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旋转DSA Rotational DSA英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-07 18:55:41


旋转DSA Rotational DSA英语短句 例句大全

旋转DSA,Rotational DSA

1)Rotational DSA旋转DSA

1.Application ofRotational DSA Technique in Cerebral Angiography;旋转DSA在脑血管造影中的应用

2.Application ofRotational DSA Inspection Technique in Cerebral Angiography;旋转DSA检查技术在脑血管造影中的应用探讨

3.ResultsRotational DSA and 3 D angiography could display the location, appearance and extent of stenotic vessel.目的探讨旋转DSA及三维重建技术在颈动脉狭窄介入治疗中的价值。


1.The Application of Rotational DSA on the Diagnosis and Treatment of Intracranial Aneurysms旋转DSA在颅内动脉瘤诊疗中的应用

2.Application of Rotation DSA in the Peripheral Vasculum Interventional Therapy旋转DSA在外周血管介入治疗中的应用

3.Application of Rotational DSA Technology in Diagnosing Cerebral Aneurysm旋转DSA技术在脑动脉瘤诊断中的应用

4.Principle and Practice of Diagnosing Intracranial Aneurysms with RDSA旋转DSA诊疗颅内动脉瘤的原理和应用

5.Application of rotation digital subtraction angiography-in diagnosis of intracerebral aneurysms旋转DSA技术在脑血管造影中的应用价值

6.The Application of Rotational Digital Subtraction Angiography and 3D Reconstruction Technique in Diagnosing of CCF旋转DSA及三维重组技术在颅内动脉海绵窦瘘诊断中的应用价值

7.The Application Research of Multi-axial Direction High Speed Rotational DSA in Diagnosis and Treatment of Intracranial Aneurysm多轴向高速旋转DSA在颅内动脉瘤诊疗中的应用研究

8.Value of three-dimensional digital reconstruction angiography in observation of vascular space relationship旋转DSA三维重建成像对观察血管空间解剖关系的价值

9.To revolve or cause to revolve.旋转旋转或引起旋转

10.The Compared Study about Showing AVF of the Liver in Helical CT and DSA;肝脏动静脉瘘的螺旋CT增强扫描与DSA对照研究

11.Application of 64-slice spiral CT angiography and DSA in basilar artery stenosis64层螺旋CTA与DSA在基底动脉狭窄研究中的应用

12.The Imaging Compare Analyze of MRI、Spiral CT and DSA of Aortic Dissection主动脉夹层的螺旋CT、MRI与DSA影像对比分析

13.a mechanism for revolving the turntable旋转台 [转盘] 的旋转装置

14.To cause to turn around or as if around a central axis;revolve or rotate.旋转使盘旋,使仿佛绕着一中心轴旋转;旋转,回旋

15.Not rotating or involving rotation.不旋转的或不含旋转的

16.A Comparative Study of Indirect Portography DSA and Three-dimensional Reconstruction of Light Speed 16 Multiple Slice Spiral-CT Portography;肝癌患者间接门脉DSA与多排螺旋CT门脉造影三维成像的对比分析

17.Double-phase 16-MSCT Angiography for Evaluation of Patients with Spontaneous SHA: Comparison with 3D-DSA自发性蛛网膜下腔出血:双期16层螺旋CTA与3D-DSA对照研究

18.Detection of intracranial aneurysms:multislice computed tomographic angiography compared with DSA多层螺旋CT血管造影与DSA诊断颅内动脉瘤的效果比较


rotation DSA旋转DSA

1.ObjectiveTo discuss the application of therotation DSA in the interventional treatment.目的探讨旋转DSA技术在外周血管介入治疗中的应用价值。

2.Conclusion:Rotation DSA is of high clinical value,which can demonstrate clearly the body,neck of aneurysms and the relationship between aneurysm-bearing artery and peripheral vessels.目的:探讨旋转DSA技术在颅内动脉瘤诊断中的应用价值。

3)multi-axial direction high speed rotational DSA(MAHS-RDSA)多轴向高速旋转DSA

1.Purpose: To explore the application value of multi-axial direction high speed rotational DSA(MAHS-RDSA) in diagnosis and treatment of intracranial aneurysm.目的:探讨多轴向高速旋转DSA(下称MAHS-RDSA)诊疗颅内动脉瘤的应用价值。


1.The clinical application of inferior vena cavalCO2-DSA;下腔静脉CO_2-DSA的临床应用

5)two dimensional digital subtraction angiography2D-DSA

6)DSA RoomDSA室


旋转-旋转式扫描系统旋转-旋转式扫描系统影像学术语。CT设备的类型之一。扫描方式为旋转-旋转式(rotate-rotate,R/R)的CT设备。扫描时X线管和排列成扇形的探测器阵列做同步旋转,属第三代CT机,可用于全身CT检查,是70年代后期以来临床应用的主流机型之一。X线管为旋转阳极,发射大角度扇形线束,探测器多为氙气电离室或为固体探测器,阵列规模通常在数百甚至上千。扫描时间1~4秒。通常具有靶扫描、靶重建、动态扫描、三维成像等特殊程序和多种重建算法、测量分析功能。旋转-旋转式设备在扫描过程中探测器是连续工作的,利用率高,但不能同时进行校准。所获取的每一幅投影轨迹剖面图都是由整个探测器阵列同时采集的信息构成的,个别探测器出现误差便可能使反投影后的重建图像上出现环形伪影(ring artifact)。该型机不具备体积采样能力。
