1500字范文 > 伊犁河谷 Yili River Valley英语短句 例句大全

伊犁河谷 Yili River Valley英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-15 09:08:27


伊犁河谷 Yili River Valley英语短句 例句大全

伊犁河谷,Yili River Valley

1)Yili River Valley伊犁河谷

1.Environmental Analysis and Comprehensive Evaluation of Ecotourism Resources inYili River Valley;伊犁河谷生态旅游资源环境分析及评价

2.On Identity of Eco-tourism and Product Design inYili River Valley;伊犁河谷生态旅游形象定位及产品设计

3.In the last few years,the tourism development is quite rapid in Yili river valley,but tourism development gets behind with others areas by a long way.近年来伊犁河谷旅游业虽取得了很大的发展,但与相邻地区相比,差距明显,文章拟通过对伊犁河谷旅游资源的概念性评价和旅游资源整合条件分析,提出旅游整合开发的思路构想,为区域旅游业竞争力的提升和经济一体化的实现有所裨益。


1.Systematic Studies on Trichogrammatidae from Yili Valley Region of Xinjiang;新疆伊犁河谷地区赤眼蜂科分类研究

2.The Ecosystem Health Evaluation of the Agriculture in the North Bank of Yili Valley伊犁河谷北岸农业生态系统健康评价

3.Analyze on Frozen Soil in Yili Valley during 1962-1962-伊犁河谷冻土分析

4.Breeding Process and Current Development Sitation of Brown Cattle of Xinjiang in Yili伊犁河谷新疆褐牛育成简况和发展现状

5.On Identity of Eco-tourism and Product Design in Yili River Valley;伊犁河谷生态旅游形象定位及产品设计

6.Environmental Analysis and Comprehensive Evaluation of Ecotourism Resources in Yili River Valley;伊犁河谷生态旅游资源环境分析及评价


8.Extreme Weather and Climate Change over Yili Valley in Spring and Summer伊犁河谷春夏季极端天气气候的变化分析

9.Control Effect of Different Insecticides with Spraying Crown and Watering Roots on Wolly Apple Aphid in Ili伊犁河谷几种药剂喷雾、灌根防治苹果绵蚜效果

10.Study on the tourism production exploitation in Yili Valley of Xinjiang新疆伊犁河谷地区旅游产品开发的战略研究

11.Integration research on tourism resources in Baicheng,Xinjiang--YiLi Valley as an exampale新疆区域旅游资源整合研究——以伊犁河谷为例

12.Phylogenetic analysis of Borna disease virus in Ili valley,Xinjiang新疆伊犁河谷博尔纳病病毒种系发生学分析

13.Screening and Evaluation for the Flax Varieties in Yili of Xinjiang新疆伊犁河谷亚麻品种(系)的评价与筛选

14.Investigation of Land Use/Land Cover of Ili River Valley Based on RS/GIS基于RS-GIS伊犁河谷土地利用-土地覆盖变化研究

15.Investigation on Legume Plants Resources in the Ili River Valley伊犁河谷地区豆科植物资源的初步研究

16.The Anthelminthic Effect of Three Antiscolics on Sheep in Ili River Valley三种驱虫药物对伊犁河谷地区绵羊驱虫效果试验

17.Study on interspecific association of spring-autumn pasture under enclosure and recovering conditions in Yili River valley伊犁河谷春秋草地围封恢复过程中种间关联性研究

18.Preliminary Study on Different Seeding Rates and Spacing Forms of Spring Soybean in Yili River Valley of Xinjiang新疆伊犁河谷地区春大豆不同播种量、行距配置栽培技术研究初报


Yili Valley伊犁河谷

1.Extreme Weather and Climate Change overYili Valley in Spring and Summer伊犁河谷春夏季极端天气气候的变化分析

2.Study on the tourism production exploitation inYili Valley of Xinjiang新疆伊犁河谷地区旅游产品开发的战略研究

3.Yili Valley of Xinjiang was taken as a sample to sort out regional tourism resources classification.文中以新疆伊犁河谷地区为案例,梳理区域旅游资源类型,在此基础上分析了竞争型旅游资源类型和旅游资源市场竞争力,并以竞争型资源为主要吸引物提出旅游资源的空间区域整合开发方案。

3)Ili River valley伊犁河谷

1.Investigation and Analysis on Cold Damage of Apple in Ili River Valley伊犁河谷苹果冻害调查分析

