1500字范文 > 新装饰观 The new decoration concept英语短句 例句大全

新装饰观 The new decoration concept英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-05 10:51:18


新装饰观 The new decoration concept英语短句 例句大全

新装饰观,The new decoration concept

1)The new decoration concept新装饰观

2)outward finish外观装饰


1.The difference between internal and wtwards decoration of Xiamei and xidi ancient civilian residential housing;下梅古民居与西递古民居内外观装饰的差别

2.On the Realistic Enlightenment of the Decorative Appearance of the Traditional Residence Architecture in Quanzhou略论泉州古厝建筑外观装饰与传承启示

3.ornamental vases装饰花瓶,n.[C]1. 装饰品,2. 观赏植物

4.ivy has had plenty of time to decorate the outsides of the more historic buildings on these campuses.常春藤有的是时间可以装饰这些校园里历史较悠久的建筑物外观。

5.Exterior ornamentation, such as moldings or framework, on a building or vehicle.镶边装饰外部装饰,例如建筑物或汽车外部用嵌线或框架装饰

6.To enhance in appearance by adding decorative touches;embellish.装饰通过添加装饰性的小东西来修饰外表;加以润饰,美化

7.Something that serves as ornamentation, especially a plant grown for its beauty.装饰品作为装饰品的东西,尤指观赏性植物

8.On the Decorating Art in Shape of Buildings建筑装饰之我见——建筑外形式的装饰艺术

9.Corset: Article of clothing worn to shape or constrict the torso.紧身健美装:一种贴身内衣或外部装饰,使体形美观或紧束身躯用的衣物。

10.an outer layer or coating applied to a surface for protection or decoration."装在外面的外层或薄层,为了保护或装饰."

11.We"ve had good cooperation with following interior& exterior decoration companies like: architectural design institute, real estate company, landscape& gardens design company and furniture company.合作过单位有室内外装饰公司,建筑设计院,房地产公司,景观园林设计公司及家具公司等。

12.This sumptuous salon, Built in the 17th century, which is covered with exquisite woodwork and has a marvelous ceiling with decorated beams, contains over 300 portraits going from the first sovereign of the Valois up to Louis XIII of Bourbon.这座修建于17世纪的豪华沙龙,外观是精美的木艺,房顶的椽子也被精心装饰。

13.The quality of external plastering, improvement of initial decorating technology, prevention and cure for project quality"s common failings emphasized here.重点阐述了影响住宅观感质量的外墙粉刷、内初装饰等工艺的改进,以及主要质量通病的防治。

14.any plant grown for its beauty or ornamental value.具有观赏和装饰价值的植物。

15.“Sanli”and Evolution of Ancient Concept on Craft Decoration;“三礼”与古代工艺装饰观念的形成

16.Infiltration of the Religious Ideas in the Chinese Primitive Decoration;中国原始装饰艺术中宗教观念的渗透

17.Evolution of Decorative Languagesand The Design Outlook of Various Times;装饰语言的演变与不同时代的设计观

18.They put up scary decorations outside their houses.他们在屋外放恐怖的装饰品。


outward finish外观装饰

3)advanced decorate新型装饰


5)New Decoration新装饰



新装1.新造。 2.新的服装。
