1500字范文 > 节本增收 to reduce the production cost and increase the income英语短句 例句大全

节本增收 to reduce the production cost and increase the income英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-17 04:08:23


节本增收 to reduce the production cost and increase the income英语短句 例句大全

节本增收,to reduce the production cost and increase the income

1)to reduce the production cost and increase the income节本增收

2)Cost save and benefit increase节资增收

3)adding income & saving paying增收节支

1.According to the problems existing in construction unity, the methods which are summerized foradding income & saving paying, decreasing buying cost and improving efficiency on material-management of mining construction unities are the aspects as improving income, saving paying, decreasing material-consumption, and doing well in basic management work etc.概述施工单位物资供应管理、增收节支、降低采购成本。


1.We should conscientiously handle fiscal and taxation work and vigorously increase revenue and cut expenditures.认真做好财税工作。 继续大力增收节支。

2.The Way of Increase Revenues and Cut Expenditures Under the Era of the Meagre Profit;微利时代下的旅行社增收节支的途径

3.Budget management:an efficient approach to revenue-enhancing and expenditure control for coal mining industry;预算管理:煤矿企业增收节支的有效途径

4.Bonus: refers to remuneration payment to workers for extra work and for increasing earnings and practicing economy.奖金:指支付给职工的超额劳动报酬和增收节支的劳动报酬。

5.Financial revenue reversed the situation of low growth, following sustained economic development and the implementation of measures on increasing revenue and reducing expenditure.财政收入伴随着经济的持续增长和增收节支措施的落实,也逐步扭转低速增长局面。

6.We must strengthen the management of public finance, work very hard to increase revenue, reduce expenditures, practice strict economy, combat extravagance and waste, and ensure the efficient use of public funds.要加强财政管理,狠抓增收节支,厉行勤俭节约,反对铺张浪费,提高财政资金使用效益。

7.It will settle the peasants" burdan from the system to implement the countryside"s reform to change fee into tax.增收节支是农村税费改革根本点; 全面实施农村“费改税”方案,从制度上解 决农民负担问题。

8.adjustment measures for balance of payments国际收支的调节手段

9.From saving comes having.节约就是增加收入。

10.All possible revenues must be collected and expenditures cut back wherever possible.收入方面凡应收者都应收足,支出方面凡能节约者都应节约。

11.The microphone you are using does not support gain adjustments.您正在使用的麦克风不支持增益调节。

12.Tax demands are scaled to the income earner"s ability to pay.税收按挣钱人支付能力相应地调节。

13.Cold War and American International Balance of Payments Adjusting Policy (1945-1969);冷战与美国的国际收支调节政策(1945-1969)

14.On the Balance of Payments Deficit Adjustment Policy of Kennedy Administration;肯尼迪政府调节国际收支逆差的政策

15.The per capita disposable income increased by 8.5% in real terms for urban residents.城镇居民人均可支配收入实际增长8.5%。

16.Sustained Income Crowth in Agriculture --Ultimate Aim for Finance to Support Agriculture农业可持续增收——财政支农的终极目标

17.The Study of the Farmers Income Growth and Government Supporting in Hunan;湖南省农民增收与政府支农政策研究

18.An Empirical Study On Agriculture Financial Input Relates to Peasants Income Increase;国家财政支农与农民增收的实证研究


Cost save and benefit increase节资增收

3)adding income & saving paying增收节支

1.According to the problems existing in construction unity, the methods which are summerized foradding income & saving paying, decreasing buying cost and improving efficiency on material-management of mining construction unities are the aspects as improving income, saving paying, decreasing material-consumption, and doing well in basic management work etc.概述施工单位物资供应管理、增收节支、降低采购成本。

4)cost saving and effectiveness increasing节本增效

5)Increasing yield and decreasing cost增产节本

6)saving cost增效节本


