1500字范文 > 世界共生论 Mutually surviving in the world英语短句 例句大全

世界共生论 Mutually surviving in the world英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-14 18:31:41


世界共生论 Mutually surviving in the world英语短句 例句大全

世界共生论,Mutually surviving in the world

1)Mutually surviving in the world世界共生论

2)theory of life-world生活世界理论

1.Based on Marxist philosophy,the scientific and rationaltheory of life-world which in itself contains the both dimensions: "to explain the world" and "to change the world",and from them,we should find the two basic special characters of the life-world,that is,the life-world is not only a living organism to generate its own life but also is a product of its own people to create.奠基于马克思主义哲学之上的科学、合理的生活世界理论,本身蕴含着"解释世界"和"改变世界"的两个维度,而以它们为视角考察生活世界,必然会发现生活世界呈现出两个基本的特殊品质,即生活世界既是自身生成着的有机体,同时又是人创造自身生活的产物。


1.The Revelation of Husell’s Domain of Life to Student Outlook;胡塞尔生活世界理论对学生观的启示

2.Ideological and Political Education to the Regression of Life World --From the Life World of Husserl;论思想政治教育向生活世界的回归——从胡塞尔生活世界理论谈起

3.Home of communication the study of habermas life-world theory;交往的家园——论哈贝马斯的生活世界理论

4.Corruption and combination of money and power in the perspective of the theory of life-world;从生活世界理论的视角看钱权结合与腐败

5.Research on University Moral Education Using Returning Life-World Theory回归生活世界理论视野下的高校德育研究

6.Scientific Cognition and Aesthetic Creation: Two Fundamental Dimensions of the Theory of Life-World科学认知与审美创造:生活世界理论的两个根本维度

7.Husserl s Theory of Life-world and its Significance;胡塞尔的“生活世界”理论及其意义

8.Musical Education in the Theoretical Horizon of "Life World"“生活世界”理论视野中的音乐教育

9.Dialogue between Philosophy of Life of Karl Marx and Theory of "The World of Life;马克思的生活哲学与“生活世界”理论的对话

10."Life world" and Real Life: Anti- oppresses in Two Kinds of Lives--Reconsidering Habermas Theory of Communication;“生活世界”与现实生活:两种生活的抗拮——论哈贝马斯的交往行为理论

11.On the Critical Theory of Habermas Colonization of "Life World";哈贝马斯的“生活世界”殖民化批判理论探析

12.Critical Theory on Daily Life and the Way of Grasping the World--A Commentary on Cultural Philosophy of Returning to Daily Life by Yi Junqing;日常生活批判理论与掌握世界的方式——从衣俊卿“回归生活世界的文化哲学”说起

13.On Meaningful World of Life --Theory of Existence Wisdom(Ⅱ);论生活的意义世界——生存智慧说之二

14.Ambivalence in Discourse of “life\|world”and Consciousness of survival Theory;生活世界话语的困限与生存论的自觉

15.The government shoulders ethic obligation, she has to induct and maintain the rationalization of the living world.政府在生活世界中引导和维护生活世界的合理化,肩负着伦理责任;

16.On Chinese Teaching Reform in Terms of Life World;试论生活世界视野下的语文教学改革

17.The Article of the Life--Trying to Discuss Zhou Zuoren s Inside World;生活的本文——试论周作人的内面世界

18.On the Natural Concept in the Perspective of Marx s Life-world;论马克思生活世界视域中的自然概念


theory of life-world生活世界理论

1.Based on Marxist philosophy,the scientific and rationaltheory of life-world which in itself contains the both dimensions: "to explain the world" and "to change the world",and from them,we should find the two basic special characters of the life-world,that is,the life-world is not only a living organism to generate its own life but also is a product of its own people to create.奠基于马克思主义哲学之上的科学、合理的生活世界理论,本身蕴含着"解释世界"和"改变世界"的两个维度,而以它们为视角考察生活世界,必然会发现生活世界呈现出两个基本的特殊品质,即生活世界既是自身生成着的有机体,同时又是人创造自身生活的产物。

3)com-mon world共相世界

4)theory of the world世界理论

5)theoretical world理论世界

6)On the Worlds世界论

1.From traditional(Ping-dian) School to New Red-ology,many scholars express theirOn the Worlds.两个世界论、三个世界论、多个世界论可作为其典型代表。


