1500字范文 > 元明清时期 the Yuan英语短句 例句大全

元明清时期 the Yuan英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-27 08:59:57


元明清时期 the Yuan英语短句 例句大全

元明清时期,the Yuan

1)the Yuan元明清时期

1.On the Formation and Change of the Dai Written Law inthe Yuan,the Ming and the Qing Dynasty;元明清时期傣族成文法的形成与变迁


1.On the Pattern of “Verb + Object + Complement” in the Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasty;元明清时期的动结式“动+宾+补”式

2.A Historical Account of the Dialogue between Han Culture and Naxi Culture in the Yuan,the Ming and the Qing Dynasty;元明清时期“纳儒”对话的历史轨迹

3.On the Formation and Change of the Dai Written Law in the Yuan,the Ming and the Qing Dynasty;元明清时期傣族成文法的形成与变迁

4.Jining:an Economic City Influenced by the Great Canal During Yuan,Ming and Qing Dynasties;元明清时期运河经济下的城市——济宁

5.The Usage Analysis of the Word "Jia"in the Structure of"~Jia" in the Period of Song,Yuan,Ming and Qing;宋元明清时期“~价”结构中“价”的用法分析

6.On the conflict resolution mechanism of the Dai people in Yuan,Ming and Qing Dynasties浅议元明清时期傣族的纠纷解决机制

7.On the Acceptable Condition of Mo Shang Sang in Yuan,Ming and Qing Dynasties论元明清时期《陌上桑》的接受状况

8.The Construction of Dianchi′s Water Conservancy in Yuan,Ming and Qing Dynasties and the Development of Kunming;元明清时期滇池水利的修建与昆明城的发展

9.About Tang Song Yuan Ming and Qing Dynasties Time Martial Arts Value Orientation Research;关于唐宋元明清时期武术价值取向的研究

10.A Comparative Study of the Tusi System between Northwest and Southwest of China in Yuan. Ming and Qing Dynasty;元明清时期西北与西南土司制度比较研究

11.Tujia Tusi Chieftain Institutions in Lishui Valley during Yuan,Ming and Qing Dynasties;元明清时期澧水流域土家族土司机构考述

12.On Execution of Dispute Resolving of Ethnic Groups in Southwest China in Yuan,Ming and Qing Dynasty;元明清时期西南少数民族纠纷解决执行研究

13.The Conception of Managing Money Affairs and Its Economic Quality in the Family Education in Song,Yuan,Ming,and Qing Dynasties;宋元明清时期家训中的理财思想及其经济性质

14.Transformation of Social Control System at the Basic Level in South China Nationalities in the Yuan,Ming,and Qing Dynasties;元明清时期南方民族基层社会控制制度的变迁

15.The Plagues of Locusts in Heze Distric and Their control during the Period of the Yuan,the Ming and the Qing Dynasty元明清时期山东菏泽地区的蝗灾与治理

16.Ideas of the Water Conservancy Construction in Yuan,Ming and Qing Dynasties in the Northwest China--According to "Talking in Lushui" by XU Zhenming元明清时期西北水利建设思想探微——以徐贞明《潞水客谈》为中心

17.During the Sui and Tang periods (581-907), more examples were available.到元明清时期,“别人”已在口语中取代了“他人”的位置。

18.Study on the Folk Solving Dispute Mechanism Regulated by the State Law in the Periods of the Yuan,Ming and Qing;元明清时期国家法对民间纠纷解决机制的规制研究


Yuan Ming and Qing periods元、明、清历史时期

3)Ming and Qing Dynasties明清时期

1.Causes of Zhang—disease Diminution at Guangxi inMing and Qing Dynasties;明清时期瘴气在广西消减的原因探析

2.Overview of the Study on the Relationship between Buddhism and Journey to the West inMing and Qing Dynasties;明清时期“佛教与《西游记》的关系”研究综述

3.A Study of the Plague of Locusts in Jianghuai of China inMing and Qing Dynasties;明清时期江淮地区的蝗灾探析

4)Ming-Qing Dynasty明清时期

1.The Study on the Social-life s Operating Mechanism of Luo-Zhou in Fujian duringMing-Qing Dynasty;明清时期福建螺洲社会生活运行机制研究

2.The plague system doctors had characteristic experience in treating plague inMing-Qing Dynasty.明清时期的瘟疫学派医家治疫有着独特的经验,他们对瘟疫病因、病机及诊断的认识,形成了独具特色的治疗体系,提出治疫原则和治疫方药,综合了清热祛下、清热解毒、保津养阴等治法,贯穿在瘟疫治疗的始终,为有效控制瘟疫的流行作出了重要贡献。

3.During the Ming-Qing dynasty,it was popular that businessmen emigrated to foreign countries and set to build up their business there.明清时期,商人出现了侨寓化的普遍潮流。

5)Ming and Qing dynasty明清时期

1.The Analysis of Buddhism Temple Economy in Yunnan Minority Areas in Ming and Qing Dynasty;明清时期云南少数民族地区的佛教寺院经济探析

2.On Ming and Qing Dynasty s Ideological Trend of Textual Research;略论明清时期的考据学思潮

3.On the Features of Foreign Trade in Ming and Qing Dynasty;试论明清时期对外贸易的特色

6)The Ming and Qing Dynasties明清时期

1.On the Zhenwu faith of the the Guangdong region in the Ming and Qing Dynasties;略论明清时期广东地区的真武信仰

2.A Study of Cultural Region and Formative Factors in Guangxi During the Ming and Qing Dynasties;试论明清时期广西的文化区域及形成机制

3.Evidence System of Ethnic Groups in Southwest China in the Ming and Qing Dynasties;明清时期西南少数民族地区证据制度研究


