1500字范文 > 心先安 Meglumine cyclic adenylate英语短句 例句大全

心先安 Meglumine cyclic adenylate英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-07 10:12:28


心先安 Meglumine cyclic adenylate英语短句 例句大全

心先安,Meglumine cyclic adenylate

1)Meglumine cyclic adenylate心先安

1.Effects of meglumine cyclic adenylate on myocardial preservation of preconditioning with ischemia;心先安对缺血预处理心肌保护作用的影响

2.Effect of meglumine cyclic adenylate and low-molecular-weight heparin sodium on treatment of chronic cor pulmonale;心先安与低分子肝素钠对慢性肺心病心衰治疗的影响

3.Objective It is to investigate the effects of Ningxinbao and meglumine cyclic adenylate combined on the treatment of sinus bradycardia.目的评价中药宁心宝与西药心先安结合治疗窦性心动过缓患者的临床疗效。


1.Meglumine Cyclic Adenylate(MCA) Injection in Treating Patients with Severe Congestive Heart Failure;心先安治疗重症充血性心力衰竭疗效观察

2.Clinical observation and nursing of Meglumine adenosine cyclophosphate injection as add-on treatment for acute bronchiolitis in infants心先安佐治婴幼儿急性毛细支气管炎观察及护理

3.whose images are fed back to a state-of-the-art security booth.影像直接传回先进的安全控制中心

4.The Blue Baby nestled in Annie"s arms.那个患先天性心脏病的婴儿依偎在安妮的怀里

5.Mr. Swiveller was relieved to find him in such good humour.斯威夫勒先生看到他的笑容,也就安心了。

6.Permit me first of all to thank you, our host, for your extraordinary arrangements and hospitality.首先请允许我感谢东道主的精心安排与好客。

7.He has always shown scant regard for the plight of his people, caring only for the security of his regime.金先生一直很少关心民众的疾苦,只关心他政权的安危。

8.obtain or arrange in advance.预先获得或者预先安排。

9.Sin Tin Tao Home for the Aged [Sin Tin Tao]先天道安老院〔先天道〕

10.Mr. Doran was very anxious indeed this Sunday morning.事实上,这个礼拜天的整个上午,多伦先生一直心神不安。

11.A ray of hope shot through Mr. Pan making him feel he had reached haven.一缕安慰的心直透潘先生的周身,仿佛到了家似的。

12."You can go, Miss March," said Mr. Davis, looking, as he felt, uncomfortable.“你可以走了,玛基小姐。”戴维先生说,看来他觉得有点于心不安了。

13.He became easy again before Mr. Poyser"s slow speech was finished.波塞先生慢条斯理的话还没说完,他重又心安理得了。

14.The demonstration had been carefully stage-managed to coincide with the Prime Minister"s visit.这次示威活动事先作了精心安排, 正好在首相访问时进行.

15.Williams showed the symptoms of the psychological katzenjammer newcomers know so well.威廉斯先生显示出新人所熟悉的那种心理上不安的症状。

16.Mr. Chamberlain had cherished the hope of appeasing and reforming him and leading him to grace.张伯伦先生则满心想安抚他,感化他,教他温文知礼。

17.Bingley was quite uncomfortable; his sisters declared that they were miserable.彬格莱先生心里非常不安,他的姐姐和妹妹也说是十分担忧。

18.Clinging to His Pursuit: A Profound Reflection on the Past--Comment on Peng s New Novel Grass on the Plain;执著的追求 心灵史的写照——评彭定安先生新著《离离原上草》


Meglumine adenosine cyclophosphate injection心先安

1.Clinical observation and nursing ofMeglumine adenosine cyclophosphate injection as add-on treatment for acute bronchiolitis in infants;心先安佐治婴幼儿急性毛细支气管炎观察及护理

2.Effects of Meglumine Adenosine Cyclophosphate Injection in Patients with Unstable Angina;心先安治疗不稳定性心绞痛的临床观察

3)Meglumine adenosine cyclophosphate心先安

1.To investigate whether to infuse a bolus of meglumine adenosine cyclophosphate by way of the oxygenator before starting of CBP could lower the incidence of arrhythmia in on-pump beating-heart intracardiac procedures.目的研究常温不停跳心内直视手术中在进行心内直视手术操作前静脉注射心先安(即环磷腺苷葡胺)预防心律失常的效果和安全性。


1.Evaluating on Clinical Therapeutic Effect ofMcAMP for Senile Refrectory Hreart Failure;心先安治疗老年顽固性心力衰竭临床疗效评价

2.Observations on the Curative Effect ofMcAMP for Cardiac Isufficiency;心先安对心功能不全的疗效观察

5)Meglumrne cyclic adenylate injection/therapeutic use心先安/治疗应用



心先安药物名称:心先安英文名:药理作用:改善细胞代谢及能量代谢改善心肌细胞缺血缺氧、降低耗氧量松弛平滑肌:扩张外周血管及心脑组织血管;松弛支气管平滑肌正性肌力作用:增强心肌收缩力,改善泵血功能抗心律失常:修复受损的P细胞,改善窦房结及房室结的功能及传导抑制血小板活化:改善微循环稳定肥大细胞膜,抑制炎性介质释放适应范围:各类心血管疾病术前术后合并心血管疾病的其他手术病人围手术期术前保护缺血缺氧的心肌细胞,改善心脏功能,防治心律失常。术中保护心脑组织细胞及重要脏器的功能;减少支气管的痉挛及气道分泌物减少麻醉意外及毒性反应,对手术所产生的低心排具有独特作用用量:心先安150ng加入5%GS 500ml加入5%GS 20ml时静推一次用药时机:入手术室后麻醉前或麻醉诱导期 类别:心血管系统用药
