1500字范文 > 叙述自我 narrating ego英语短句 例句大全

叙述自我 narrating ego英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-14 12:22:54


叙述自我 narrating ego英语短句 例句大全

叙述自我,narrating ego

1)narrating ego叙述自我

1.The narrative viewpoint in "The Rubber Soul" (a short story by Chen Yao-hua, a contemporary Taiwan writer) is unique by applying the double viewpoints, which can be explained as the flexible combination of the first person ("experiencing ego") and the first witness ("narrating ego").台湾当代作家陈瑶华的短篇小说《橡皮灵魂》,在叙事技巧上颇具匠心,创造性地运用了有机统一的双重视角,即第一人称主人公(“经验自我”)视角和第一人称见证人(“叙述自我”)视角的有机融合。


1.The real and reliable narrator should be the narrative ego.真正的叙述者应为叙述自我,而且是可靠的。

2.Postmodern Narrative Techniques in I Lock My Door upon Myself;小说《自我封闭》的后现代主义叙述技巧

3.Ba Jin s Self-narrative and the canonization of his Sui Xiang Lu;巴金的自我叙述与《随想录》的经典化

4.A Brief Analysis of the Self-consuming Narratorin Allan Poe s Works;简析爱伦·坡作品中自我融入的叙述者

5.Now the Question Goes Who the Person Is--Subject of the Narrater in Fei Ming s Novels;却道此人是谁——论废名小说中的叙述者的自我

6.The Transcendence of the Personal Narrative --An lnterpretation of the Narrative Perspective in The Story of Hulan River;自我言说的超越——《呼兰河传》的叙述视角解读

7.His account contradicted itself.他的叙述自相矛盾。

8.overstate one"s case夸大叙述自己的理由

9.Title: Apparent Narration and Image Narration of Revenge of Nature;《大自然的报复》的显在叙述和意象性叙述

10.I explained and he listened.我详细地叙述了一遍。

11.His account drew tears from us.他叙述使我们掉了眼泪。

12.Self-narrative Discourse and Meaning Reproductionwith Pan Jun s Chong Tong as the Center;自我叙事话语与意义再生产——以潘军的《重瞳——霸王自述》为中心

13.Narration of "I" and Self-examination: James Joyce s Narrative Strategies in Araby;“我”的自述与自省——乔伊斯短篇小说《阿拉比》叙事策略探析

14.His own relation gives us a remarkably objective account of her final attempt.他自己的叙述非常客观地为我们描绘了她的最后一次尝试。

15.Forster s Ideal and Predicament--A Survey of the Self-deconstructive Narration in Howards End;福斯特的理想与困境——浅析《霍华兹别墅》自我解构的叙述

16.Time,Spirit and Poets Self-Narration──Investigation to 90s Poetry;时代、精神与诗人的自我叙述——90年代诗歌个案研究之一

17.On the Expression of the Nation and Male Self-subjects论民族国家与男性自我主体表达——析郁达夫小说的妓女叙述

18.The Narrative "Divided Self":An Analysis of the Individual Subjectivity in the Childhood Section of Dubliners叙述式“分裂的自我”——试析《都柏林人》儿童篇中的个体主体性



1.the author sself-narrative; 2.对《随想录》的经典化叙述包含三个层次:一是巴金的自我叙述;二是公众的期待性叙述;三是学院派的知识分子叙述。

3)self-narrated viewpoint叙述自我视角

1.Various kinds of narrative strategies were useed in the story, such as narrative time, narrative situation, the self-experienced viewpoint and theself-narrated viewpoint in the reviewing narration of the first person alternatively.作者运用了各种叙事策略,如叙述时间,叙事情境及其转换,第一人称回顾性叙述中的经验自我视角与叙述自我视角交替使用。

4)Self-narrative Forms自我叙述模式

5)the narrator "I"叙述者"我"

1.In the New year Sacrifice written by Lu Xun,the display and concealment ofthe narrator "I" is a process of loss,seeking and identification of the narrator′s cultural role.鲁迅小说《祝福》中,叙述者“我”的隐、显的过程就是“我”的文化身份的失去、寻找和确证的过程。

6)I as narrator叙述之我


