1500字范文 > 天象 astronomical phenomena英语短句 例句大全

天象 astronomical phenomena英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-26 20:17:50


天象 astronomical phenomena英语短句 例句大全

天象,astronomical phenomena

1)astronomical phenomena天象

1.Some previous scholars correlated the six dragons corresponding to the line statements of hexagram Qian ( , the 1st hexagram in the received version of the Zhouyi) toastronomical phenomena.先贤用天象来解释乾卦六龙,但由于未涉及具体的星宿证据,不能断定乾卦爻辞只能来自与苍龙有关的天象。

2.The building up of Changan is a dyhamic process,its planning thoughts betrays not only the use of the Palaces of Qin Dynasty,but model of theastronomical phenomena and the zigzags in both northern and Southern walls reveal the knowledge on the cultural thoughts about"the Big Diper" and "the Southern Dipper.汉长安城的营建是一个动态的过程 ,其城建规划思想不仅有对秦代宫殿的利用问题 ,也有取法天象的模式 ,北墙和南墙的曲折包含了对“北斗”及“南斗”文化思想的认识。


1.From"Fate of Heaven"to"Heaven"--The Prelusion of the Concept"Way of Heaven"in Dongzhou Dynasty由“天命”而“天象”——东周“天道”观念的前奏

2.an astronomical [a meteorological] observatory天文 [气象] 台

3.scales, the symBol of justice;天平,公平的象征;

4.Aren"t you ashamed to come late every day?你天天尺到,象话么?

5.Naval Observatory海军气象天文台海军气象天文台

6.The weatherman predicts showers tomorrow.气象员预测明天有阵雨。

7.The weatherman predicted showers today,气象员预报今天有阵雨,

8.freak of weather天气的种种反常现象

9.Airport Meteorological Office [AMO] [Hong Kong Observatory]机场气象所〔香港天文台〕

10.arctic whiteout北冰洋乳白天空现象

11.The butt of whimsical persecution.异想天开迫害的对象。

12.Yesterday was a real broiler!昨天热得象火炉一般!

13.The weather forecast say it be go to rain today气象员说今天要下雨

14.The weather forecast say it is go to rain today.气象员说今天要下雨。

15.The air held a foretaste of a storm.天气有要括大风的迹象。

16.spaceborne imaging radar航天器载雷达成象系统

17.as innocent as a newborn baby象初生婴儿般天真单纯

18.Snow indicates the coming of winter.雪象征着冬天的来到。


celestial phenomena天象

1.Aiming at acquiring hints for human affairs by studying thecelestial phenomena, the study of the sky in ancient China is essentially astrology,greatly different from modern astronomy.天学的起源带有神话色彩,天学之"天"是以"自然之天"作为表现形态的"神灵之天",天学的功能是通过"天象"去获悉天意,为人事提供本源和本体依据,天学的本质是星占之学,从而与现代天文学相距甚远。

2.If someone wants to investigate the date of the Zhou conquest of Shang on the base ofcelestial phenomena recorded in the documents, he has to eliminate the false and retain the true and then try to find .因为历史上缺少直接记载 ,武王克商之年是历史年代学研究中的一个难题 ;而记述有关伐纣天象和历日的文献 ,多出于后人之手 ,时间跨度很大且互相矛盾。


4)present weather天气现象

1.Also, the method of measuring various elements of thepresent weather by this apparatus is discussed.全面介绍了英国BIRAL公司HSS能见度/天气现象仪的工作原理,设计思路,阐述仪器在降水存在情况下能见度的有效测量,提出了能见度的透射仪等效消光系数的概念,也介绍了仪器对天气现象各要素的测量方法。

5)setting up the capital like the Heaven象天设都

1.The planning concept for Ancient Capital,setting up the capital like the Heaven,stemmed from worship of the Heaven and experienced three periods: worshiping the Heaven,copying the Heaven,and imaging the Heaven.从古人对天的崇拜 ,进而使古代都城规划“象天设都” ,这一理念经历了“崇拜—模仿—拟似”的演进。

6)astronomy and meteorology天文气象

1.Natural tourist resources can be classified into three types:landforms and hydrology,astronomy and meteorology,animals and plants.自然旅游资源大致分为地貌水文、天文气象、动植物三大类 ,它们是宇宙时空中自然形成与客观存在着的地理与生态环境的物质总和。


