1500字范文 > 初中教师 junior middle school teachers英语短句 例句大全

初中教师 junior middle school teachers英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-29 07:11:15


初中教师 junior middle school teachers英语短句 例句大全

初中教师,junior middle school teachers

1)junior middle school teachers初中教师

1.Research of Junior Middle School Teachers Cognition of Students Conception of Learning;初中教师眼中的学生学习观的研究

2.The relation between the classroom administration pattern and teaching behavior is studied through questionnaire and talking with fiftyjunior middle school teachers.通过访谈法和问卷法对50名初中教师的课堂管理方式与其教学行为之间存的关系进行了研究。

3.Through the analysis of the data from the questionaire,junior middle school teachers are in general in a contradictory state towards the new curriculum reform in three aspects:psychological stress,cognitive evaluation and corresponding actions.本调查主要用自编问卷进行,通过对所得数据的统计分析,发现初中教师对新课改的心理压力、认知评估、应对行为在总体上存在着一种“矛盾”状态———积极层面占优势的同时隐含有消极因素,三者之间存在着交互作用,影响这三者主要因素有年龄、任教学科、学校条件、新课改培训情况。


1.On the Workout Method and Standard of the Teaching Capability of Junior Middle School Teacher;初中教师资格教育教学基本能力测试方案初探

2.Research of Teachers Professional Happiness in Country Middle School;农村初中教师职业幸福感的调查研究

3.An Investigation and Research on the Occupational Stress among Junior Middle School Teachers in Changchun City;长春市初中教师职业压力的调查研究

4.A Study on Subjective Well-being of Urban and Rural Middle School Teachers.;城乡初中教师主观幸福感的比较研究

5.The "Collaboration between Masters and Apprentices" for New Teachers in Middle Schools:Problems and Countermeasures;中学初任教师“师徒结对”之问题及对策

6.Remark on the "the System of Teachers and Students" of First Assuming Teachers Vocation Guidance;且说初任教师入职辅导中的“师徒制”

7.Research on the Teaching Adaptability of Junior-middle School Teachers of Chemistry to the New Textbook;初中化学教师新教材教学适应性研究

8.Junior High School Teachers Charm in the Chinese Language Classroom Teaching浅析初中语文课堂教学中的教师魅力

9.Investigation and Study about Junior Middle School Mathematics Teachers Using New Teaching Materials;初中数学教师使用新教材的调查研究

10.Discussion on Developmental Teacher Assessment in Modern Classroom Teaching;现代课堂教学中发展性教师评价初探

11.Research into the Course Design in the Continuing Education of Middle School Math Teachers;初中数学教师继续教育课程设置研究

12.Cornment on Physical Education of Special Teacher s College Through Elementary Physical Teaching Situation;从初中物理教学现状谈师专物理教学

13.A Preliminary Study of Teacher Cost Accounting in the Process of Educational Informatization教育信息化进程中教师成本核算初探

14.The Teacher s Practical Knowledge: Narrative Inquiry on a Junior Middle School Language Teacher;教师实践知识:一位初中语文教师的叙事探究

15.On the Roles of Apprenticeship in English Teachers Professional Development Instruction;师徒教师教育中的身份改变——以英语初任教师为例

16.The Action Research of Chemistry Teachers Professional Development in Middle School;初中化学教师专业发展中的行动研究

17.Preliminary study on the problems teachers encountered in the implementation of“science”curriculum in Junior high school初中《科学》课程实施中教师面临问题初探

18.The Reformation of Middle School History Curriculum in 30 Years and the Inquiry of Normal History Teacher Training;中学历史课改30年与高师历史教师培养初探


junior high school teachers初中教师

1.205junior high school teachers from Guangzhou were observed and tested by means of the SOCB questionnaire and TE scale.文章采用教师组织公民行为与教师教学效能感问卷,对广州市的205名初中教师进行了研究,以探讨学校等级、性别、职称、学历、教龄等背景变量对初中教师组织公民行为、教学效能感的影响,以及教师组织公民行为与教师教学效能感之间的关系。

2.During the new era, the sources ofjunior high school teachers occupational stress fall into five main categories:pupil misbehavior,poor prospects concerning pay,promotion and career development,work overload and time pressure,poor school ethos, as well as the reformation of school.在新的转型时期 ,初中教师的职业压力主要来自于 :学生因素 ,待遇、地位与职业发展 ,工作负荷与时间管理 ,组织氛围与支持系统 ,学校改革。

3.This paper will takejunior high school teachers in Shanghai and Harbin as the object of the study.本文以上海、哈尔滨的初中教师为教师职业压力问题的调查对象,对上海、哈尔滨各3所学校共265位初中教师进行了问卷调查。

3)Middle School Teachers初中教师

1.A Study on Subjective Well-being of Urban and RuralMiddle School Teachers.;城乡初中教师主观幸福感的比较研究

2.Investigation of Liuzhou JuniorMiddle School Teachers Mental Health and the Countermeasures Against It;柳州市初中教师心理健康状况调查及对策研究

3.An Investigation on Subjective Well-being ofMiddle School Teachers;初中教师主观幸福感的调查研究

4)Junior school teachers初中教师

1.The quality of primary school and junior school teachers has much to do with theprogress of the students development and the result of education, even the executionof the strategy of "rejuvenating the nation by science and education" and "reinforcing the nation by talents".本研究在全面检阅已有关于中小学教师职后教育研究文献的基础上,设计了调查问卷和访谈提纲,对武汉市初中教师的在职培训情况进行了实证研究。

2.This paper is mainly about:First, compile the "questionnaire of the professional stress with junior school teachers in western", to analyze the main factors of the teachers stress in western China, according to the questionnaire due to the factors to analyze the result, the stresses of Junior School teacher included: incomes and life, the burthen of work, the requirements of teaching, h.本研究根据问卷和个案访谈进行预备性调查,并从当前我国西部地区的实际出发,重点探讨以下内容:首先,编制“西部初中教师职业压力问卷”,分析形成西部初中教师职业压力的主要影响因素,根据因素分析结果,西部初中教师职业压力包括六个方面:经济生活、工作负荷、教学要求、人际关系、专业发展与社会期望;其次,重点探讨西部初中教师个人背景对每一个职业压力方面的影响,结果表明,教师个人背景和教师职业压力总体并无明显差异,但在职业压力的某些方面差异显著,教师个人背景主要包括:性别、年龄、职称、学历、是否教主科等;最后,根据研究结果提出一些合理化建议。

5)junior teachers初中教师

1.By the random sampling from 251junior teachers in Shanxi province, we find thatjunior teachers should be aware of the discipline value of pedagogy, which is the urgent educational problem we need to solve and the important approach to the development of pedagogy full of practical deposit.通过对山西省251名初中教师进行的随机抽样调查可以看出,让初中教师了解教育学的学科价值是当前迫切需要解决的教育问题,是寻找富有实践底蕴的教育学这一学科发展的有效路径。

2.The result shows that:(1)Junior teachers got higher emotional exhaustion and person.采用改编的教师职业倦怠问卷,对朝阳市初中教师的职业倦怠状况进行调查,结果发现:(1)初中教师情绪衰竭程度偏高,非人性化现象不太严重,个人成就感较高。

6)middle school teacher初中教师

1.To enact "The questionnaire ofmiddle school teachers\" professional development in Yanbian area ", we investigate on the eight counties and cities in Yanbian state including 16 rural secondary schools and five middle school city-a total of 419 teachers condu本研究首先制定《延边地区初中教师专业发展问题研究的调查问卷》对延边州8个县市16所农村中学,5所城市中学,共419名教师进行问卷调查,调查结果应用SPSS14。


