1500字范文 > 活血祛瘀药 Blood act stasis remove drugs英语短句 例句大全

活血祛瘀药 Blood act stasis remove drugs英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-15 21:50:54


活血祛瘀药 Blood act stasis remove drugs英语短句 例句大全

活血祛瘀药,Blood act stasis remove drugs

1)Blood act stasis remove drugs活血祛瘀药


1.Studies of HPLC Fingerprint Electropherogram of Rhubarb and Rhubarb Stir-fried with Wine s Pharmacological Action Position Which Relates to Activating Blood Circulation to Dissipate Blood Stasis;大黄和酒大黄活血祛瘀药理作用部位的HPLC指纹图谱研究

2.Study on Four Kinds of Drugs for Invigorating Blood Circulation by FTIR Spectrometry4种活血祛瘀类中药的红外光谱研究

3.Huoxue Quyu Drinking Law and Biochemical Control Bleeding after Medical Abortion Bleeding Summary活血祛瘀法及生化止血饮防治药物流产后出血的综述

4.Observing the effects of 12 Chinese herbs for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis on the angiogenesis of chick chorioallantoic membrane观察12种活血祛瘀类中药对鸡胚绒毛尿囊膜新生血管生成的影响

5.Clinical Study in Treating Fallopian Tube Obstruction with Catheter Recanalization and Blood Stasis Removing Drugs导管扩张术和活血祛瘀中药治疗输卵管阻塞的临床研究

parison Research of Uterine Recovery of Rats after Medicine Abortion in the Midtrimester of Pregnancy by Principles of Regulating Liver to Stop Bleeding, Activating Blood to Expel Stasis and Tonifying Qi to Control Bleeding调肝止血法、活血祛瘀法、补气摄血法对中孕大鼠药流后子宫复旧的比较研究

7.A Study of the Anti-hypertension Effect of the Chinese Phlegm-removing Qu Tan Hua Yu Herb Formulae祛痰化瘀中药复方的抗高血压作用研究

8.Therapeutic Evaluation of Huoxue-quyu-jiedu Formula on Treating Blood Stasis Syndrome of Psoriasis Vulgaris;活血祛瘀解毒方治疗寻常型银屑病血瘀证的疗效评价

9.Research and Clinical Observations of the Chronic Pulmonary Heart Disease in Decompensated and Blood Stasis Treated by Huoxue Quyu Law;活血祛瘀法对血瘀证慢性肺源性心脏病代偿期临床疗效观察

10.The Clinical Research of PV by TCM Treatment of Promoting Blood Circulation to Resolve Stasis;活血祛瘀法治疗真性红细胞增多症临床研究

11.TO Discuss the Importance and Necessity of Using the Promoting Blood Flow Method in the Treatment of Diabetic Nephropathy;论活血祛瘀是糖尿病肾病不可缺少的治疗方法

12.The Clinical Observation to Treat Lumbar Disc Herniation of QiZhiXueYu with HuoXueQuTong Decoction and Acupncture and Massage;活血祛痛汤配合针推治疗气滞血瘀腰突症临床疗效观察

13.Clinical Research on Activating Blood Circulation and Dissipate Blood Stasis Method in Treating Patients with Traumatic Subarachnoid Hemorrhage活血祛瘀法治疗外伤性蛛网膜下腔出血的临床研究

14.Studies on the Mechanism of Reversing Vascular Remodeling by Regulating the Function of Liver and Kidney and Removing Sputum and Blood Stasis Therapy and Formula;“调肝肾、祛痰瘀”治法方药逆转SHR血管重构的作用机理研究

15.Experimental Study of Mixing Apoplexia at the Acute Stage with Combination Treatment of Huatanquyuzhixuetang and Western Medicine;化痰祛瘀止血汤联合西药治疗混合性中风急性期实验研究

16.Clinical Study of Quyu Mixture on Treating Early Pregnancy Vaginal Bleeding after Medical Abortion祛瘀合剂治疗早期妊娠药物流产后阴道出血的临床研究

17.Adjustable Effects of Jiedu Quyu Ziyin Recipe on The Apoptosis and Expressions of Caspase2 and Caspase3 of Peripheral-blood Lymphocyte in MRL/lpr Mice解毒祛瘀滋阴药对MRL/1pr小鼠外周血淋巴细胞凋亡及caspase表达的影响

18.Significance Of Hypercoagulation Index In Treatment Of Anaphylactoid Purpura By Huoxue Quyu Decoction活血祛瘀汤治疗过敏性紫癜及高凝指数的观察及意义




4)Blood act stasis remove agents/pharmacol活血祛瘀药/药理学

5)BLOOD ACT STASIS REMOV DRUGS/therapeutic use活血祛瘀药/治疗应用

6)drugs for activating blood circulation to remove blood stasis/ther use活血祛瘀药[剂]/治疗应用


活血祛瘀药活血祛瘀药drugs for promoting blood circulation to remove blood stasis活血祛攘药(dr眼5 for Promotingblood Cireulation to remove blood sta·515)以琉通血脉,促进血行,消散挤血为主要作用的药物。又称行血药或活血化演药。为理血药之一。此类药物性味多辛沮,辛能散挤化滞,沮可通行血脉,促进血行。适用于血行降碍、旗血阻滞所引起的多种病证。如跌扑损伤、寮血肿痛、产后挤滞腹痛、胎衣不下、风寒湿痹、关节疼肿.痈肿疮疡以及疾血阻滞所引起的出血等症。气与血关系密切,气滞可导致血殡,血殡也常兼气滞。故本类药常需与行气药伍用,以增强活血化癖的作用。并须根据疾病的证候,适当选择相应药物配伍。如寒凝气滞致血余,可配沮里药,以退通经脉,祛除寒邪;关节痹痛者,当配祛风很药;痛疽肿痛,当配情热解毒药;出血兼旅血,应与既能止血又能祛殡的药物配伍;正气不足应劝情配补益药。本类药大多具有催产和堕胎作用,孕畜禁用或懊用,以免发生流产。常用药物有红花、挑仁、a.、没药、三按、狡术、郁金、延胡索、川芍、赤芍药、蒲黄、五员脂、益母草、自然铜、土盆虫、丹今、牛膝、穿山甲,以及笼蔚子、土牛膝、南刘寄奴、姜黄、泽兰、水蛙、苏木、月季花、蛇虫、凤仙花、急性子、鸡血膝、鸡屎藤、大血藤、皂刺、卷柏、鬼箭羽、虎杖、了哥王、曹草、薛荔、凌霄花、茅毒、阴行草、肿节风、过山龙、薯蓖等(表)o药名鸡尿膝别名鸡矢膝、抽r加阳曰eriae!女青大血肺eaulis sarg姆n· 大活血、红劳皂祠sPina gleditsiae 皂角刺、天丁、皂针卷柏蚀r加sel娜能卜 lae 还魂草、长生草、回阳草兔,朋ramul璐即.界和 充倩、四彼份虎仗rhi:oma PO Iygo· 川eusPi血ti 斑仗、.汤秆l来源一卷柏科植物卷柏及-一公乡规山如玲的服俪一(B eauv·)SPr·的干姗 全草 出《日华子堵家本草》。卫矛科植物卫矛石初。”,脚usa么加《Thunb.)sieb.的具姗状物枝条或姗 出《名医别习匕。,科植物虎仗凡加口洲苗脚‘脚加由翻用Sieb.etZucc.的干确根茎 出《岭南采药录》。
