辞类纂》系列选本及其文学史意义


literary meaning文学意义

1.The interpretations ofliterary meaning on Water Margin abroad are embodied in the three aspects: translation,literary reviews and recreations,in which there are some misunderstanding due to the differences between Chinese culture and western culture.海外对《水浒传》文学意义的阐释,主要体现在翻译、文学批评和再创作三个方面,其中不乏由中西文化差异所导致的误读。

2.The factors of the indeterminacy can be found during the whole dynamic course of the forming of theliterary meaning.确定性与不确定性是文学意义属性的两个相互依存的方面,在对话交流语境下,一个具体文学文本的意义具有无限开放的可能性,因而,文学意义的不确定性是无可辩驳的。

3.Literary meaning is a complicated problem.文学意义是个非常复杂的问题。


1.The process of their beginning and ending is of importantsignificance to the literary history.这一缘起缘落的过程具有重要的文学史意义,对我们研究那段文学的历史,把握20世纪30年代文坛格局,把握两者之间的联系与区别,思考有关文艺的一系列复杂问题都不无裨益。

4)significance of literature文艺学意义

5)culture significance文化学意义

6)importance to the study of Wenxuan文选学意义


