1500字范文 > 数学方法 mathematical method英语短句 例句大全

数学方法 mathematical method英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-02 03:14:30


数学方法 mathematical method英语短句 例句大全

数学方法,mathematical method

1)mathematical method数学方法

1.Novelmathematical method for calibrating nonlinearity of platinum resistance transducers;一种新的校正铂电阻传感器非线性的数学方法

2.On the application of mathematical thinking andmathematical method in mathematical study;数学学习中数学思想、数学方法的运用

3.This paper introduced amathematical method that can solve the problem of formation contrast successfully.本文介绍了一种数学方法在现场地层对比中的应用,该方法能够很好地解决这个问题。


1.On the application of mathematical thinking and mathematical method in mathematical study;数学学习中数学思想、数学方法的运用

2.Mathematical Methods of Classical Mechanics经典力学中的数学方法

3.Exploration Of Teaching Way Of Practice Of "Middle School Mathematics Methodology;《中学数学方法论》教学实践方法探讨

4.The Function of Mathematics Methodology in Advanced Mathematics Teaching;数学方法论在高等数学教学中的作用

5.Briefly on Mathematic Thinking and Methods in Economics;浅论经济学中的数学思维与数学方法

6.Mathematic Method in Signal Processing信号处理中的数学方法

7.The Role of Mathematical Way in the Respect of Developing The Student s Mathematical Thought;数学方法在发展学生数学思维方面的作用

8.Exploration about the course teaching practice of middle school mathematics methodology;《中学数学方法论》课程教学实践探索

9.Mathematics Thoughtway and the Teaching of Mathematic Way of Thinking in High school;数学思想方法与中学数学思想方法教学

10.On the Infiltration of Maths Thought and Method in Maths Teaching of Junior Middle School;初中数学教学中数学思想方法的渗透

11.On applying mathematical thinking to junior high school math teaching;在初等数学教学中渗透数学思想方法

12.Elementary exploration of the teaching and studying method of college mathematics;高等学校数学的学习方法和教学方法初探

13.The Index of Enrolling New University Students-Fraction Digit Method;大学新生入学录取指数:分位数方法

bining numbers with visual forms: an efficient method of maths teaching;“数”“形”结合是数学教学的有效方法

15.On the Methods of Mathematical Thought in Mathematics Analysis;数学分析课程中的数学思想方法研究

16.Teaching on Mathematics Ideas and Method:the Basic Point of Mathematics Education数学思想方法教育:数学教育的根本点

17.Teaching about Mathematics Idea and Method--the Spirit of Mathematics Teaching in Middle School;数学思想方法的教学——中学数学教学之魂

18.Methods Adopting mathematical analysis and geometrical demonstration.方法使用数学分析与几何论证的方法。


Mathematical methods数学方法

1.The author believes that mathematicalization of social sciences is anecessary development and points out that the perfection of social sciences de-pends on:uccessful application of mathematical methods to them.试用唯物主义数学观,论述社会科学定量研究和定性研究的辩证统一关系,认为社会科学数学化是一个必然的发展过程,提出社会科学完善取决于成功地运用数学方法等观点。

ment the mathematical methods and theories in these courses by the view of whole situation,compare and analysis the special characteristic for studies,state the connects among them,describe simply the feature and the characteristic of these courses.用整体观点对该类课程的基本数学方法和理论进行综合评述和总结,对其学科特征进行比较和分析,阐述他们之间的若干联系,并简要介绍了分析类课程的面貌和特点。

3.The branches of modern ecology are also reclassified based on the degree of utilizing mathematical methods and computer technologies (MC classification method).提出了按数学方法和计算机技术在生态学中的作用对现代生态学分支学科进行分类的MC划分方法,该方法能反映计算植被生态学的学科地位,其分类效果优于景观生态学时空尺度划分方法和应用生态学应用性-基础性划分方法。

3)mathematics method数学方法

1.This paper analyzes the rule of changes in formaldehyde concentration in one cubic meter climate box with the help ofmathematics method.为了能及时判断检测结果是正常或异常,并分析其原因,用数学方法分析并讨论了1 m3气候箱内空气中甲醛浓度的变化规律。

2.The application of severalmathematics methods such as golden section method,parabola method,normal test method and regression analysis test method to rubber formulation design was presented.介绍了几种数学方法在橡胶配方设计中的应用。

3.The writer thinks it is the only green channel for mathematics pedagogy to research mathematics education deeply and widely withmathematics methods.笔者认为只有加大运用数学方法研究数学教育问题的深度和广度,才是构建数学教育学的绿色通道。

4)mathematic method数学方法

1.Systematic description is made of the application ofmathematic method in the spectrophotometric analysis of tungsten.对数学方法在钨分光光度分析中的应用进行了较为系统的论述,并简要地介绍了其测定原理、测试方法及测定的适用范围。

2.This passage appliesmathematic methods to solve some problems in chemistry teaching.运用数学方法探讨解决化学教学中的某些问题,说明化学教学中应重视数学学科的渗透,这对解决化学问题起到事半功倍的效果。

3.It is a new method for solving the special point on the intersecting line bymathematic methods.用数学方法求相贯线的特殊点,是一种新颖的解题方法。

5)Mathematics Methods数学方法

1.This article mainly researches the combination of algorithm ideology, design and analysis of mathematics methods.计算机算法是程序设计的核心部分,数学方法是计算学科中最根本的研究方法。

6)mathematical methodology数学方法论

1.The explore of mathematical educational practice andmathematical methodology;数学教育的实践探索与数学方法论

2.Analyses the application and expression ofmathematical methodology in the contents of the course"higher Algebra,points out the necessity and importance of the principle that embodys ma thematical methodology in the compiling the tea ching material of the course"higher Algebraand its teaching process.分析了《高等代数》课程内容中数学方法论的运用和表现,指出了《高等代数》课程的教材编写和教学过程体现数学方法论原则的必要性和重要性。


