1500字范文 > 《文艺春秋》 Spring and Autumn of Literature and Art英语短句 例句大全

《文艺春秋》 Spring and Autumn of Literature and Art英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-17 05:26:01


《文艺春秋》 Spring and Autumn of Literature and Art英语短句 例句大全

《文艺春秋》,Spring and Autumn of Literature and Art

1)Spring and Autumn of Literature and Art《文艺春秋》

1.As one of the most popular literary journals in Shanghai,Spring and Autumn of Literature and Art was among the most enduring publications of pure art circulated in the late 1940s in Kuomintang-dominated areas.《文艺春秋》是四十年代中后期在国统区出版的持续时间最长的纯文艺期刊之一,也是当时传播和影响最为深远的上海文学刊物之一。


1.The Research on the Magazine Spring and Autumn of Literature and Art (1944_1949)《文艺春秋》(1944-1949)研究

2.The Similarities Between the Spring and Autumn and the Warring States Period (770-221BC) and Renaissance and Enlightenment;春秋战国与文艺复兴的共同点及其启示

3.The art of words-keeping and narration in the book of Shangshu and The Spring and Autumn Annals;论《尚书》《春秋》的记言叙事艺术

4.Analyzing Dreams by Way of "Lizhi(Ruling by Way of Rites)"--Yanzi s Dream Analysis Art in Yanzi Chunqiu;据礼释梦——《晏子春秋》中晏子的释梦艺术

5.Dietary ideas and cooking techniques advocated in Lushi Chunqiu《吕氏春秋》的饮食主张与烹调技艺

6.Reform of the Written Language in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Flourishing of Literature;春秋时代的“文言”变革与文学繁荣

7.Significance on the Theory of Literature from the Interpretation about The Spring and Autumn Annals from the Visual Angle of the Up-To-Date Writing Classic Study in Han Dynasty;略论汉代今文《春秋》释义的文论意义

8.Interpreting Bronze Inscriptions of the Spring and Autumn Period with Bamboo Slips of the Warring States Perio利用战国竹简文字释读春秋金文一例

9.Role of the Zhouli Rites in Explanation of Spring and Autumn Annuls--After reading Liu Wenqi s Notes and Examples,ChunQiu Zuoshi Zhuan Jiuzhu Shuzheng;释《春秋》必以周礼明之——读刘文淇《春秋左氏传旧注疏证·注例》

10.Research on Prosperity and Destructionof Hua and Geographical Position of Hua in Times Chunqiu;春秋滑国兴灭暨地望考——春秋晋国诗歌创作历史文化背景研究之四

11.The Connotation Diagram and Culture Explanation of Spring Festival Gala Evening (SFGE) and Mid-Autumn Joyful Festival Evening (MJFE);“春晚”和“秋晚”的意义图式与文化阐释

12.Errantry and Charm: The Culture Extension of 《Annuals of the States Wu and Yue》;伉侠与风流:论《吴越春秋》的文化张力

13.The Studies of The Spring and Autumn Annals and Zuo Zhuan from the Perspectives of Historiographic,Literary and Military Studies in the Tang Dynasty;史、文、兵学视野中的唐代春秋左传学

14.The Status of ChiDi’s Gaoluo in Spring and Autumn and Explanation of Gaoluo Spear Inscription;春秋赤狄皋落地望与皋落戈铭文释读

parition of China-Western traditional Lawsuit Culture;《春秋》与《圣经》——中西传统诉讼文化之比较

16.Lu Shi Chun Qiu and the Culture of Huangdi and the August Ones and the Five lords;《吕氏春秋》与黄帝、三皇五帝文化

17.Cultural origins and mechanism of composing The Book of Songs in the Spring and Autumn Period;春秋赋《诗》的文化渊源及其机制原理

18.On the Influence of the Lü Shi Chun Qiu on the Wen Xin Diao Long;简论《吕氏春秋》对《文心雕龙》的影响


Bronze inscriptions of the Spring and Autumn annals春秋金文

1.Bronze inscriptions of the Spring and Autumn annals appeared in the late period of times, compared with bronze inscriptions in the Shang and Zhou Dynasties, those in the Spring and Autumn annals had become more mature both in the character system and vocabulary system.春秋金文處於金文這種出土文獻語料存在歷史時期的中後期,經歷了殷商和西周時期的發展,春秋金文材料無論是從文字系統還是從語言詞彙系統都趨向於成熟,同時,春秋時期作為中國歷史上一個特殊的轉型期,在政治、經濟、文化等多方面都有重大的變化。

3)A Study on the Inscriptions of the Spring and Autumn Period春秋文字研究

4)the Spring and Autumn Period春秋

1.A Study on the Retainer System and Its Duty inthe Spring and Autumn Period;试论春秋时期的家臣职官系统及其职司

2.Changing of Rhetoric Style fromthe Spring and Autumn Period to the Warring States;春秋至战国时期修辞风格的嬗变

5)Chun Qiu《春秋》

1.A Textual Research on Ye Mengde’s Writings aboutChun Qiu;叶梦得《春秋》类著述考论

2.A Brief Discussion on the style ofChun Qiu and its Estimate Manner;《春秋》体例及“一字贬褒”笔法简析

6)Spring and Autumn Period春秋

paring the Military System betweenSpring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period;春秋和战国军事对比略谈


