1500字范文 > 热点 hot spot英语短句 例句大全

热点 hot spot英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-05 12:16:15


热点 hot spot英语短句 例句大全

热点,hot spot

1)hot spot热点

1.Elaborating about weighing instrument technicalhot spot in China ;中国衡器技术热点综述

2.Preliminary simulation ofhot spot formation for plastic bonded explosives at mesoscale;细观尺度下塑料粘结炸药热点生成的初步模拟

3.Based upon understanding on thehot spot, the five factors influencing thehot spot and the solutions for controlling it were summarized.基于对热点的认识,概述了影响热点的五个因素及其控制方案。


1.Concerning about Chinese Rural Special Education:on the Focused,Heated,Difficult and Ignored Issues关注中国农村特殊教育:重点、热点、难点、盲点

2.We"ll heat some milk for (the) coffee.我们要热点牛奶冲咖啡。

3.We"ll heat some soup for lunch.我们要热点汤午饭时喝。

4.All right, guys, get closer.好了, 伙计们, 亲热点

5.The latest on the hottest destinations for Incentive Travel各旅游热点的最新动态

6.The conversation plunged straight into some burning questions.谈话直接进入热点问题。

7.Hotspot Perspective: It focuses on hot topics and analyses the latest trends of the industry.热点透视:关注热点话题,分析行业最新动态。

8.On Three Central Issues Arising from Inflow of Overseas Hot Money to China;论境外热钱流入我国的三大热点问题

9.hot junction temperature热接点温度(热电偶)

10.Make it very nice and hot.使它热一点,好吃一点。

11.What do you want on it?热狗上你要加点什么呢?

12.Heat the oil in a large heavy pan.在大点的锅里热油。

13.There "s a little water in the thermos.热水瓶里有一点儿水。

14.I hope the heat wave will pass over soon.希望热浪快点过去。

15.It is hot and sunny today.今天天气晴朗,有点热。

16.marked by eager desire.以热切的渴望为特点。

17.The dots turn red as they register heat.温度点变红以标记热度.

18.I feel as if I"m running a fever.我好像有点儿发热。



1.Support vector machine for prediction of meiotic recombinationhotspots and coldspots in Saccharomyces cerevisiae;基于支持向量机的酵母重组热点和冷点的预测(英文)

2.A Discussion on the Influence of Contemporary World Hotspotof National Problems on the World Peace;论当代世界民族问题热点对世界和平的影响


1.The importance of on-line monitoring forhot-spot temperature of transformer winding is introduced and the existing methods for measuring thehot-spot temperature of the transformer winding are compared and analyzed, on the basis of which a new temperature measuring method of sticking FBG (Fiber Bragg Grating) sensors to the surface of transformer winding is proposed.介绍了变压器绕组热点温度在线监测的重要性,对目前测量变压器绕组热点温度的几种测量方法进行了分析和比较,在此基础上提出将光纤光栅温度传感器粘贴在绕组表面进行测温的方法,并得出了具体的实验数据。

2.Based on meso-scalehot-spot model of solid propellant,with application of thermo-viscoelasticity and hydrodynamic finite elements method,be studied the deformation of SRM andhot-spot formation in the grain,and determined the critical impact velocity for propellant ignition.以机械撞击载荷下固体推进剂裂纹摩擦热点细观模型为基础,结合热粘弹理论和动力有限元法,分析计算发动机结构撞击变形及装药内部热点形成,确定产生高温热点撞击临界速度。

4)Hot Spots热点

1.A Solution toHot Spots of Storage System Based on Data Migration;基于迁移的存储系统热点问题处理

2.The Cultural Mirror Images and Academic Marvellous Spectacles ——“Hot Spots” Human Science Studies Perspects of ;文化镜像与学术奇观——度人文学术热点透视

3.Based on these analyze the application prospect of it including, hot spots access, mobile commerce, M2M, military application and so on.在此基础上,对蓝牙网络的应用前景进行研究,具体探讨它在公众热点接入服务、移动商务、机对机通信以及军事等方面的应用。

5)hot point热点

1.Application of fiber optics grating temperature measuring system tohot point temperature monitoring on-line of transformer winding;光纤光栅测温系统在变压器绕组热点温度在线监测中的应用

2.It has also made an analysis of the occurrence of thehot point and temperature jump of the pipe reactor and come up with the instruction on the practical production.通过对管式反应器热稳定性的定性和定量分析,得出管式反应器的热稳定条件,进一步得出管式反应器允许的最大温度差及允许管径,并对管式反应器出现“热点”和飞温现象进行了分析,结论对实际生产具有一定的指导意义。

3.The research on heat elimination of reactor in this process was expounded in details, and comparison was made to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of various methods of solving "hot point" problem which were introduced in former documents.对该工艺中关于反应器散热问题的研究进行了详细论述,对文献中介绍的克服“热点”问题的多种解决方案中的可取和不足之处做了比较。

6)Hot spot ignition热点点火