2.Investigation on Legume Plants Resources in the Ili River Valley伊犁河谷地区豆科植物资源的初步研究

3.The erosion traits of melted- snow were studied during spring from March 3 to March 10,,atIli River valley slope land.采用坡面径流小区试验法,于3月3~10日,对伊犁河谷缓坡地的春季融雪侵蚀特征进行了系统研究。

4)Ili valley伊犁河谷

1.Phylogenetic analysis of Borna disease virus inIli valley,Xinjiang新疆伊犁河谷博尔纳病病毒种系发生学分析

2.Based on interpreting Landsat TM remote sensing images of Ili River Valley from 2000 and ,the article analyze the present situation,dynamic change and its character of LUCC,the result show that the extent of land utilization is low,the land utilization process is on the developing phrase,the variation of LUCC is distinct,and the eco-environment problem is evident increasingly in Ili Valley.解译2000和伊犁河谷的Landsat TM遥感影像,分析和探讨土地利用-土地覆盖现状和动态变化及其特征。

3.The ecological function division determinated ecological system service function and economic development direction of every zone,so laid solid foundation for sustainable development ofIli valley.伊犁河谷生态功能区划以伊犁河谷生态现状和《生态功能区划暂行规程》为依据,采用区域生态环境敏感性、生态系统服务功能重要性以及生态环境特征的相似性和差异性分析和遥感及地理信息系统技术,进行相关资料的数字化处理,利用计算机图形空间叠置法,按生态功能分区的等级体系,把伊犁河谷划分为2个生态亚区,5个生态功能区。

5)the north shore of Yili Valley伊犁河谷北岸

6)Inversion belt伊犁谷地




伊犁河谷--伊犁地区位于我国新疆维吾尔自治区西北角包括伊宁市,(是我国最西部的城市)尼勒克县,新源县、巩留县、特克斯县、昭苏县、察布差尔县、霍城县。伊犁的名于伊犁河,伊犁河是我国为数不多的国际河流,风景优美,植被丰富,被赞为塞外江南,俗称不到新疆不知道中国之大。不到伊犁不知道新疆之美。伊犁河谷是西王母之都,西极天马的故乡,是丝绸之路北线和新亚欧大陆桥的要道,是东西方文化交流荟萃之地及中亚人种的展览馆。新疆伊犁河谷是亚欧大陆干旱地带的一块“湿岛”,土地肥沃,水源充足,草原辽阔,物产丰富,享有“塞外江南”、“苹果之乡”以及“天马故乡”之美誉。伊犁河谷北、东、南三面环山,北面有西北--东南走向的科古琴山、婆罗科努山;南有北东东--南西西走向的哈克他乌山和那拉提山;中部还有乌孙山、阿吾拉勒山等横亘,构成“三山夹两谷”的地貌轮廓。三列山系向东辐合于东部的依连哈比尔尕山汇,使伊犁河谷形成向西开敞的喇叭形谷地,可以大量接受来自大西洋的湿润水汽。因此,伊犁地区降水丰沛,气候湿润,山青水秀,物产富饶,是著名的 “新疆羊”、“伊犁马”的故乡。伊犁现有6个省级自然保护区,其数量约占新疆自然保护区总数的三分之一,这里是开展生态旅游最理想的场所。伊犁自古就是我国多民族栖息之地。先秦时为塞人牧地,西汉初年为大月氏所据;由汉迄晋伊犁地区为著名的乌孙国所在地。乌孙是现代哈萨克族的祖源之一。张骞凿空通西域,汉乌通好,汉公主昭君和解忧相继和亲嫁给乌孙王。隋唐为西突厥及回鹘地;元、明为蒙古诸王封地;明末清初为准噶尔部游牧地,1755年清乾隆平定准噶尔部,统一西域。1762年清廷在此设置“伊犁将军府”作为西域最高军事行政长官,总管天山南北和巴尔喀什湖及帕米尔诸地。历史上,伊犁曾是丝绸之路北新道的必经之地,遗留下大量富有草原文化特色的名胜古迹。伊宁市横亘于伊犁河谷中部,是伊犁哈萨克自治州的首府,也是伊犁河谷的政治、经济、文化、交通中心。全市总面积675.5平方公里,市辖8乡、1镇、1场、8个街道办事处。截止底,辖区总人口43万人,有维吾尔、汉、哈萨克、回、蒙古、锡伯、乌兹别克、俄罗斯等32个民族。
