1500字范文 > 网上仲裁 online arbitration英语短句 例句大全

网上仲裁 online arbitration英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-29 03:58:13


网上仲裁 online arbitration英语短句 例句大全

网上仲裁,online arbitration

1)online arbitration网上仲裁

1.Study on Several Legal Issues of Online Arbitration;网上仲裁若干法律问题研究

2.Issues to Put to Order and Resolve on Online Arbitration;网上仲裁问题疏理与解决

3.A Research on the Law Problem of Online Arbitration;网上仲裁的法律问题研究


1.On the Affirmation of Arbitral Situs in Online Arbitration from the Perspective of Private International Law;从国际私法视角看网上仲裁的仲裁地确认问题

2.Restricting Factors and Developing Way of On-line Arbitration推行网上仲裁的制约因素与路径选择

3.Expounding Briefly on E-commerce and Form Essentials of Net Arbitral Agreement;浅论电子商务与网上仲裁协议的形式要件

4.Study on Legal Problems in Online Arbitration;网上国际商事仲裁若干法律问题研究

5.Design and Implementation of Online Marking System of Arbitration Subsystem网上阅卷系统仲裁子系统的设计与实现

6.The Criticism of Arbitrator’s Legal Responsibility仲裁员法律责任之检讨(上)——兼评“枉法仲裁罪”

7.The quorum resource does not contain the quorum log.仲裁资源不含仲裁日志。

8.arbitration award仲裁裁决, 公断书

9.The arbitrative examination and determination by the administrative departments for measurement of the next higher people"s governments shall be final.上一级人民政府计量行政部门进行的仲裁检定为终局仲裁检定。

10.A Study on English Arbitration System;英国仲裁制度研究(上)——兼论我国仲裁制度的发展完善

11.The Application of General Principles of Law to Arbitrability in International Commercial Arbitration;国际商事仲裁中一般法律原则在可仲裁性问题上的适用

12.The arbitrator"s award is set aside on appeal.上诉时仲裁人的裁决被罪于一边或变为无效。

13.If you want to appeal, the Court of Referees will decide.如果你要上诉,可以由仲裁法庭去判决。

14.Evaluation and Optimization of Garfield on-Chip Bus Arbiter;Garfield片上总线仲裁器的评估和设计优化

15.Automatic Generator for Arbiters in Communication on Chip;片上通信中仲裁器宏单元自动生成器

16.On Judicial Supervision on International Sports Arbitration;刍议国际体育仲裁的司法监督问题(上)

parison On Arbitration Systems of Mainland and Macao;内地与澳门仲裁法律制度的比较(上)

18.Study on the Construction of the Icsid"s Arbitration Appellate MechanismICSID仲裁上诉机制的构建研究


place of arbitration in online arbitration网上仲裁地

3)net arbitral agreement网上仲裁协议

commercial arbitration is based uponnet arbitral agreement which, compared with traditional arbitral agreement, features very different form essentials.网上仲裁协议是网上商务仲裁的基础 ,它与传统仲裁协议相比 ,在形式要件上有很大不同。

4)the character of online arbitration网上仲裁的性质

5)International Commercial Arbitration in Cyberspace网上国际商事仲裁

bination of the International Commercial Arbitration and network gives birth toInternational Commercial Arbitration in Cyberspace(online arbitration),which absorbs the formers framework and meets the needs of people,that is the settlement of the disputes would be low-cost and quickly or easily.传统国际商事仲裁制度结合网络信息技术形成了网上国际商事仲裁,在当今电子商务快速发展的今天,网上仲裁满足了当事人希望快速便捷低成本解决纠纷的需要。

6)context mediation上下文仲裁


城域网(见计算机网络)城域网(见计算机网络)metropolitan area network, MANehengyuwQng城域网(metropolitan area netwo次,MAN)分布范围可覆盖几个街区到整个城市的计算机网络。见计算机网络。
