1500字范文 > 专项技术训练 special technical training英语短句 例句大全

专项技术训练 special technical training英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-24 08:37:46


专项技术训练 special technical training英语短句 例句大全

专项技术训练,special technical training

1)special technical training专项技术训练


1.Special Technical Trainings of Sprinters in Higher Schools;高校田径短跑运动员的专项技术训练

2.Optimal control of Sanda training process;武术散打专项技术训练过程的优化控制

3.Theory of Matchable Development of ThrowersPhysical and Specific Technical Training Level;投掷运动员身体训练水平与专项技术训练水平匹配发展的理论

4.Optimization Control in the Athletics Special Technical Training Process;田径运动专项技术训练过程的优化控制

5.The Special Technical Training on Teenager Pole-vault Athlete;青少年撑竿跳高运动员的专项技术训练研究

6.Research on Arrangement of Specific Technical Training of Our National Male Athletes of Aerials in Freestyle Skiing;对自由式滑雪空中技巧国家集训队男运动员专项技术训练课研究

7.Research on Arrangement of Specific Technical Training of Our National Female Athletes of Aerials in Freestyle Skiing;对自由式滑雪空中技巧国家集训队女运动员专项技术训练研究

8.Indexes and Monitoring System of Juvenile Girls Shot Putters Physical Quality Training and Specific Technical Training;青少年女子铅球运动员身体素质与专项技术训练指标及监测系统

9.Study on the Content Arrangements of Special Technical Training of the Female Athletes of Freestyle-skiing Aerial in the National Team in China;对我国自由式滑雪空中技巧国家集训队女运动员专项技术训练内容安排的研究

10.a program designed for training in specific skills.训练专门技术的项目。

11.Take-off Technique Characteristics and Special Strength Training of Jump Group;田径跳类项群起跳技术特征与专项力量训练

12.The research of PE major s teaching and training in basketball tactics;体育专业篮球专项课技战术教学与训练刍议

13.Technical characteristics and special strength training of artsport;体育舞蹈的运动技术特征及其专项力量训练

14.Thought on Take-off Technique and Special Strength Training in Long Jump;对跳远起跳技术及专项力量训练方法的思考

15.study on the characteristics and special strength training of "Double dynamical" take-off in high jump;背越式跳高起跳技术特征及专项力量训练原则

16.Psychological Adjustment and Special Technical and Physical Training of Boxers拳击运动员的心理调适及专项技术和体能训练

17.a person who lacks technical training.缺乏专门技术训练的人。

18.The characteristics of the special training of competitive sports and its exercise training analysis;竞技体育专项训练特征及其运动训练学分析


Specialized training专项训练

1.The emphasis of this study lies in the features of physiological load and energy expenditure in specialized training for junior gymnasts.采用测试方法 ,对少儿体操运动员专项训练中的生理负荷和能量消耗特点进行分析。

2.The author makes discussion on how to accord with general colleges and universities amateur sprinters training traits to choose reasonable and effective methods to carry out systematic sprint specialized training and to imrpove effectively athletes performances.就如何根据普通高校业余短跑运动员的训练特点,选择合理有效的方法手段进行系统的短跑专项训练,有效提高运动员的成绩进行了探讨。

3)special training专项训练

1.Practice and Research of Special Training of Aerobics in Order to Improve the General Health Level of the Girls in the Vocational Technical Colleges;健美操专项训练提高职业院校女生体质健康水平的实践与研究

2.Based on the principle of combining general training withspecial training, this article puts forward an idea that, in order to achieve better sports results in the athletic sports training, general training must be linked with thespecial training organically and the former must be in proportion to the latter reasonably.以一般训练与专项训练相结合原则为依据 ,提出了体育运动训练中 ,要想取得好的运动效果 ,就必须把一般训练与专项训练有机地结合起来 ,合理地安排二者之间的比例。

3.Using the methods of literature and experimental research,this study conducted a survey on the impact that badmintonspecial training had on the college students’physical self-esteem condition.采用文献资料及实验研究等方法,对羽毛球专项训练就大学生身体自尊状况的影响进行系统的实验研究。

4)specific training专项训练

1.The article analyzes the variations in the anaerobic power and specific results of male sprint cyclists before and after the differentspecific trainings in two phases.分析两个阶段不同侧重的专项训练前后男子短距离自行车运动员无氧功和专项成绩的变化,探讨不同专项训练对无氧能力的影响,为合理安排训练计划、评价训练效果提供依据。

2.According to the great amount of statistics following a long-term investigation and re- searches on the China’s elite 400m female runners, the paper concludes that the training of 400m female runners should be based on physical training, lay emphasis on psychological training, focus onspecific training and be in line with the results of physiological and biochemical monitoring.通过对我国优秀女子400m跑运动员长期的跟队调研和大量的数据统计结果,总结出以身体素质训练为基础,心理素质训练为重点,专项训练为核心,生理生化监控为依据的训练体系,为我国优秀女子400m跑运动员和教练员在训练中提供参考。

3.By the methods of literature study,questionnaire and interview,the paper analyzes the formation and quantitative characteristics of thespecific training load in the preparations for major archery competitions,the main factors affecting the load and the development trend of thespecific training load of modern archery.通过文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法等研究方法,分析了射箭备战重大比赛期间专项训练负荷的构成及其量度特点;影响专项训练负荷的主要因素;现代射箭专项训练负荷的发展趋势,并初步确定了射箭专项训练负荷量度,尝试对专项训练负荷的定量化评定。

5)special exercise专项训练

1.Indicated the basic concept of theory of sports training,such as earlyspecial exercise,specialization,special exercise,general exercise,and so on.从运动训练学理论和运动实践出发,对早期专项化训练、一般训练与专项训练、专项化训练中存在的一些错误或模糊的认识进行了甄别,对基本概念进行了分析,指出“早期专项化训练”这一概念的内涵,对早期专项化训练的必要性提出建议,供广大体育工作者借鉴。

6)special skill integrated training platform专项技能综合训练平台

1.Development practice ofspecial skill integrated training platform of construction engineering class specialty;建筑工程类专业专项技能综合训练平台开发实践


