1500字范文 > 文社 literary society英语短句 例句大全

文社 literary society英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-03 19:35:31


文社 literary society英语短句 例句大全

文社,literary society

1)literary society文社


1.The Simple research on Mathematic understanding from the perspect ofsocio-culture;数学理解的社会文化初探

2.The crime is not only a law phenomenon,but also asocio-culture phenomenon.犯罪是一种法律规定,更是一种社会文化现象。

3.Since then, translation has been regarded as cultural facts in the target culture, and the researchers began to study various translations within thesocio-culture.本文从社会文化视角出发讨论翻译中的转译现象,转译作为一种翻译现象普遍存在于国内外的翻译实践中,如果仅从传统的研究视角(如忠实程度)去考查,它显然是不忠实的翻译。


1.Sociocultural Theory and Sociocultural Perspective of Second Language Acquisition;社会文化理论及二语习得研究的社会文化视角

2.Construction of Civil Culture as the Basis of a Harmonious Society;论作为和谐社会文化基础的公民文化

3.On cultural differences between Chinese and English andimparting knowledge of cultural background in English teaching;英汉文化差异与社会文化知识的传授

4.The Cultural Fulcrum of College Moral Education: From Campus Culture to Social Culture;大学德育的文化支点:从校园文化到社会文化

5.On the Relation of the Advanced Culture, Socialist Culture & Socialist Spiritual Civilization;先进文化·社会主义文化·社会主义精神文明

6.Sector of Social Services, Humanities and Culture社会学、人道和文化部

7.economic, social and cultural rights经济、社会和文化权利

8.relating to both social and cultural matters.和社会、文化因素都有关。

9.a decaying culture, society, regime, etc衰退的文化、 社会、 政权等

10.physical [cultural, social] anthropology自然 [文化,社会] 人类学

11.On the Development of Socialist Culture in Building a Well-off Society发展社会主义文化 全面建设小康社会

12.About the Construction of a Socialist Harmonious Society from the Cultural Perspective;文化视野下的社会主义和谐社会建设

13.On hamonious sociery and the construction ofadministrant culture of social physical education;论和谐社会与社会体育管理文化建设

14.On the Development of Socialist Culture in Building a Well-off Society;发展社会主义文化 全面建设小康社会

15.Socializing Physical Culture and Building Socialist Spiritual Civilization;体育社会化与社会主义精神文明建设

16.Promote the Culture of Building a Socialist Harmonious Society,the Independent Commission Against弘扬廉政文化 构建社会主义和谐社会

mission for Social Sciences, Humanities and Culture社会科学、人文学和文化委员会

18.Having a highly developed society and culture.文明化的在社会和文化上高度发展的



1.The Simple research on Mathematic understanding from the perspect ofsocio-culture;数学理解的社会文化初探

2.The crime is not only a law phenomenon,but also asocio-culture phenomenon.犯罪是一种法律规定,更是一种社会文化现象。

3.Since then, translation has been regarded as cultural facts in the target culture, and the researchers began to study various translations within thesocio-culture.本文从社会文化视角出发讨论翻译中的转译现象,转译作为一种翻译现象普遍存在于国内外的翻译实践中,如果仅从传统的研究视角(如忠实程度)去考查,它显然是不忠实的翻译。

3)social culture社会文化

1.The Understanding of Relationship between Language and Social Culture CanFacilitate the Obstacles in Intercommunication;掌握语言与社会文化的关系,开通社会交往的桥梁

2.Onsocial culture construction of editing activity;论编辑活动对社会文化的构建

3.The analysis onsocial culture of sports resources in national minority of northwestern China;西北少数民族地区体育资源的社会文化因素分析

4)civilized society文明社会

1.Perfecting the youth traditional virtue education to build harmoniouscivilized society;加强青年传统美德教育,构建和谐文明社会

5)community culture社区文化

1.The countermeasure ctudy of dealing with the contradiction of community Party construction andcommunity culture;试论正确处理社区党建与社区文化矛盾关系的对策

2.On ways of building a harmoniouscommunity culture——A case study on Siming district of Xiamen;论和谐社区文化建设的途径与方法——以厦门思明区为例

6)Wenchong community文冲社区


