1500字范文 > 铺叙 narration in bold detail英语短句 例句大全

铺叙 narration in bold detail英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-23 07:37:58


铺叙 narration in bold detail英语短句 例句大全

铺叙,narration in bold detail

1)narration in bold detail铺叙


ment on the Narrating Art of Thickheaded Flowers by Tie Ning;温润地铺叙日子和灵魂——评铁凝《笨花》叙事艺术

2.Sylvan historian, who canst thus express呵,田园的史家,你竟能铺叙

3.Impersonally Appraising,poetic reflection--To discuss Shen Congwen"s strategy of writing killing events in his novels客观铺叙,诗性观照——论沈从文小说的杀人叙事策略

4.And this design was thoroughly fulfilled in the wild train of circumstance brought to instance Dupin"s idiosyncrasy铺叙一连串荒唐事情,举例说明杜宾的个性,这个目的完全达到了。

5."Sylvan historian, who canst thus express A flowery tale more sweetly than our rhyme:"呵,田园的史家,你竟能铺叙一个如花的故事,比诗还瑰丽:

6.We present this approach in a pedestrian version.我们用平铺直叙的方式介绍这个方法。

7.Mind and Narrative Strategy in Graham Swift"s The Sweet Shop Owner斯维夫特小说《糖果铺店主》的叙事心理与叙事策略

8.Accomplish Revolution Depiction Foreshadowed by Love --read novel "Jiang Shan";以爱情作铺垫来完成革命叙事——解读小说《江山》

9.Since I am not yet of an age to invent, I must make do with telling a tale.既然我还没到能够创造的年龄,那就只好满足于平铺直叙了。

10.Mardi, which followed hard on its heels, was another matter. Mardi begins straightforwardly.紧跟着出版的《玛地》,却是另一回事。《玛地》开始时平铺直叙。

11.He tried to maintain an ordinary, conversational, descriptive tone.他竭力保持着一种平常谈话般的,平铺直叙的语气。

12.We expected to hear exciting things about his adventures, but he drew it mild and we were disappointed.我们盼望他讲讲那些动人心弦的冒险故事,但他却平铺直叙,使我们很失望。

13.To be or compose the pavement of.铺设用筑路材料铺成

14.confluent culture铺满培养物,铺满培养

15.all-paved branch全铺分支, 全铺锐角交叉

16.There are upper berths, middle berths and lower berths but no compartments.列车员:铺位有上铺、铺和下铺,但是没有包房。

17.Yours is a lower berth, and mine is an upper one.你的铺位是个下铺,我是个上铺。

18.A built-in bed or bunk, as on a ship or a train.舱位,卧铺位卧铺或上下铺位,如船或火车上的


The Narration in Bold Detail of Ci-Poetry论词的铺叙

3)depiction mode of Ci Fu辞赋铺叙模式

4)diachronism and narrativeness历时性与铺叙性

5)sufficient narration and lingering charm"铺叙展衍"与"韵"



