1500字范文 > 海湾地区 the gulf region英语短句 例句大全

海湾地区 the gulf region英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-07 19:06:49


海湾地区 the gulf region英语短句 例句大全

海湾地区,the gulf region

1)the gulf region海湾地区

1.Recent development in urban rail transit system planning,construction and operation in the Gulf region,which is rapidly becoming a focal point for the rail industry,is introduced and reviewed in this paper.介绍目前阿拉伯半岛地区如火如荼的城市轨道交通建设,回顾并且分析迪拜、科威特、阿曼、卡塔尔、沙特阿拉伯等一些海湾地区城市和国家轨道交通系统的规划、建设和运营情况。


1.BART System = Bay Area Rapid Transit System海湾地区高速交通系统

2.BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit System)海湾地区快速运输系统

3.Binhai New Area is situated at the center of the Bohai Bay Rim area.滨海新区位于环渤海湾地区的中心位置。

4.Gulf Area UNICEF Representative儿童基金会海湾地区代表

5.Secretariat-General of Health for Arab Countries of Gulf Areas海湾地区阿拉伯国家卫生总秘书处

6.Study on the Ecological Value of Fish Ponds in Deep Bay Area后海湾地区鱼塘生态价值研究

7.The U.S. dispatched to the Gulf about 505,000 men.美国向海湾地区派了50.5万人。

8.The Carter doctrine proclaimed our security interests in the Gulf.卡特主义公开宣布我们在海湾地区的安全利益。

9.Zhuanghai district is located in the south of neritic area in Bohai gulf.桩海地区位于济阳坳陷渤海湾南部极浅海地区。

10.Impacts of the Taiwan and Taiwan Strait earthquakes on China mainland台湾及台湾海峡地震活动对大陆地区的影响


12.The Research on the Development of Harbor Economy in Japanese Three Bays and One Sea Areas;日本三湾一海地区临港经济发展研究

13.The gross analysis of breeding product of Eriocheir sinensis in the area of Haizhouwan;海州湾地区河蟹育苗生产的总量分析

14.Study on Cambrian Lithofacies Palogeography in the Bohai Bay and Its Neighbourhood渤海湾及邻区寒武纪岩相古地理研究

15.Study on Lithofacies Palogeography of Ordovician of Bohai Bay Area渤海湾及邻区奥陶纪岩相古地理研究

16.The Development of the Seaside District of Xinghai and Heishijiao in Dalian大连星海湾与黑石礁滨海路地区规划问题研究

17.Study on Foundation Treatment Technique for Soft Soil of Houhai Gulf Sea Filling Area in Shenzhen深圳后海湾填海区软土地基处理技术研究

18.Black Sea Bo Gulf Area High School in Sea City is Virtuous to Teach the Problem and Counterplan of Management乌海市海勃湾地区中学德育管理的问题与对策


Gulf Region海湾地区

1.The Curriculum Reform Trends inGulf Region and Enlightenment;海湾地区课程改革动态及启示

2.China National Electronics Import and Export Corporation (CEIEC) has also amended its own developing strategy and underlined the business of engineering projects in the Gulf region.中国电子进出口总公司(下简称中电公司)同样对自己的发展战略进行了调整,将开展对海湾地区工程类项目出口业务作为重点工作,并在如何对此类项目进行营销活动进行了有效探索。

3)Bohai Bay area渤海湾地区

1.Structural transfer zones and their hydrocarbon significances inBohai Bay area;渤海湾地区构造变换带及油气意义

4)Haibowan area海勃湾地区

5)the Gulf Coast海湾滨海地区

1.This paper introduces the restoration planning process ofthe Gulf Coast of USA,in which the GIS-based"development suitability analysis"tool and a set of nested maps,and the evaluation of design and planning options at the local le.本文介绍了美国海湾滨海地区(The Gulf Coast)在遭受巨型飓风袭击后进行的可持续灾害恢复规划研究。

6)western watershed of Bohai Bay渤海湾西部地区

1.Three hundreds and two surface soil samples were collected from thewestern watershed of Bohai Bay and measured for residual HCHs and DDTs.分析采自渤海湾西部地区302个表土样品中的HCHs和DDTs含量。


