1500字范文 > 《魏晋风度及文章与药及酒之关系》 The Wei and Jin Demeanor and the Relat

《魏晋风度及文章与药及酒之关系》 The Wei and Jin Demeanor and the Relat

时间:2022-08-05 14:13:54


《魏晋风度及文章与药及酒之关系》 The Wei and Jin Demeanor and the Relat

《魏晋风度及文章与药及酒之关系》,"The Wei and Jin Demeanor and the Relationship between Literature and Drug and Wine"

1)"The Wei and Jin Demeanor and the Relationship between Literature and Drug and Wine"《魏晋风度及文章与药及酒之关系》


1.Discussing the Scientific Mistakes in The Relations among the Style of Jin Dynasty,Works,Drug and Wine;《魏晋风度及文章与药及酒之关系》的知识性错误

2.Awakening of Man and Self-consciousness of Literature;人的觉醒与文的自觉──重读鲁迅《魏晋风度及文章与药及酒之关系》

3.A Preliminary Study of Zhang Taiyan s " Weijin Style": its Source and Influence;“清远本之吴魏,风骨兼存周汉”——章太炎“魏晋文章”之源流及影响初探

4.The Perception of Wei & Jin Style and the Culturel Connotation from A New Account of Tales of the World;从《世说新语》看魏晋风度及文化意蕴

5.Lu Xun’s Weijin Style and Zhang Taiyan--The Second Party on the Formation of Lu Xun’s Style for Thinking and Writing鲁迅的“魏晋文章”与章太炎——论鲁迅思维与文风的形成之二

6.Tragic Existence and Poetic Emotion--Discussion of Wei Jin Style and the Connotation of the "Dionysiac Spirit" Revealed in it;悲剧性的存在与诗意情怀——魏晋风度及呈现的“酒神精神”内涵初探

7.Studies on Development of Subjectivity and Objectivity during the Wei-Jin and Six Dynasty Periods, and Its Interactive Relation with Literature Creation;论“虚实”在魏晋六朝的发展及与文学创作的关系

8.The Manner of Wei-jin and Heroic Spirit in the Poetry and Proses from Late Qing to May 4th Period;晚清至五四时期诗文中的“魏晋风度”及侠士风

9.The Relationship between the Legal Stylistic Changes and Academic Atmosphere of Wei and Jin Dynasties;魏晋法律体例的变化与学术风气之关系

10.The Trace of the Culture Character and Spirit Style--Talking about the relations of Wei Jin spirit And Zhang Taiyan文化秉性与精神气质的传承——论魏晋风骨与章太炎的精神联系

11.On a Study of the Development of the Category of Subjectivity and Objectivity During the Wei-Jin and Six Dynasties Period,and the Interactive Relation Between It and the Literature Creation of that Era;论“虚实”在魏晋六朝的发展及与文学创作的互动关系

12.The Esthetic Development of "Wei-Jin Demeanor" and Scholar Culture;论“魏晋风度”与士文化的审美开拓

13.Xiao(Whistling Songs)of the Wei and Jin Dynasties and the Six Dynasties--On xiao and the Bearing of the Wei and Jin Dynasties;魏晋六朝的啸——兼论啸与魏晋风度

14.From Wei-Jin Style to Mid-Tang Spirit;从魏晋风度到盛唐精神——以文人个性和玄儒关系的演变为核心

15.Inns in the Wei,Jin and the Southern and Northern Dynasties and their cultural significance;魏晋南北朝之“逆旅”及其文化意蕴

16.On the Relationships between Painting Theory of Su Shi and Metaphysics in Wei and Jin Dynasty;试论苏轼画论形成与魏晋玄学之关系

17.The Prelude of Demeanor of Wei-Jin--Discussion on "Unusual Manner" of Scholars in Late Eastern Han Dynasty and Its Influence;魏晋风度的前奏——论东汉后期士人的“激诡之行”及其影响

18."Li" and the Related Category of Literary Theory in the Wei,Jin and Northern and Southern Dynasties魏晋南北朝文论中的“丽”及相关范畴


articles of the Wei and Jin Dynasties魏晋文章

3)the calligraphic style of the Wei and Jin Dynasty魏晋之风

4)On Unconventionality and the Bearings in Wei-Jin Dynasties通脱与魏晋风度

5)Dress and Social Style in the Wei and Jin Dynasty服饰与魏晋风度

6)The scholar style in Wei&Jin Dynasty魏晋文士风度



《魏晋风度及文章与药及酒之关系》 The Wei and Jin Demeanor and the Relationship between Literature and Drug and Wine英语短句 例句大全
