1500字范文 > 开放实验教学平台 open lab teaching platform英语短句 例句大全

开放实验教学平台 open lab teaching platform英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-10 01:05:06


开放实验教学平台 open lab teaching platform英语短句 例句大全

开放实验教学平台,open lab teaching platform

1)open lab teaching platform开放实验教学平台


1.Construction and Practice of Open Electrical Lab Teaching Platform电气类开放实验教学平台的建设与实践

2.A Study of the Open Experimental Teaching Platform for Economics and Management Specialty;经济管理类学科开放实验教学平台的研究

3.Reflection on Building Opening Platform for Experiment Teaching in Economics and Management构建开放实验平台 促进经管实验教学

4.A Thought of Constructing an Open-mode Platform for Experimental Taxation Teaching构建开放式税收实验教学平台的思考

5.Implement whole course experimentation teaching on the platform of open-management lab;以开放式实验室为平台,实施全程实验教学

6.The Design and Development of the Platform of Open Experimental Instruction of Vocational College高职开放式实验教学管理平台的设计与开发

7.Practice and Exploration on Building the Opening Experimental Teaching Platform;建立开放式实验教学大平台的实践与探索

8.The Design of an Open Inspecting and Monitoring Integrated Platform for Experiment Teaching;开放式检测监控集成教学实验平台设计

9.Design and Accomplishment of Experiment Tutoring System to Application开放式计算机软件类实验教学平台的构建研究

10.Construction of biochemistry opening experimental platform for the students from life science base基地生物化学开放性实验平台的建设

11.A Study for Designing and Developing of the Open Virtual Lab Platform--Take the Educational Technology Specialty for Example开放式虚拟实验平台的设计与开发研究——以教育技术学专业为例

12.Management for Reform of Lab-based and Web-based Open Nursing Skills Teaching实验室联合网络平台开放式护理技能教学改革的管理

13.The Development of Experimental Education Platform for General Purpose Computer通用计算机课程实验教学平台的开发

14.Constructing Opening Laboratory Platform,Trainnig Practical Talent of Preventive Medicine构建实验室开放平台,培养实用型预防医学人才

15.Making Use of Discipline Resources to Build Open and Three-dimensional Practising Platform利用学科资源,构建开放性、立体化实践教学平台

16.On the Design of the IT Practical Teaching Platform of Open Accounting Education;论开放式会计信息化实践教学平台的设计

17.Construction of Portable Practice Platform in Open Laboratory;开放性实验中便携式实践平台的构建

18.An Approach to Designing Experiment Teaching on the New Creative Credit Platform开展设计性实验教学的创新学分制平台


opening-type experimental platform开放型实验平台

3)opening experimental platform开放性实验平台

1.Construction of biochemistryopening experimental platform for the students from life science base基地生物化学开放性实验平台的建设

4)open experimental teaching开放式实验教学

1.Higher educational colleges should applyopen experimental teaching.原实验教学已不能适应高职技术教育的需要,高职院校应进行开放式实验教学。

2.This paper gave a research on the cultivation of metacognition ability usingopen experimental teaching.开放式实验教学是目前比较新颖的实验教学方式,元认知能力则是自主学习中必备的。

3.Implementingopen experimental teaching is the inevitable trend of laboratory construction and development.实行开放式实验教学,是实验室建设和发展的必然趋势。

5)open experiment teaching开放式实验教学

1.Open experiment teaching is an inevitable tendency of reform of current experiment teaching,but there are some misunderstandings as theopen experiment teaching is developing.开放式实验教学是当前实验教学改革的大势所趋,但也存在着许多教学误区。

2.This thesis tries to exploreopen experiment teaching from three points of view such as its value, its features and its conditions.开放式实验教学是针对传统实验教学的封闭性弊端提出的,它是当前高校实验教学改革的必然趋势。

6)opening experimental teaching开放式实验教学

1.Theopening experimental teaching is an active way to reform traditional testing and verifying experiment,it can help students grasp relevant techniques and achieve innovative thinks and ability.实行开放式实验教学是改革传统的验证性实验教学的有效途径,其目的是让学生在掌握有关知识和技能的同时,获得较高的创新意识和创新能力,本文主要介绍了自己在开放式实验教学研究中所作的尝试情况。

2.This paper analyzed how to develop theopening experimental teaching model which used innovative education as main idea,and presented some proposals based on researching concept ofopening experimental teaching,contents of experimental teaching and management model of education.深入分析了如何开展以创新教育为理念的开放式实验教学模式,通过对开放的实验教学观念、实验教学内容和教学管理模式三方面展开的细致研究,提出了意见和建议。

3.This paper emphasis that laboratory is main platform for training persons with creative ability and express that the main point is the mode of building theopening experimental teaching system.强调了高校实验室是培养创新人才重要平台的作用和地位,并提出了教改的重点是彻底改变"重理论轻实践"的传统教育模式;建立一个开放的实验教学模式;同时也重点阐述了开放式实验教学必须着重抓好的几条具体措施。


