1500字范文 > 环境法律制度 environmental legal system英语短句 例句大全

环境法律制度 environmental legal system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-21 06:58:18


环境法律制度 environmental legal system英语短句 例句大全

环境法律制度,environmental legal system

1)environmental legal system环境法律制度

1.In order to follow the objective of sustainable development of WTO and correctly handle the relation between free trade and environmental protection, this paper probes into a series of existing problems of China s presentenvironmental legal systems, studies some relevant environmental laws and judicial cases and puts forward a series of vi.按照WTO可持续发展目标,正确处理贸易发展和环境保护的关系,我国现行若干环境法律制度尚且存在种种问题,需要在研究借鉴发达国家相关环境立法与司法判例的基础上予以完善:改革与建立环境评价中的公众参与制度;改排污费制度为排污征税制度;完善与创新环境民事责任、刑事责任和行政责任制度。

2.So innovative design ofenvironmental legal system with the perspective of circular economy must obey scientific development view,and focus on improving the efficiency of natural resources use significantly and facilitating harmony development between human and the nature.因此,循环经济视野下环境法律制度的创新设计必须以科学发展观为指导,以资源利用效率显著提高,促进人与自然的和谐发展为核心。

3.In this paper, it choosesenvironmental legal system for sustainable building to be the research object, and Jining City of Shandong Province as the example.而法律对环境资源保护有着不可替代的作用,环境法律制度是实现可持续建筑的有力保障。


1.Environmental Legal System Innovation with the perspective of Circular Economy;循环经济视野下的环境法律制度创新


3.Contributions made by the system arrangement of Marine Environment Protection Law to the construction of environmental law system in China《海洋环境保护法》的制度设置对我国环境法律制度建设的贡献

4.From Administrative Environmental Powers to Public Environmental Interests:Conceptual Change of China’s System of Environmental Law从环境行政权力到环境公共利益——中国环境法律制度的理念更新

5.Legal Construction of the Management of the Water_Level_Fluntuating Zone of the Three_Gorge Reservior--Emphasis on the Environmental Law System三峡消落区治理的法律制度构建——以环境法律制度为重心

6.The Study on the Law System of Tourist Environment Administrative Enforcement of in Sichuan;四川旅游环境行政执法法律制度研究

7.Study on the Legal Liability of Environment Impact Assessment System;环境影响评价制度中的法律责任研究

8.Establishing Environmental Liability Insurance Law System in China;论我国环境责任保险法律制度的建立

9.Studies on Systems of Environmental Law of Mineral Cities;矿业城市环境资源问题法律制度研究

10.A Comparative Study of Chinese and Foreign Environmental Impact Assessment of the Legal System;中外环境影响评价法律制度比较研究

11.The Research on China s Construction Environmental Protection Legal System;我国建筑工程环境保护法律制度研究

12.Study on Items of Basic Construction Environmental Effect Appraisal Legal System;建设项目环境影响评价法律制度研究

13.An Analysis of Environment Commonweal Lawsuit System from the Perspective of Law Economics;环境公益诉讼制度的法律经济学分析

14.Study on the Conflicts and Coordination of the Legal Systems of Trademark under CEPA;CEPA环境下商标法律制度的冲突与协调

15.Study on Several Legal Questions about Environmental Labelling System in Our Country;我国环境标志制度若干法律问题研究

16.On Perfection of the Environmental Evaluation Law System of Project Financing;论项目融资环境评价法律制度的完善

17.A Research on the Improvement of Law System of the Public Participation in the Environmental Protection;我国公众参与环境保护法律制度探析

18.On the Develop Ment of Taxation Law of Our Country under the WTO Environment;WTO环境下我国的税收法律制度发展


environmental law system环境法律制度

1.Contributions made by the system arrangement of Marine Environment Protection Law to the construction ofenvironmental law system in China《海洋环境保护法》的制度设置对我国环境法律制度建设的贡献

2.It is significant to strengthen the construction ofenvironmental law systems.建设节约型社会要求进行相关法律变革,加强环境法律制度建设十分必要。

3)mine environmental management legal system矿山环境管理法律制度

4)environment plan law system环境规划法律制度

5)environment protection legal system环境保护法律制度

1.The fact that China has become the formal member of WTO means that principles and rules of WTO must be complied strictly by China and thatenvironment protection legal system should be transformed by Chinese government so that it can be fitted to the demands of principles and rules of WTO.中国成为WTO正式成员的事实意味着WTO的原则和规则在中国必须得到严格的遵守 ,意味着中国必须变革其环境保护法律制度以适应WTO原则和规则的要求。

6)environmental economic legal system环境经济法律制度

1.The policy and legal system for protecting environment and natural resources, promoting sustainable development is an organic whole composed of theenvironmental economic legal system, the measures of “command and control” and the instruments of propaganda and education.由此,本文研究了我国环境经济法律制度的现状及其完善途径。


制度环境和制度安排制度通常被定义为一组行事规则的集合,这些规则与社会、政治和经济活动有关,支配和约束社会各阶层的行为(Schultz,1968;Ruttan,1978;North,1990)。由于人们在考虑问题时,总是把一部分因素作为外生变量或参数给定,另外一部分则作为内生变量或因变量,这些内生变量是由外生变量所导致的,从而是这些外生变量的函数。于是,按照Davis-North( 1971,pp6-7) 的划分方法,根据所要研究的问题,又可以将制度划分成两个范畴:制度环境(institutional environment)和制度安排(institutional arrangement)。制度环境是一系列基本的经济、政治、社会及法律规则的集合,它是制定生产、交换以及分配规则的基础。在这些规则中,支配经济活动、产权和合约权利的基本法则和政策构成了经济制度环境。制度安排是支配经济单位之间可能合作和竞争的规则的集合。制度安排可以理解为人们通常所说的游戏规则,不同的游戏规则导致人们不同的激励反应。尽管从长远看,制度环境和制度安排会互相影响和发生变化,但如Davis-North明确指出的那样,在大多数情况下,人们通常将经济制度环境作为外生变量给定,而经济制度安排(如市场制度安排) 则根据所要研究或讨论的问题,可以看成外生给定也可内生决定。
