1500字范文 > 肘 elbow英语短句 例句大全

肘 elbow英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-06 06:10:12


肘 elbow英语短句 例句大全



1.Heterotopic ossification of leftelbow after viral meningitis in adult:a case report;成人病毒性脑膜炎并发左肘部异位骨化1例

2.Selective partial neurotomy of musculocutaneous nerve for the treatment ofelbow spasticity due to cerebral palsy;选择性肌皮神经分支部分切断术治疗脑瘫性肘痉挛


1.To furnish or fasten with a toggle.装上肘接或用肘接固定

2.The boards were ten cubits long and one cubit and a half wide.每块长十肘,宽一肘半,

3.Every board is to be ten cubits high and a cubit and a half wide.每块要长十肘,宽一肘半,

4.and the door-opening was ten cubits wide; and the side walls of the door-opening were five cubits on one side and five cubits on the other: and it was forty cubits long and twenty cubits wide.门口宽十肘。门两旁,这边五肘,那边五肘。他量殿长四十肘,宽二十肘。

5."and they are to make an ark of hard wood; two and a half cubits long, and a cubit and a half wide and high."要用皂荚木作一柜,长二肘半,宽一肘半,高一肘半。

6."and he made the table of hard wood, two cubits long, a cubit wide and a cubit and a half high;"他用皂荚木作一张桌子,长二肘,宽一肘,高一肘半,

7."and you are to make a table of the same wood, two cubits long, a cubit wide and a cubit and a half high,"要用皂荚木作一张桌子,长二肘,宽一肘,高一肘半。

8.good: with subjective complaint and EROM from extension 30° to flexion 120°;良:肘关节有主观不适症状,伸肘30°,屈肘120°;

9.fair: with mild complaint and EROM from extension 40° to flexion 90°-120°;可:肘关节有轻微不适症状,伸肘40°,屈肘90°~120°;

10.cubitus valgus肘外翻(前臂内翻)

11.cubitus varas肘内翻(前臂外翻)

12.ankle, knee, elbow, etc joints踝、 膝、肘等关节

13."and the space in front of the rooms, a cubit on this side and a cubit on that side; and the rooms six cubits on this side and six cubits on that."卫房前展出的境界,这边一肘,那边一肘。卫房这边六肘,那边六肘。

14.In front of each alcove was a wall one cubit high, and the alcoves were six cubits square.12卫房前展出的境界,这边一肘,那边一肘。卫房这边六肘,那边六肘。

15."On the north side it was a hundred cubits long and fifty cubits wide,"这圣屋长一百肘,宽五十肘,有向北的门。

16.A device or an apparatus with a toggle joint.肘结机件有肘节的装置或器具

17.He cast two bronze pillars, each eighteen cubits high and twelve cubits around, by line.他制造两根铜柱、根高十八肘、十二肘。

18."and he took the measure of the opening of the doorway, ten cubits wide; and the way down the doorway was thirteen cubits;"他量门口,宽十肘,长十三肘。


li 12肘




1.Applied anatomy of arthroplasty of elbow adoptinganconeus;肘肌肘关节成形术的应用解剖学研究

6)Cubital tunnel肘管

1.Discussion on anatomy and etiology of cubital tunnel syndrome;肘管综合征的解剖和病因学探讨

2.Anatomy and clinical significance of the ulnar nerve and cubital tunnel;尺神经、肘管的解剖学观察及临床意义

3.Outcome and evaluation of anterior subcutaneous transposition of the ulnar nerve for cubital tunnel syndrome;尺神经前移术治疗肘管综合征疗效分析


