1500字范文 > 审计检查风险 audit detection risk英语短句 例句大全

审计检查风险 audit detection risk英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-13 10:38:36


审计检查风险 audit detection risk英语短句 例句大全

审计检查风险,audit detection risk

1)audit detection risk审计检查风险

2)detection risk检查风险

1.This paper lays the emphasis on the anlaysis of maleriality anddetection risks influence on substantive tests,through the scientifically designing time,nature and scope of it,so as to lower the entire auditing risk into acceptable level.本文着重分析重要性和检查风险这两个主要因素对实质性测试的影响,通过科学设计实质性测试的时间、性质和范围,从而将整个审计风险降低到可接受水平。


1.It can be classified into inherent risk, control risk and detection risk.影响计算机审计的风险因素有固有风险、控制风险、检查风险三类。

2.The Risk Factors Analysis of ICU Patients in Transport during Out Going for Check-up and its CountermeasuresICU患者外出检查风险分析与对策

3.The Credit Risk on-Site Inspection System Design and Implement信贷风险现场检查系统的设计和实现

4.Application of quality risk management (QRM) in drug GMP site inspection质量风险管理在药品GMP现场检查中运用的探讨

5.Conduct HSE check around plant, and find non-conformance with HSE rules and identify potential hazard.每周在工厂内进行安全检查,识别不符合项或者潜在风险。

6.Furthermore, the malpractice of lending institutions was not closely monitored and corrected by supervising government agencies.此外,金融检查机构未能克尽厥职也是道德风险提高的主要原因。

7.The Statistical Investigation of Invasive Alien Species and the Quarantine Pests Risk Analysis in Yunnan Province云南省外来入侵物种调查及检疫性有害生物的风险分析

8.fire company inspection火灾保险公司的检查

9.Check the circuit breaker or fuse box检查断路器或保险丝盒

10.As early as1838, Congress created the Steamboat Inspection Service to check the safety steamboats and reduce the risk of explosions.早在1838年,国会就批准建立了汽船检验局以检查汽船的安全性并减低爆炸的风险。

11.Research on venture capital firm s risk premium of due diligence;风险投资公司尽职调查的风险收益研究

12.Carrying on work safety inspection, find out the hidden dangers threatening work safety and urge the operation departments concerned to eliminate and improve immediately.对作业现场进行检查,辨识那些危及到工作安全的潜在风险,并责成作业部门立即进行整改。

13.Prevention maintenance: A regular inspection, repair and replacement routine designed to reduce the risk of system failure.预防式维修:一个定期检查,修理和例行更换的计划,以减少系统停顿的风险。

14.A blood test that detects the loss of IGF2 imprinting is already being evaluated as a way to predict the risk of colon cancer.」前医界正在评估,有种侦测IGF2铭印降低的血液检查,是否能够当做预测结肠癌风险的方法。

15.So, they"ll be scrutinizing our financial projections with a fine-toothed comb to assess our company"s risk and profit potential?所以他们会仔细地检查我们公司的财务计划,以评估公司承担的风险和盈利的可能性?

16.The Application of Risk-Based Inspection Method for Ethylene Cracking Unit;乙烯装置基于风险的检验(RBI)方法应用

17.An Empirical Test of Credit Risk Diversification Difficulty;“信用风险分散困境理论”的实证检验

18.A Study on the Risks Overflow of Financial Markets Based on Wishart Test;基于Wishart检验的金融市场风险溢出研究


detection risk检查风险

1.This paper lays the emphasis on the anlaysis of maleriality anddetection risks influence on substantive tests,through the scientifically designing time,nature and scope of it,so as to lower the entire auditing risk into acceptable level.本文着重分析重要性和检查风险这两个主要因素对实质性测试的影响,通过科学设计实质性测试的时间、性质和范围,从而将整个审计风险降低到可接受水平。

3)audit risk审计风险

1.Analysis ofaudit risk and influencing factors;审计风险及影响因素的分析

2.Research on Causes ofaudit risk based on audit culture;基于审计文化的审计风险成因探讨

3.The reasons of binging forth theaudit risk and guarding against it;审计风险产生的原因及防范措施

4)Auditing risk审计风险

1.On Internal Auditing Risk and Prevention of Universities;浅议高校内部审计风险及防范

2.The auditing risk control and prevention of registered accountant;注册会计师审计风险控制与防范

3.The formation and precaution of auditing risk of active service public security forces;公安现役部队审计风险成因及防范

5)audit risks审计风险

1.Onaudit risks of university capital construction and their countermeasures;论高校基本建设审计风险与对策

2.Theaudit risks accompany with the whole process of government auditing.政府审计是一项高专业性、高风险性的国家监督工具,审计风险伴随着政府审计权力运行的全过程。

3.Taking strict precautions againstaudit risks is a task to which every auditor must pay attention.防范审计风险是每个审计工作者必须重视的一项工作。

6)auditing risks审计风险

1.Risk-based auditing can reveal the material errors in the statement to avoid the statement risks but not theauditing risks.风险导向审计能够揭示出重大错报从而防范会计报表风险,却不足以有效化解审计风险。

2.Construction projectauditing risks mainly lies in making decision,administration,economy,fi- nance,technology and security,etc.建设工程审计风险主要是决策、管理、经济、财务、技术、安全方面的风险。

3.A complete analysis of the reason ofauditing risks of economical responsibility and their countermeasures can improve the quality of auditing work and ensure the fairness, truth and authority of the auditing report of economical responsibility.从多方面分析经济责任审计风险存在的原因以及防范经济责任审计风险的方式、方法,可以提高审计工作质量,保证经济责任审计报告的公正性、真实性和权威性。


