1500字范文 > 后现代建筑 Post-modern architecture英语短句 例句大全

后现代建筑 Post-modern architecture英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-07 13:25:05


后现代建筑 Post-modern architecture英语短句 例句大全

后现代建筑,Post-modern architecture

1)Post-modern architecture后现代建筑

1.The great upsurge,Post-modern architecture, was risen in western architectural circles in 1970s.该文对后现代建筑在中国出现的背景、原因进行了分析,并对"中国"后现代建筑进行了分类。

2.ThePost-modern architecture lay stress on the relationships between architecture and environment, history, architectural form, and psychological feelings, etc, and break through the modern architecture doctrines of Functionalism and Purism.该文对现代建筑出现的背景、原因以及其历史局限性进行了研究;指出后现代建筑注重了建筑与环境、历史、建筑形式与人的心理感受等的关系,突破了现代建筑"功能主义"和"简洁主义"的教条。

3.This paper studies the origin of the post-modern architecture and interprets its characteristics by the theories of philosophical hermeneutics.论述后现代建筑的形成和特征,引入哲学解释学关于"理解的历史性"和"视界融合"等概念及理论,对后现代建筑的历史文脉性和意义多元性特征进行解读。


1.On Modification and Excess of Western Post-Modern Architecture to Modern Architecture;西方后现代建筑对现代建筑的修正与超越

2.Postmodernism and Contemporary Aesthetics and Psychology in the West当代西方美学、心理学与后现代建筑派

3.The Influence of Postmodern Architectural Theories to Chinese Architectural Design;后现代建筑理论及其对中国建筑设计的影响

4.Post-modern Architecture: The Break Out of Human s Collective Subconsciousness;后现代建筑-人类集体潜意识的爆发

5.The Postmodernism architectures are falling into chaos for the impression of the relativism.后现代建筑因处于相对主义的状态而陷入混乱。

6.Study on Regional Identity of Swedish Modern Architecture Since the end of 19th Century;瑞典19世纪末以后现代建筑地域性特征研究

7.Exploration Use the Contradictory Symbols in Post-modern Architecture;探索后现代建筑设计中矛盾性符号的运用

8.The Meaning and Expression of Metaphor: The Comparison of Jencks and Venturi’s Post-Modern Architecture Theories隐喻的含义和表达——詹克斯和文丘里的后现代建筑理论比较

9.post - modernist trend in architecture后现代主义建筑思潮

10.Modern Architecture and Post-modernism;现代建筑与后现代主义对现代性的疏离

11.Study on the Technology’s Tension about the Changes of Post-modernism in Contemporary Architecture当代建筑“后现代转向”的技术张力研究

12.The Regionalization of Modern Architecture and the Modernization of Regional Architecture;现代建筑地区化 乡土建筑现代化

13.The temple as it looks now, with a northern section and a southern section, was reconstructed at the time of Emperor Kangxi in Qing after the original structure was destroyed in a big fire.庙的现有建筑,为清代康熙年间大火后重建。

14.the post - modern mode of tapering the tops of buildings(bJane Holtz Kay)建筑物顶部渐尖的后现代风格(b简 霍尔茨 凯)

15.On the Cultural and Social Background of Post-modernism Architecture;后现代主义建筑的社会历史文化背景分析

16.Discussion on the compromise expression of urban architectural culture after modern commercial port open浅析近代开埠后城市建筑文化的折衷表现

17.Review and prospect--the thought of modernism and post-modernism architecture;回顾与展望:对现代主义和后现代主义建筑的思考

18.The Research of Regionalism Architecture Based on Modern Architectural Technology;基于现代建筑技术的地域性建筑研究


post-modernism architecture后现代主义建筑

1.Spatial thinking and creative approaches ofpost-modernism architecture;论后现代主义建筑的空间思想与创作手法

2.Differences between modernism architecture andpost-modernism architecture;浅谈现代主义建筑与后现代主义建筑的差异

3.Review and prospect——the thought of modernism andpost-modernism architecture;回顾与展望:对现代主义和后现代主义建筑的思考

3)Movement of post modern architecture后现代建筑运动

4)modern architecture现代建筑

1.Intergration of Reasoning and Emotion Professor Feng Jizhong and the Commencement and Development of Modern Architecture in China;重理而倾情 冯纪忠先生与中国现代建筑思想的滥觞与发展

2.Thought onmodern architecture;关于现代建筑的几点思考

3.Traditional inheritance of Chinesemodern architecture;中国现代建筑的传统继承

5)modern construction现代建筑

1.Discussion on relationships betweenmodern construction and environment;论现代建筑与环境的关系

2.Inheritance and innovation of Japanesemodern construction s development;从日本现代建筑的发展看继承与创新

6)modern building现代建筑

1.The thinking of the role of the building equipment in themodern building;关于建筑设备在现代建筑中地位的思考


